UKRAINE FASCISM AS IT IS film by Andrey Karaulov (VIDEO)

TGP Superstation & PravdaTV

Those—especially in America—who thought fascism had been buried with Hitler are in for a big surprise. Fascism never died and is in fact popping up all over Europe, chiefly thanks to the disastrous policies pursued by most capitalist regimes and their American sponsor.  The most notorious cases of a fascist revival are so far confined to Greece and the Ukraine. This program presents the views of Eastern Ukrainians and Russians exposing the brutal measures employed by Kyev to subjugate the protests and rebellions sparked by their own illegitimate actions.

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Olympus Has Fallen (II)

Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

Black Mountain Analysis

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Olympus Has Fallen
Chapter two


Less than a year ago, I released the article “Olympus Has Fallen.” At the time, Artemovsk (Bakhmut) fell to the Russian Army. It was a significant event, and another such significant event has occurred. Avdeevka has fallen to the Russian Army as well. It is a reason to write chapter two of “Olympus Has Fallen.”

Not only did Avdeevka fall to the Russian army, but there were a lot of other very interesting events taking place, such as the death of Aleksey Navalny and the activation of the Zaporizhzhia front line by the Russians. Let’s go through them.


Before we start, I recommend that you read the following articles before you continue reading:


The situation that developed in Avdeevka shocked me. There are several reasons for this. Readers of BMA know the following: Russia can take any frontline town when it wants within a very short period of time. We learned that from several of my former military articles, so I won’t go into too much detail. What is important here is that Russia is usually driven not by the calendar but by milestones. When milestone X is achieved, operation Y can start in order to achieve Z. And operation Y lasts as long as needed to achieve Z.

This applies to almost all operations within the ongoing war. The reason behind this is to preserve the lives of their own soldiers and to encourage the enemy to defend areas that are undefendable or to assault positions that are impossible to take with Ukraine’s current capabilities. The result is the depletion of Ukrainian manpower and the development of positions favorable to the Russian army and extremely unfavorable to the Ukrainian army.

So far, nothing new.

Three weeks ago, Russia suddenly started something very interesting. A real operational combined-arms assault to take Avdeevka in short order.

I think this was the first perfectly coordinated combined-arms offensive approach in this war so far. Perfectly orchestrated and coordinated between the Army, Artillery, Air Force, and Special Forces.

Of course, this would not have been possible if Russia hadn’t breached the main defenses of Avdeevka weeks before and gained a foothold within the town. So, I think we had perhaps several trigger points that a) enabled and b) triggered the final assault on Avdeevka. Let’s go through them:

  • Breach of enemy main defensive lines several days and weeks before. For example, at Tsarska Okhota.

  • Appearance of Azov (3rd (Nazi) Assault Brigade), and a unique opportunity to kill most of them.

  • Munich Security (Beggars) Conference, taking place simultaneously.

  • The imperialists in the US struggle to approve $60 billion for Ukraine.

  • Destruction of the assigned reserves in Selidovo several days before the final storm. In this village, Russia destroyed between several hundred to two thousand (depending on the source) Azov Nazis, who were staged there to rotate into Avdeevka. All were destroyed with a triple tap operation, which lasted 2-3 hours and involved continuous hits by Iskander missiles and MLRS rockets, both with cluster warheads. It was clear to Russian intelligence that the Nazis (Azov) were staged and crowded at this place, and therefore the perfect opportunity to kill them all without the need to take prisoners. That’s why Russia made sure that the wounded could not be evacuated until they were dead. As far as I know, some of them survived. And every Nazi will get enough opportunities to go to hell and meet Hitler and Bandera there soon enough. (I’m not referring to the regular Ukrainian army here).

Perfect conditions for the final push, indeed. No reinforcements were possible, defenses were breached, and Azov was trapped within a semi-cauldron. Don’t forget that it decreased the probability that Ukraine will be able to acquire additional funds and weapons very quickly after this unexpected debacle.

What does all that mean? It means that the calendar played an important role in this particular battle, which is interesting.

In our Black Mountain Talks show, we interviewed Scott Ritter. Without going into details, he indicated that he has firsthand information that “something” will develop by May. The Russians want to collapse Ukraine this year, and whatever it is, it will apparently start in May. Since he recently was in Russia and also visited Russia’s new (old???) territories and talked to high-ranking military officers, I assume that there is “something” in preparation. I don’t want to speculate here because it wouldn’t make sense to speculate into the blue. But you can watch the interview here:


Eventually, Ukraine got a new Commander of its Armed Forces. Zaluzhny is gone, and Syrskyi (which translates into “from cheese”) took over. A Soviet and Russian General has been serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine for a long time. He is known for a lot of catastrophic defeats, with tens or even hundreds of thousands of dead Ukrainians. Which is why he has the nice title “Butcher.” There are some “Butchers” around who butchered their enemies. Not this one. He butchers his own soldiers with suicide missions.

Moreover, he was the one who commanded Azov to its death, crowded in two places for perfect strikes on them. As many people already assumed, I would also assume that it was a move to get rid of as many Nazis as possible because they were a threat to Kiev politicians who don’t follow their ideas or wishes. And who controls the Nazis? Well, Zaluzhny had a good connection with them, and the West controls both the Nazis and Zaluzhny.

Let me put it this way: some interesting developments must be observed before we can reach any conclusions.

There are now more and more reports, which I can’t verify, that the war in Ukraine might actually be in its final stages. Of course, there is Scott Ritter's report about something looming in May. But above that, there are also more rumors that Washington might be eager to end all of this before the hot phase of the presidential elections this year. I wrote about that almost a year ago in “Olympus Has Fallen: Chapter One.” Here is the passage:

Is that possible? It is possible! Is it likely? Is it Syrskyi’s task to get rid of the remaining Ukrainian “patriots” and Nazis to then be able to surrender Ukraine without these guys around which would force the rest of the country to fight until the last Ukrainian?

I do not know. We need to observe the situation a little longer. All indications show that all fronts are crumbling and the final collapse is near. So, it is one possible scenario out of many other equally or even more likely ones.

What was very interesting was the welcome gift by the Russians for Syrskyi. Several brigades were destroyed in and around Avdeevka several days after he took over. I think that it contributes further to the problems in Kyiv between the political and military elites. It could contribute further to the final collapse from within.


Navalny died in a Russian prison. Only several days after a video had been released where he was fit and reported about his health etc. This leads us to the conclusion that he is not being tortured like Julian Assange in the Western prison. He was doing well. And then he suddenly died because of a blood clot? Caused by a Western Corona vaccine?

To be honest, I have no idea what happened, and I cannot know it, but I refuse to believe solely in this one scenario. Let me explain my thoughts on this.

First: Very few prisoners die in prison—almost none. Now we have a VIP prisoner whom the whole West watches, just waiting for him to die to make use of his death. And then he dies… really? I’m not motivated enough to find the actual number of average prisoner deaths and calculate the probability that a) a prisoner dies and b) a VIP prisoner dies. I would assume that the probability is so low that it is more likely to go to Vegas, gamble, and win several million at the first game. Maybe Navalny should not have chosen to be a CIA prostitute but rather go to Vegas during his time in the USA. Too late.

Even though it is highly unlikely, I still won’t rule this scenario out.

Corona vaccine? Well, I assume that’s some world-class trolling here Even IF it actually is the case.

But what happened then? Again, I don’t know, but here are some thoughts.

How could you kill a prisoner?

  • You could infiltrate the prison with an agent who would kill him somehow. Extremely unlikely James Bond / Prison Break stuff. It is not impossible but unlikely, because it would be far too expensive for a zero-value target. Navalny.

  • You could manage that a visitor (Wife/Lawyer/Prosecutor/etc.) smuggles some substance in and make him with his own agreement (he’s done anyway) to take it to die and thereby trigger the wanted shitstorm by the West. Maybe… But also unlikely because all visitors are registered and would be found pretty quickly after an abduction. No one wants this.

  • A prison ward/employee killed/poisoned him. Because Russia wanted him dead? Nope, him rotting in some of the worst prisons is a far better deterrence against other traitors than his quick death. Because the West wanted to kill him? They could potentially have bribed or blackmailed a warden outside of the prison to smuggle in a substance that would cause the described condition. (This scenario is my favorite for the time being).

  • Prisoner inmates could have killed him. The worst thing you can do in Russia is to betray Russia. Navalny is one of the biggest Russian traitors. BTW: What is Skripal doing? Such traitors could easily be “unplanned” killed in prison by other prisoners. Russian prisoners are mostly patriots.

  • Blood clot because of his numerous vaccines? Possible. My research showed that he apparently was a drug addict, a vaccine (???) addict, and he was imprisoned in a very cold region. If he was forced to work in the cold (digging snow), thrombosis could also be triggered after this massive injection of the Western (???) vaccines.

We will never know what happened, but we have gone through several possible scenarios. In case someone triggered his death, the question would be, who? Let’s go through this question (qui Bono):

  • Russia:

    As already described, Navalny’s slow decay in prison would be far more beneficial to Russia in deterring further traitors than simply killing him. Most likely, he was lucky to die quickly. At least he would have been treated like a human in Russia. Which Western political prisoners like Assange can’t say…

  • The West:

    Very likely, because he lost all his relevance. A) He is in prison and will never ever be able to prostitute himself for the West in public. B) His imprisonment can’t be used any longer to trigger a public uprising because the Russian society is so consolidated through the NATO war against Russia (incl. Ukraine) that even his imprisonment is worthless. C) The only use for the West is his death. And it is also only of use for one event. Most likely to either support the American vote for the $60bn or to be used by German politicians as a justification to approve the shipment of the Taurus missiles to Ukraine. That is the value of his life.

  • The Grim Reaper:

    Yes, his time could have simply been over. If it is true that he received four or more vaccinations and then worked in a cold and heavy environment, thrombosis is also likely, according to my research.


Right after the fall of Avdeevka, we received reports that Russia activated its southern front in Zaporozhye. During Ukraine’s “counter” offensive in 2023, it managed to capture two big villages right at the front line of the Russian defenses. They paid with some 100.000 dead soldiers for this. Not only on this front but most of the casualties were suffered there. We are talking about Rabotino and Verbovoje.

In fact, Russia assembled large troop concentrations in this area. Larger than those that took Avdeevka. And they started to storm the first lines of Ukrainian defenses around these villages. What does it mean?

Does it mean that we might experience a larger breaching operation to exploit the strategic defeat of the Ukrainians of several brigades in Avdeevka? Maybe. Maybe it is the right time/milestone to trigger this event. Maybe not? We will see. The point is that this area is heavily mined and fortified by other means. The accumulated Russian divisions, which are a huge striking force, are still insufficient to roll up the front without full CAS (Close Air Support). They could, but they would suffer considerable casualties, which is unacceptable. The Air Force could support with glide bombs, but there are by far not enough kits available for enough glide bombs each day to support a breaching operation on a frontline of approximately 100 miles.

Theaters of War

In the second referenced article under resources I defined the five theatres of war for applying pressure on Ukrainian resources until Ukraine collapses as a country. I won’t repeat these five theatres here, so it is better if you re-read the article if you missed it. The point is that I wrote that article a year ago, and we are almost on the same front lines as one year ago with little differences.

Why is this important? It underlines my assumption that Ukraine will be defeated in the Donbas and the rest will fall because no one will be alive or willing to defend it after the fall of the Donbas.

Again, why is it important? It is important because the frontlines are almost the same, but Ukraine has 200.000 additional dead and 200.000 additional heavily wounded soldiers who won’t be able to return to the fight. Russia’s army suffered some 15.000 – 20.000 (which is still incredibly high) dead during this time, but the army grew by several hundreds of thousands of soldiers.

And all willing Ukrainians are already dead or in the army and in the process of dying. Almost every Ukrainian who is now mobilized is kidnapped off the streets. You can’t train these people. They would kill their own on the training field. What you can’t do is transport them by force to Western countries and train them there by force. They are only recruited to fulfill the scorched-earth policy of the West, to achieve as many dead Ukrainians until Ukraine goes back to Russia to put a strain on Russia and reduce its competitiveness on world markets. Why? Because the macroeconomic impact on Russia to rebuild Ukraine and to somehow take care of millions of wounded, widows, orphans, old people, resistance fighter etc. is significant.

Storming a town

To be clear, I’m not from the military. Nevertheless, I know a lot of people personally who have served. Considering the interest of many people about how villages or towns are usually taken, I’ve decided to write what I’ve learned from people who were intensively involved in assault operations.

As we all know from Carl von Clausewitz: “War is a continuation of politics by other means.”

What does it have to do with storming a town? A lot. There are many ways to capture a town held by the enemy, like siege, destruction, invasion, political pressure, etc.

The chosen method is determined by the available means and political objectives. This leads us back to Clausewitz’s quote.

I will use a fictional scenario. Nevertheless, this scenario is derived from actual operations of which my acquaintances fully know because they participated in them.

Let’s assume that the political leadership set a goal to capture a given area by date X for a reason Y. In other words, we are under heavy time pressure. Why? For example, we want to defeat the enemy before NATO manages to rearm, retrain, and reinforce them with mercenaries *wink wink*.

It means there is no time for trench or attrition warfare or sieges. It needs to go fast, very fast. And fast means cruel in this regard. Nothing I’m going to write is against the law of war.

In the first months or the first year of a war, there is more or less total carnage on both sides. People are not used to war, and many nationalists on both sides try to inflict maximum pain on the enemy through, for example, volunteer battalions. During this time, most atrocities taking place are NOT legal. I’m not going to go into them. Just look at what the Ukrainians are doing to Russian civilians and POWs to understand what I mean.

Usually there is communication at the commander level of the responsible formations of the defender and the attacker. And usually, they try to negotiate the evacuation of the civilians out of the town or even the surrender of the town by one or the other side. Again, at the beginning of a war all are concrete heads and agreements are not reached. Later this changes. It is possible to agree to the evacuation of civilians in advance, but the problem is WHICH civilians are in the town—the civilians of the attacker or the defender. The defender is far more eager to evacuate his own civilians than those of the attacker.

And here is where the problems begin…

If the civilians are evacuated, “everything is fine.” If they are not evacuated, you need time to free this town without huge civilian casualties. See the SMO, where Russia is sparing civilians. In political circumstances, things become ugly when a given objective needs to be fulfilled by time X.

Usually, a quick storming operation of a town goes down in four phases:

  1. Intensive artillery and aerial (bombing) preparation. Everything of military value is destroyed. And approaches to the town as well, through which supplies could be delivered. Usually, this means that all buildings within the towns are at least damaged or, more likely, destroyed. At the end of the preparation, approaches are being prepared by artillery or engineering means to clear certain roads through the town from mines.

  2. Infantry detachments enter the demined approaches to reach pre-determined positions quickly. After securing certain areas, mechanized units follow. There is no door-kicking or clearing of buildings if not necessary. This continues until the assault detachments reach predetermined blocking posts (approaches for enemy reinforcements/supplies). At this point, usually, one declares that a town has been fully taken and that the “mopping up operation” can start, which takes several days. Step two is completed before step three starts, depending on the town's size. If the town is bigger, then steps 2, 3, and 4 proceed in parallel.

  3. Usually, through actions during steps 1 and 2, there is a “secured” path through the town for reinforcements, and the assault detachments, both infantry and mechanized, continue to the next town. The logistics and supply chain troops use this secured path to follow the assault detachments. They must be reinforced and provided with food, ammunition, and weapons. Moreover, the dead, wounded, and POWs (highly unlikely in such operations) on the way are collected and organized.

  4. The town is still not secured. It is highly likely that enemy soldiers are still hiding in some buildings or basements. Now, the pioneers and other assault units are clearing the remaining buildings, looking for civilians and hiding enemy soldiers. If an enemy is found and does not surrender, the building usually collapses over him if he can’t be reached with a simple grenade. This is the most awful job, to “mop up” a town after an assault. Usually, you are walking over mountains of dead bodies, both friendly and enemy soldiers and civilians. Since there is no time or possibility to storm each building during an assault, if in doubt, every building gets destroyed, including everyone inside. There is no other way to protect the storming assault detachments. If one wanted to storm every house on a 300-mile strip, one would need years and would sustain horrendous casualties in the assault troops.

These assault units are usually highly focused people. They have a pre-determined way/road through the town, which they go very quickly since this road has been prepared by artillery and other means in advance to clear it. The goal is to cut off the town ASAP from outside supply. The mopping up, again, is being conducted by other units.

These “other units” are often the ones with heavy psychological issues after the war, especially because of everything they see, what the artillery and the storm units leave behind. Still, the storm units are those with the highest casualty rates. Obviously.

It is important to understand that I outlined an ideal storming operation. Of course, things don’t always work ideally. In fact, there can be many setbacks and retreats. Whole storming units can be ambushed and annihilated within seconds. And so on.

Moreover, such an operation can last one day or several weeks/months in which case the abovementioned steps can be done in parallel and follow the progress of the assault teams.

I want to highlight here that it isn’t necessarily the case within the SMO. Russians have other political objectives and doctrines than the people I talked to. Moreover, the above was the description of one specific scenario. Of course in real combat situations, there are a number of diverting or special situations where the local commanders choose different approaches.

Still, I think that parallels to the last days of Avdeevka are evident, so I have chosen to describe it.

I want to highlight especially the human part of such operations:

-        The situation of the civilians.

-        The special focus (survival) of the assault detachments.

-        The incredible experiences that the “cleaning” teams are experiencing when going through the left-behind buildings and basements. They are suffering from heavy psychological issues.

Again, I also want to highlight the SMO's emphasis on sparing their own soldiers and civilians by NOT proceeding like I just described. Still, the Russians have different technological means to deal with such situations.


What is especially interesting these days is that more information is appearing about “Ukrainian resistance” fighters in the Ukrainian hinterland. I want to highlight one case. On February 2nd in Lviv, there was a raid by a “resistance” group into an industrial factory that produced a huge number of drones for the military. This group managed to burn this factory to the ground and kill all guards.

This is very interesting.

Why didn’t it happen earlier?

The Ukrainian Army has been very mobile for some time, especially with the availability of huge transport helicopters like the Mi-8. If an ambush or a raid takes place somewhere, the Ukrainian army can react quickly. To set up a search perimeter, find and eliminate the cells. With the collapse of the Ukrainian army and state in full swing, these capabilities are no longer in place to such a degree to deter such actions. Remember, “Everything to the front and for the front!”

Who carried out the raid?

-        I doubt that we are talking about Russian operatives here. Their capturing or killing is not worth a factory. To train such special forces is far more expensive and valuable than such objects.

-        Most likely, we are talking about actual resistance groups of Russian patriots (unlike the artificial “Ukrainians”), who are trained, equipped, and organized by Russian services, and who work behind enemy lines in secret. The Russians would never participate in such actions, only train and organize the partisans.

I expect far more such attacks to happen over time. Maybe even on “recruitment officers” and “recruitment offices” to collapse the mass disposal of the Ukrainian (Russian!) people. In fact, I’m sure such attacks have happened already but are kept in secret. But the burning of a huge factory was not possible to hide.

Weapons and Ammunition

A lot of what is currently going on in Ukraine is connected to persuading the West to supply more weapons and ammunition to Ukraine. For example, there is the attempt to hold Avdeevka by all means, which has failed.

The question is, would it change anything if the West would supply Ukraine with everything in abundance? This is a difficult question. But in its current state, it would not change a lot. And here is why:

  • Most of the professional Ukrainian officers are dead or wounded. Using sophisticated equipment as it is meant to be used requires a very well-trained, disciplined, and EXPERIENCED leadership. The few remaining officers are being held in the rear. This further diminishes the Ukrainian army's ability to use Western equipment efficiently. I think you get the point. Everyone can perhaps set up an artillery cannon and fire random shots here and there. This is not the point. The point is to use the artillery within a higher framework of defensive or offensive operations in a way that won’t be detected by the enemy and destroyed by counter-battery fire.

  • Most highly motivated Ukrainian soldiers are already dead. You can’t expect good performance, even with good leadership, from people who have been kidnapped off the streets.

  • The supply chain in the rear is also under stress due to ever-increasing Russian strikes in the rear. Warehouses full of ammunition or equipment are being destroyed and will never see the front lines.

  • Russian capabilities, leadership, motivated soldiers, training, hardware, and technology are increasing daily.

  • With the remaining resources, Ukraine is now forced to fight at places where Russia chooses through escalation. Since very few artillery pieces, operators, and commanders are left, they must concentrate them in places of Russia’s choosing. Which will decimate them further.

I expect “Ukraine” will be supplied with Taurus missiles and maybe even some fighter jets. Maybe. And ATACMS rockets as well. These are respectable weapons. A year ago, they would have inflicted some pain on Russia. Now that Ukraine is about to fall, these weapons will not cause pain but only disrupt an hour or two of operations here or there. Ukraine should rather look to hold itself together politically (See the game of Kiev) and militarily (the military is fed up with numerous meatgrinders). This will fail.


Europe is reaping what it (the West) sowed by cultivating Navalny. They will use his death, as described above, for one purpose. To get approval for this or that weapon delivery. Maybe Navalny will realize in hell what his life was worth for the West—one vote out of millions in some Western parliament.

Maxim Kuzminov, the traitor who deserted with a helicopter to the Ukrainians months ago and caused the death of two crew members, has been killed now as well in Spain. This and the death of Navalny will certainly help the West to approve further funds and weapons to Ukraine. Nothing unexpected. The last throws before the end. To manage to kill a few more Russians and Ukrainians before Ukraine falls. Disgusting. Well… In fact, it will not be a “few” more. Judging by the situation, we can expect at least another 100.000 dead before the war completely ends. Like in 1945, when there were numerous additional casualties even though the war was essentially already lost for the Axis powers.

Every traitor to Russia dies somehow. Either killed by Russian services (yes, indeed) or killed by Western services to blame Russia… Honestly, whoever decides these days to betray Russia is a moron, no matter what money or treasures are promised.

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Elon Musk Goes to Canossa

Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

Ron Unz

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Musk at Auschwitz

(TGP screenshot)

Although unknown to almost all present-day Americans, Emperor Henry IV was one of the most powerful European monarchs of his day. Under his twenty-year reign, the Holy Roman Empire of the High Middle Ages governed Germany, the Low Countries, much of Italy, and other important lands, with many considering him heir to the fabled Charlemagne.

With the arrogance that came from holding such enormous temporal power and commanding large armies, he challenged the authority of Pope Gregory VII, but the Pontiff quickly brought him low, excommunicating him from the Catholic Church and declaring that Henry’s powerful feudal vassal lords no longer owed him any allegiance. Faced with the very real prospect that he might lose his throne, the emperor traveled to Canossa in hopes of seeing the Holy Father and gaining his forgiveness, then waited three long days outside the castle walls despite the bitter cold, clad in an uncomfortable hair-shirt, and according to some accounts wearing no shoes in the frozen snow. The Pope finally allowed him to enter and granted him an audience, then accepted his capitulation and lifted the religious penalty that had been imposed. In the centuries since that famous incident, the phrase “going to Canossa” has meant the surrender of a proud, powerful figure who does penance and begs forgiveness, submitting to the forces that had humbled him.

Musk at Auschwitz

(TGP screenshot)

Given this history, it’s hardly surprising that the phrase was widely circulated a couple of weeks ago when Elon Musk traveled to Auschwitz to offer his abject submission to Jewish power, donning a skullcap, promising to root out “antisemitism” on the platform he controlled, and even declaring that he regarded himself as “aspirationally Jewish.”

The two most powerful and influential figures in today’s world are surely Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin. But I think a reasonable case can be made that Elon Musk should be placed third on that global list.

Our current Western era is dominated by oligarchic wealth and Musk has ranked as the richest man in the world for much of the last few years. The technology industry carries enormous prestige and influence, and Musk is the owner of Tesla, the pioneering electric vehicle company, whose market value is greater than that of the world’s next five car companies combined. His very innovative SpaceX rocket company has become the central pillar of the West’s entire space program, crucial for American national security, while his equally innovative Starlink satellite company has proven itself absolutely vital to Ukraine in its NATO-backed war with Russia, inspiring imitators in China and other countries. More than a year ago, Musk bought Twitter for $44 billion and took the company private, giving him a media empire far greater than that of any American television network and perhaps as powerful as most of them combined. Meanwhile his own 170 million Twitter Followers provide him a personal megaphone that would be envied by any American president or top Hollywood celebrity.

Netanyahu’s support is at 15%, and he faces a sea of corruption charges, so he might easily end his life in a prison cell.

In our deeply-polarized society, nearly all our other politicians are admired by small devoted followings, but usually despised by many, many more, and I can’t think of any private citizen who can remotely match Musk’s wealth, technological prestige, and media reach.

Meanwhile, traditional spiritual authorities have been reduced to mere shadows of their predecessors. Some nine hundred years ago, Pope Gregory VII humbled a German emperor and even a generation or two ago, Pope John Paul II wielded great international authority, but these days our current Pope Francis only commands a tiny sliver of such influence, and no other religious leader of greater weight comes to mind. So perhaps by default, I think Musk is the most powerful figure in the Western world, and his willingness to humble himself before pro-Israel Jews at Auschwitz amidst the ongoing slaughter in Gaza provides a striking indication of the true balance of temporal and spiritual power in today’s Western world, while also demonstrating which group commands the latter.

Just a few months earlier, Musk had been riding high, having successfully dismantled Twitter’s large censorship department even as he granted an amnesty to most of the banned voices of the previous few years, notably including former President Donald Trump. Under his direction, secret documents were provided to Matt Taibbi and other investigative journalists that produced bombshell revelations of a nefarious government role in orchestrating Twitter censorship. Tucker Carlson’s new Twitter-based interview show had racked up enormous ratings, with his August Trump interview outdrawing the viewership of the official 2024 Republican Presidential debates shown on broadcast television. Musk seemed to be successfully resurrecting Twitter’s old motto that it represented “the free speech wing of the free speech party.”

Most remarkably, he’d apparently seen off the challenge of the very formidable ADL, which for decades had terrified so many of the powerful. When that widely-feared censorship organization accused him of allowing “antisemitism” and “racism” to flourish on his platform and sought to intimidate his advertisers, Musk threatened to sue them for business interference, turning that weapon of “lawfare” against one of its most prolific wielders even as a #BanTheADL hashtag went viral on Twitter. The ADL had financial assets of $500 million and enormous media influence, but for the first time its leaders realized that they faced an opponent who greatly outmatched them in such resources, and fearing the risk of a multi-billion-dollar legal judgment, its leaders quickly settled, abandoning their attacks against Musk and Twitter.

However, the sudden, unexpected Hamas attacks of October 7th changed everything. Well over a thousand Israelis died, and the anger and agitation of Jewish activists in America reached an unprecedented fever-pitch. Israel soon began a merciless bombardment of Gaza in retaliation, eventually killing tens of thousands of helpless civilians, and those horrific scenes of death and devastation reached the entire world on social media, bypassing the traditional pro-Israel gatekeepers who controlled Western broadcast television and newspapers. As a result, polls shockingly revealed that younger Americans—whose information on world events came from the Internet—were quite evenly divided between Israel and Hamas or even actually favored the latter. So Jewish and pro-Israel organizations began an all-out mobilization to suppress such “antisemitic” material.

Cities and college campuses across the Western world saw large demonstrations against Israel’s televised slaughter of women and children, with Muslim immigrants naturally becoming an important element of these, causing Jewish activists to fiercely denounce those groups as “antisemitic.” For generations, Jews had overwhelmingly supported non-European immigrants, while widely praising and promoting all attacks by non-whites against white Gentile society. Most recently they had been the primary backers of the massive 2020 Black Lives Matter protests, triggered when a black lifelong career criminal died of a drug overdose while in police custody. But with “Jewish privilege” and “Israeli privilege” now suddenly coming under such hostile criticism, Jewish groups turned on a dime and demanded total censorship and suppression. Anti-immigrant right-wingers noted this rank hypocrisy in their social media posts, and in mid-November one such Tweet caught Musk’s eye, prompting him to endorse it: “You have said the actual truth” he wrote.

Those simple six words probably took Musk merely seconds to type but they may have shifted the trajectory of American history. Almost immediately, waves of Jewish and pro-Israel activists swarmed to denounce him, and many leading corporations pulled their advertising from Twitter, threatening its financial viability. Faced with such an enormous backlash, Musk traveled abroad to meet with Israel’s president, pledging to combat “antisemitism.” On that same visit, he also posed for a photo-op with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, solemnly eyeing an empty crib, which presumably symbolized the forty Israeli babies allegedly beheaded by Hamas, one of the many outrageous atrocity-hoaxes promoted by Israel and its dishonest propagandists.

Musk in Israel, inspecting a supposed Hamas atrocity.

In the years following Donald Trump’s upset 2016 victory, right-wingers had been heavily censored on many social media platforms, while progressives were free to run wild, but now the latter began suffering the same fate for criticizing Israel’s massacres. Since the early years of the twentieth century, Israel’s ruling Likud party and its Irgun predecessor had always used the slogan “From the River to the Sea,” promising a Greater Israel under total Jewish control and domination. But over the last couple of decades, anti-Zionist progressives had embraced those same words, advocating a unified secular democratic state with equal rights for Jews and Palestinians. Musk now declared that latter phrase “genocidal” and warned that it would trigger an immediate ban from Twitter, even as Netanyahu continued publicly using it in its original Jewish-supremacist meaning.

A few weeks later, Musk traveled to Auschwitz, accompanied by his companion and guide, a young pro-Israel pundit named Ben Shapiro, whose own right-wing media empire had been lavishly funded by Zionist donors. This widely-covered quasi-religious pilgrimage seemingly marked Musk’s complete capitulation to the awesome power of Organized Jewry.

Musk was hardly the only prominent figure to bow down before the Jewish forces of Zionism, now fully mobilized by the Hamas attack and the ensuing Israel/Gaza conflict. When Musk bought Twitter in late 2022 and first began to draw fire from the ADL, another prominent public figure was also facing that organization’s wrath. As I wrote at the time:

Perhaps by coincidence, a somewhat similar controversy had recently played out in the case of a different high-profile individual, the billionaire black rapper and fashion designer Kanye West. Although I’d previously had only the vaguest impression of him, he was apparently a towering international celebrity, as well as being among the wealthiest black Americans who had ever lived, while having tens of millions of followers on Twitter and other networks.

Apparently, for some reason or other, he became angry and agitated over what he saw as the overwhelming Jewish influence in the worlds of business and media and began loudly saying so in various venues and on his social networks. As might be expected, the media reaction was swift and devastating, portraying him as a moral leper, and thereby forcing most of his business partners to cut their ties, often at enormous financial cost. Apparently, 25% of the profits of footware giant Adidas came from West’s line of sneakers, but they abandoned the longtime deal at a total cost of almost $650 million when their media masters proclaimed it as a fundamental issue of morality. At the other end of the spectrum, Goodwill Industries announced that they would no longer offer their impoverished clientele the donated cast-offs associated with such a vile anti-Semite. The rapper’s longtime bank even closed his accounts and would no longer provide a haven for his money.

The immediate result of all these coordinated blows was that the bulk of West’s large fortune suddenly evaporated, while his (Jewish) personal trainer publicly declared that if he continued his bad behavior the erstwhile billionaire might end up spending the rest of his life heavily drugged and imprisoned in a mental institution. Almost none of his fellow black celebrities rallied to his side, or if they did, I didn’t hear about it. The story soon dropped from the media, perhaps permanently taking with it the once-iconic global black celebrity.

 While Musk overcame his ADL challengers, West had quickly abandoned the fight and disappeared from public attention. But the black rapper now had a new album ready for release, so he and his advisors apparently decided that only the most abject sort of public surrender to Jewish power could safeguard his music sales. Even as Israel was clearly committing the greatest televised massacre of defenseless women and children in the history of the world, outraging much of his youthful rap following, West declared his boundless love and admiration for Jews and the Jewish State, recording a 40-minute video apologizing for his past antisemitic statements and Tweeting out a shorter, similar message written in Hebrew.

Back in late 2022 I’d expressed considerable skepticism that either Musk or West would succeed in their separate challenges to Jewish power, and readers can judge for themselves the extent to which my predictions proved correct.

Although Musk has now bent his knee to the broader Zionist coalition, I’ll have to admit that he actually did surprising well against his initial ADL tormentors, even without utilizing the secret history of that nefarious organization that I’d offered him during his battle.

The capitulations of Musk and West hardly surprised me. But far more noteworthy has been the case of independent Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., whose total surrender to Zionism over the last several months has deeply disappointed so many of his erstwhile admirers, certainly including myself.

Although I’d only been very vaguely aware of Kennedy until 2021 and remained deeply skeptical of much of his notorious anti-vaxxing advocacy, I’d greatly admired his vocal positions on many other important issues, especially including our disastrous Ukraine proxy-war against Russia and therefore expected to give him my vote in November.

I was particularly impressed by his remarkable courage on certain historical matters of a personal nature. Several years ago, he had publicly declared that Sirhan Sirhan, the alleged assassin of his father, was innocent of the crime and should be released after more than a half-century in prison, and he further proclaimed that his uncle, President John F. Kennedy, had also died at the hands of a conspiracy. I noted that although the mainstream media ferociously vilified him on numerous other grounds, they tended to carefully avoid these sorts of “great unmentionables” because the facts were so strongly on Kennedy’s side.

And once anyone recognized that Sirhan had not fired the fatal shot, I argued that important elements of the conspiracy would have immediately suggested the true culprits behind the crime:

David Talbot’s influential 2007 book Brothers revealed that Robert F. Kennedy had been convinced almost from the first that his brother had been struck down in a conspiracy, but he held his tongue, telling his circle of friends that he stood little chance of tracking down and punishing the guilty parties until he himself reached the White House. By June 1968, he seemed on the threshold of achieving that goal, but was felled by an assassin’s bullet just moments after winning the crucial California presidential primary. The logical assumption is that his death was engineered by the same elements as that of his elder brother, who were now acting to protect themselves from the consequences of their earlier crime.

A young Palestinian named Sirhan Sirhan had fired a pistol at the scene and was quickly arrested and convicted for the murder. But Talbot emphasizes that the coroner’s report revealed that the fatal bullet came from a completely different direction, while the acoustical record proves that far more shots were fired than the capacity of the alleged killer’s gun. Such hard evidence demonstrates a conspiracy.

Sirhan himself seemed dazed and confused, later claiming to have no memory of events, and Talbot mentions that various assassination researchers have long argued that he was merely a convenient patsy in the plot, perhaps acting under some form of hypnosis or conditioning. Nearly all these writers are usually reluctant to note that the selection of a Palestinian as scapegoat in the killing points in a certain obvious direction, but Bergman’s recent book also includes a major new revelation. At exactly the same moment that Sirhan was being wrestled to the floor of the Ambassador Hotel ballroom in Los Angeles, another young Palestinian was undergoing intensive rounds of hypnotic conditioning at the hands of Mossad in Israel, being programmed to assassinate PLO leader Yasir Arafat; and although that effort ultimately failed, such a coincidence seems to stretch the bounds of plausibility.

Kennedy seemed like an intelligent, thoughtful individual, and if he had concluded years ago that Sirhan was innocent, I assumed that the remainder of this chain of reasoning would have fallen into place, producing a high-profile Presidential candidate willing to stand up for American interests against those of Israel. But instead, Kennedy recently moved in exactly the opposite direction, becoming the most egregiously pro-Zionist candidate in the race and heavily relying upon his ultra-Zionist advisors Morton Klein and Rabbi Shmuley Boteach. In a recent public interview, he shockingly declared that the Palestinians were “the most pampered people in the world” even as hundreds of thousands of them were currently facing death by starvation at Israel’s hands.

Kennedy’s apparent willingness to betray his principles—and the memories of his martyred father and uncle—was hugely disheartening to me. Moreover, with both Biden and Trump known as fervent supporters of Israel, a contrary position emphasizing a ceasefire and sympathy towards the suffering Palestinians might have provided a political home for the substantial minority of voters and activists taking that position, certainly attracting huge support among college students and other youthful Americans. But it was not to be. Imagine if Sen. Robert F. Kennedy had run in 1968 as the fiercest Vietnam War hawk in the race.

Unfortunately, the total political submission of Musk, West, and Kennedy to the massed power of Jews and Zionism is hardly a new development. Indeed, they constitute merely the latest examples in a long series of such Gentile defeats and surrenders, as I had noted at the beginning of my original 2018 article on the ADL:

Mel Gibson had long been one of the most popular stars in Hollywood and his 2004 film The Passion of the Christ became among the most profitable in world history, yet the ADL and its allies destroyed his career, and he eventually donated millions of dollars to Jewish groups in desperate hopes of regaining some of his public standing. When the ADL criticized a cartoon that had appeared in one of his newspapers, media titan Rupert Murdoch provided his personal apology to that organization, and the editors of The Economist quickly retracted a different cartoon once it came under ADL fire. Billionaire Tom Perkins, a famed Silicon Valley venture capitalist, was forced to issue a heartfelt apology after coming under ADL criticism for his choice of words in a Wall Street Journal column. These were all proud, powerful individuals, and they must have deeply resented being forced to seek such abject public forgiveness, but they did so nonetheless. The total list of ADL supplicants over the years is a very long one.

 Musk certainly stands as the greatest of these unfortunate recent examples, but almost exactly one hundred years before his submission, a rather similar historical case occurred involving another world-famous industrialist tycoon who also sought to challenge Jewish power but ultimately apologized and abandoned the fight.

Although the name of Henry Ford remains well-known to most Americans, I doubt that more than a small fraction are fully aware of the immense global stature he had enjoyed during the early decades of the twentieth century. The assembly-line mass production techniques he pioneered at his Ford Motor Company were responsible for transforming the automobile from a mere plaything of the rich into a reasonably-priced product owned by most Americans, so his achievements completely reshaped our society and the rest of the world as a consequence. His business success established him as one of the wealthiest men in the world—one of his later biographies was entitled The Last Billionaire—but by doubling the basic wages of his ordinary workers, he also created the American middle class and became a worldwide legend.

According to some accounts, an ailing President Woodrow Wilson sought to enlist the apolitical Ford as his Democratic successor in the White House. By the early 1920s Adolf Hitler ranked Ford as one of his greatest personal heroes, but Vladimir Lenin felt much the same way, and the Bolsheviks called their Soviet industrial policy “Fordizm.” In Aldous Huxley’s famous 1931 novel Brave New World“Fordism” had become the world’s secular religion, with the population celebrating “Ford Day,” swearing oaths “By Ford!” and displaying Christian crosses truncated into a symbol representing the Ford Model T.

But in the aftermath of the First World War, Ford became very concerned about the unprecedented growth of Jewish power in America and how the entire mainstream media was increasingly intimidated from reporting the associated crimes and abuses. He had bought his local newspaper The Dearborn Independent in 1918 and within a couple of years transformed it into a national publication with enormous circulation, seeking to rectify this situation, as I discussed in a 2018 article:

As for The Dearborn Independent, Ford had apparently launched his newspaper on a national basis not long after the end of the war, intending to focus on controversial topics, especially those related to Jewish misbehavior, whose discussion he believed was being ignored or suppressed by nearly all mainstream media outlets. I had been aware that he had long been one of the wealthiest and most highly-regarded individuals in America, but I was still astonished to discover that his weekly newspaper, previously almost unknown to me, had reached a total national circulation of 900,000 by 1925, ranking it as the second largest in the country and by far the biggest with a national distribution. I found no easy means of examining the contents of a typical issue, but apparently the anti-Jewish articles of the first couple of years had been collected and published as short books, together constituting the four volumes of The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem, a notoriously anti-Semitic work occasionally mentioned in my history textbooks. Eventually my curiosity got the best of me, so I clicked a few buttons on, bought the set, and wondered what I would discover.

Based on all my pre-suppositions, I expected to read some foaming-at-the-mouth screed, and doubted I would be able to get past the first dozen pages before losing interest and consigning the volumes to gather dust on my shelves. But what I actually encountered was something entirely different.

Over the last couple of decades, the enormous growth in the power of Jewish and pro-Israel groups in America has occasionally led writers to cautiously raise certain facts regarding the untoward influence of those organizations and activists, while always carefully emphasizing that the vast majority of ordinary Jews do not benefit from these policies and actually might be harmed by them, even leaving aside the possible risk of eventually provoking an anti-Jewish backlash. To my considerable surprise, I found that the material in Ford’s 300,000 word series seemed to follow this exact same pattern and tone.

Although I somehow managed to plow through all four volumes of The International Jew, the unrelenting drum-beat of Jewish intrigue and misbehavior became somewhat soporific after a while, especially since so many of the examples provided may have loomed quite large in 1920 or 1921 but were almost totally forgotten today. Most of the content was a collection of rather monotonous complaints regarding Jewish malfeasance, scandals, or clannishness, the sort of mundane matters which might have normally appeared in the pages of an ordinary newspaper or magazine, let alone one of the muckraking type.

However, I cannot fault the publication for having such a narrow focus. A consistent theme was that because of the intimidating fear of Jewish activists and influence, virtually all of America’s regular media outlets avoided discussion of any of these important matters, and since this new publication was intended to fill that void, it necessarily provided coverage overwhelmingly skewed toward that particular subject. The articles were also aimed at gradually expanding the window of public debate and eventually shaming other periodicals into discussing Jewish misbehavior. When leading magazines such as The Atlantic Monthlyand Century Magazine began running such articles, this result was hailed as a major success.

Another important goal was to make ordinary Jews more aware of the very problematical behavior of many of their community leaders. Occasionally, the publication received a letter of praise from a self-proclaimed “proud American Jew” commending the series and sometimes including a check to purchase subscriptions for other members of his community, and this achievement might become the subject of an extended discussion.

And although the details of these individual stories differed considerably from those of today, the pattern of behavior being criticized seemed remarkably similar. Change a few facts, adjust the society for a century of progress, and many of the stories might be exactly the same ones that well-meaning people concerned about the future of our country are quietly discussing today. Most remarkably, there were even a couple of columns about the troubled relationship between the earliest Zionist settlers in Palestine and the surrounding native Palestinians, and deep complaints that under Jewish pressure the media often totally misreported or hid some of the outrages suffered by the latter group.

As might be expected, Jewish organizations were ferociously hostile to Ford’s media project and they launched a fierce lobbying campaign to force him to cease his critical coverage, employing consumer boycotts, widespread vilification, and damaging lawsuits. Meanwhile, few if any prominent Americans publicly joined Ford’s efforts so several years of such relentless Jewish attacks eventually proved successful. By 1924, Ford had ended his series of articles on Jewish activities and the billionaire industrialist finally shuttered his newspaper in 1927, while also sending an apologetic public letter to the president of the ADL recanting his “antisemitic” views. Just like today’s Elon Musk, America’s greatest industrialist of the early twentieth century took his own painful trip to Canossa. Although heavily slanted against Ford, the basic facts of this story and Ford’s capitulation are provided in a lengthy section of his Wikipedia article.

By the early 1930s, Christianity had been the dominant religion of the West for nearly two thousand years and seemed so strongly rooted in American society as to be unassailable. Therefore, Huxley’s futuristic novel suggesting that it would be replaced by the secular religion of Fordism must surely have seemed an absurd possibility at the time, perhaps even constituting deliberate satire. But over the last three generations, a somewhat similar religious replacement has indeed occurred, though the doctrine elevated would surely have shocked and dismayed both Huxley and Ford.

Under the inexorable ideological pressure of heavily-Jewish Hollywood and our mainstream media organs, the traditional Christianity of the West has been steadily deconstructed and pushed aside, often replaced by the quasi-religion of Holocaustianity, which features an entirely different set of martyrs, sacred texts, and holy places. The central shrine of Holocaustianity is Auschwitz, a former Nazi concentration camp, so Musk demonstrated his complete submission to this reigning spiritual doctrine and its tenets by undertaking a pilgrimage to that hallowed ground.

In 2018, I discussed how this remarkable shift in the beliefs of the Western world, noting that even the top spiritual leaders of other global religions apparently recognized Holocaustianity as their own uber-faith, far more important in its central elements than their own.

According to Finkelstein, Hollywood produced some 180 Holocaust films just during the years 1989-2004. Even the very partial subset of Holocaust films listed on Wikipedia has grown enormously long, but fortunately the Movie Database has winnowed down the catalog by providing a list of the 50 Most Moving Holocaust Films.

Some 2% of Americans have a Jewish background, while perhaps 95% possess Christian roots, but the Wikipedia list of Christian filmsseems rather scanty and rudimentary by comparison. Very few of those films were ever widely released, and the selection is stretched to even include The Chronicles of Narnia, which contains no mention of Christianity whatsoever. One of the very few prominent exceptions on the list is Mel Gibson’s 2004 The Passion of the Christ, which he was forced to personally self-fund. And despite the enormous financial success of that movie, one of the most highly profitable domestic releases of all time, the project rendered Gibson a hugely vilified pariah in the industry over which he had once reigned as its biggest star, especially after word got around that his own father was a Holocaust Denier.

In many respects, Hollywood and the broader entertainment media today provide the unifying spiritual basis of our deeply secular society, and the overwhelming predominance of Holocaust-themed films over Christian ones has obvious implications. Meanwhile, in our globalized world, the American entertainment-media complex totally dominates Europe and the rest of the West, so that the ideas generated here effectively shape the minds of many hundreds of millions of people living elsewhere, whether or not they fully recognize that fact.

In 2009, Pope Benedict XVI sought to heal the long-standing Vatican II rift within the Catholic Church and reconcile with the breakaway Society of St. Pius X faction. But this became a major media controversy when it was discovered that Bishop Richard Williamson, one of the leading members of that latter organization, had long been a Holocaust Denier and also believed that Jews should convert to Christianity. Although the many other differences in Catholic doctrinal faith were fully negotiable, apparently refusing to accept the reality of the Holocaust was not, and Williamson remained estranged from the Catholic Church. Soon afterward he was even prosecuted for heresy by the German government.

Just as the Popes of the Middle Ages deployed the sacred power of Christ and Christianity to humble even the most powerful of earthly monarchs and force them to submit, Jews and Zionists today use the power of the Holocaust and Holocaustianity in much the same way, with even the mightiest of Western figures such as Elon Musk helpless before it.

For generations, Hollywood and the media steadily nibbled away at the legitimacy of traditional Christianity, while academic scholars boldly questioned its truth and emphasized historical doubts. As a consequence, neither Musk nor any other prominent Westerner today trembles before Christian symbols nor bows down to the anointed representatives of that faith. But instead it is the Holocaust that has become inviolate, with the harshest social and economic sanctions visited upon those who question its elements or dispute its claims. Across much of the West, any such challenges are subject to severe legal penalties, including lengthy prison sentences, the present-day equivalent of once-common blasphemy laws. And that sweeping, transcendent doctrine has therefore become powerful enough to overawe Elon Musk or any other public figure. This situation has important real-world consequences.

Critics of the events now unfolding in the Middle East must recognize that the Jewish Holocaust of World War II stands as the central justification for the existence of the Jewish state and also as the universal excuse for any of its international crimes, including those currently being committed. Gaza and the Holocaust are so closely connected that they constitute two sides of the same coin.

Related Reading:

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Ronald Keeva Unz is an American technology entrepreneur, political activist, writer, publisher and editor in chief of the Unz Review.

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Billy Bob’s Dispatches: Dmitry Medvedev’s Unvarnished Truths. Disregard at your own peril.

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The onetime prominent "Atlanticist" has become a firm supporter of Putin's SMO in Ukraine.

edvedev is a sensible, sane, and rational voice that Western citizens need to listen to and whose message needs to be appreciated and digested. The Western working class needs to put a leash on their oligarchs before they destroy our planet.

Here's Medvedev:

"Sunak, Scholz, Macron, Norwegian, Finnish, Polish and other leaders from NATO countries are saying that “we must be prepared for war with Russia.” And although Russia has repeatedly said that there are no plans for a conflict with NATO and EU countries, this is extremely dangerous chatter if this topic continues.

The reasons are obvious. It is necessary to divert the attention of voters in order to justify multi-billion dollar spending on Bandera’s hateful “Ukraine”. After all, huge amounts of money are not spent on solving social problems in these states, but on a war in a dying country that is foreign to taxpayers, whose population has fled across Europe and is terrorizing local residents.

Therefore, every day the leaders of these countries broadcast: we need to prepare for war with Russia and continue to help Ukraine, and therefore we need to produce more tanks, shells, drones and other weapons. But all European leaders cynically lie to their citizens. If, God forbid, such a war happens, it will not go according to the SVO scenario. It will not be carried out in the trenches using artillery, armored vehicles, drones and electronic warfare systems. NATO is a huge military bloc, the population of the Alliance countries is almost 1 billion people, and their total military budget can reach one and a half trillion dollars. Therefore, due to the incomparability of our military potentials, we simply will have no choice. The answer will be asymmetrical.

NATO's head, Jens Stoltenberg, better pay close attention.

To protect the territorial integrity of our country, ballistic and cruise missiles with special warheads will be used. This is based on our doctrinal military documents and is well known to everyone. And this is the very notorious Apocalypse. The end of everything. Therefore, Western politicians should tell their voters the bitter truth, and not treat them as brainless idiots. Explain to them what will really happen, and not repeat the false mantra about readiness for war with Russia."

Billy Bob is a dedicated anti-imperialist activist and blogger. You can reach him at his Facebook page HERE.

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America Is At War And In Denial

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INDRAJIT • Views from the third world. Earth.

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America Is At War And In Denial

Sabrina Singh- excrement

Sabrina Singh, awful person.  Crept the ranks within the Clinton / DNC mafia.(TGP screenshot)

Pentagon spokesghoul Sabrina Singh was asked, “We’ve bombed them five times now… If this isn’t war, what is war?” She laughed. Not a funny question, but she laughed ghoulishly and said, “Great question… we do not seek war, we are not at war with the Houthis [Ansar Allah],” as if that explained anything. It doesn’t explain anything. But this person, contractually, cannot explain anything. Her job is obfuscation, not clarification. Asking the Pentagon ‘what’s war’ is like asking a fish about water, except the water is blood. It’s just what they’re swimming in. They’re so deep in war they can’t even perceive it in front of them.

The Hypocritical Hegemon of America likes to pretend like it’s not an Empire at all, but at this point, why listen to them? The only reason to attend one of these press conferences is to throw shoes at them. If you want to know what’s happening, just look at what’s happening. America has dozens of bases around the Middle East to wage war. It encircles the place with aircraft carriers and destroyers to wage war. It arms the genocidal state of ‘Israel’ to divide and conquer. Its troops occupy Syria, its ships bomb Yemen, its airships bomb Iraq, it is at constant war across the region. Everyone that isn’t militarily occupied is besieged or under attack. The only thing confusing is what peace is, war is so persistent. America has been at war in the Middle East my entire life.


They’ve been bombing Yemen for so long that Mohammad Ali Al-Houthi said“We do not see confrontation with the American or the British as anything but life, for life is in confronting these tyrants and arrogant ones in the world.” How many generations have grown up like this, under constant America oppression? Many Hamas (Al Qassam) fighters are the orphans of previous offenses. By proxy or by great power, when your parents are killed, what’s the difference. Living (or more specifically, dying) like this wholly unnatural to the native population, but considered America’s deathright. They got the oil, we get the spoils, it’s beneath mention. Within America, it’s never once questioned what they’re doing in the Middle East at all, which is the most important question.

The answer is the same reason as for any war, the spoils, with stories about stolen wives or savage savages (re: terrorism) as mere cover. American Empire is swimming in massive amounts of oil, which is why the oil-rich region is kept swimming in blood. It’s simply how they keep their aircraft carriers and hard graft careers afloat. The US military is the single largest consumer (and emitter) of fossil fuels and it needs the oil to grease the military-industrial machine. The colony started with slave energy and now requires energy slaves galore. It needs to wage war in the Middle East to wage war at all, it’s a literally vicious cycle.

America is at so much war in the Middle East that it really does become hard to define, especially for the brain-bleeds in the Pentagon. Is it war if you’re killing just natives or slaves, as America has been doing uninterrupted in the Middle East for decades, and in its own stolen land for centuries? Isn’t that just… culling or something you do to animals (and God help the animals)? Is siege warfare even warfare, especially if you do it through bureaucrats rather than barricades? Is it war at all if other people are dying? Isn’t that just… nothing?

The reason the war questions are emerging now is that Americans are dying. This nominally raises the stakes. But which Americans? Three Black soldiers have just died in Syria/Jordan and the ‘volunteer’ army is primarily made up of debt slaves. Rich people’s children don’t get drafted so, fundamentally, what do they care, besides thanking these people for their ‘service’ while gutting their veterans services? Do these deaths count as war if the ruling class doesn’t actually give a shit? If three fall in Jordan and none of them went to the Ivy League, does it make a sound? That seems to be the basic calculation. And it’s still come up zero. No war to see here.

US soldiers dying is only relevant as a casus belli for more war, to get more of them killed. Business runs the show, and that’s the business. America waging war on other people is so normal that it blends into the background. Especially for people within the military-industrial complex, it’s imperceptible. It’s literally business as usual. As Upton Sinclair said, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”

Hence it’s only natural that the embarrassing sell-out Singh laughs at the question ‘what is war?’ Why would someone at the Pentagon be thinking about something so simple, when all the money’s in complexity? American elites have long since discovered that there’s more money in losing wars than winning them, and far less red tape in never declaring them at all. Thus they can circumvent their impotent Congress, bribe anybody relevant, and get the spoils without spoiling their reputation.

Blood is just the water these people swim in, and oil is what floats their aircraft carriers. Of course this isn’t war to them. It’s just existence. Asking someone in the American state “what’s war” is like asking a fish “how’s the water? What the fuck is water?” the fish reply back. They really don’t understand the question.

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My name is Indrajit Samarajiva and I'm a writer. People also call me Indi or Jit. I was born in Canada, raised in America, and live in Nugegoda, Sri Lanka. 

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