How Venezuela Is Overcoming the US Blockade

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By Roger D. Harris

The future of Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution, a target of US imperial power since its inception in 1998, may be decided on July 28, the date of their presidential election.

resolution was introduced on June 18 to the US Congress not to recognize a “fraudulent” Maduro victory.

President Maduro (fourth from left), along with the Bolivarian forces' top command, celebrates Venezuela's independence victory at the Battle of Carabobo (24 Jun 2024)

This election is taking place in the context of US unilateral coercive measures. These so-called sanctions have amounted to an actual economic and financial blockade designed to cripple the economy and cause the people to renounce their government. Such outside interference by Washington is tantamount to electoral blackmail.

Yet Carlos Ron, Venezuela’s deputy minister of foreign affairs for North America, is confident that the government party will win. He spoke on June 25 at a webinar organized by the Venezuela Solidarity Network.

Ron explained that the Venezuelan people and government have achieved remarkable progress, resisting Washington’s “maximum pressure” campaign. A tanking economy has now been reversed. By the end of 2023, Venezuela had recorded 11 quarters of consecutive growth after years of economic contraction.

Instead of irrevocably crashing the economy, according to Ron, the US hybrid warfare against Venezuela exposed the US-backed opposition, who have called for sanctions against their own people and have even treasonously endorsed a US-backed military coup option.

Economist Yosmer Arellán, who is associated with the Central Bank of Venezuela and has collaborated with the UN Special Rapporteur on the impact of unilateral coercive measures, also addressed the webinar. Arellán spoke of the pain visited upon the Venezuelan people by the US sanctions.

The economist explained that the economy was further impacted by the crash in oil prices, beginning in 2014, as well as by overcompliance with the economic coercive measures by third-parties fearful of US reprisals. Then Covid hit. During the height of the pandemic, even though Venezuela had the hard currency, US sanctions blocked the financial transactions necessary to buy vaccines. He likened such measures to “bombs dropped on our society.”

Venez Bolivarian troops

Venezuelan soldiers displaying flags proclaiming that "the struggle contnues".

In contrast, Venezuela’s economic situation is now looking comparatively bullish. On the same day as the webinar, President Maduro announced oil production had recovered to one million barrels a day. Earlier this month, the five millionth home was delivered as part of the Great Housing Mission social program.

Arellán described what he called the three-step “virtuous formula” for recovering the economy. This is a model, he added, for the some one third of humanity being punished by US unilateral coercive measures.

First came resistance in the face of the “extortion” of the unilateral coercive measures. Venezuela learned through trial and error how to do more with less. Out of necessity, the country began to wean itself from dependence on oil revenues which had fallen over 90%. Small and medium businesses were promoted. The private sector, despite being prone to oppose the socialist project, was also punished by the US measures. Today, big business is investing more in domestic productive capacity, according to Arellán.

inflation got down to 1.2%, a previously unheard of low rate.

Third has been the recovery stage, transforming the economy from one dependent on oil revenues to buy foreign goods to one that is now over 90% food sovereign. The economy is being diversified with the sober understanding that relief from the US imperialist hybrid war is unlikely in the near future.

CITGO, the state-owned oil subsidiary in the US; and confiscation of gold reserves held abroad.

The “perversity of sanctions,” according to Ron, is that they undermine the social functions of the state to support the welfare of the people. That is, they try to cripple the government in order to make socialism look bad.

Ron gave the example of the 16% malnutrition rate when Hugo Chávez was elected president in 1998. By 2011, the rate was reduced to only 3%. But with the US maximum pressure campaign, the rate shot up to 13% (still better than before the revolution but punishing nonetheless).

Venezuela experienced record out migration. This emigration was not due, as claimed by the US, to political persecution but was precipitated by worsening economic prospects caused primarily by the US politically-motivated sanctions. But now, Ron explained, citizens are returning to Venezuela and a new vice-ministry to assist their return has been created.

Washington tried to isolate Venezuela both financially and diplomatically. Four years ago the US and some 50 of its allies recognized the parallel government of “interim president” Juan Guaidó, who had never even run for national office in Venezuela. Today only the US, Israel, and a few others still fail to recognize the elected government.

Meanwhile, Venezuela has forged significant new economic and political ties with Russia, China, Turkey, and Iran among others. Regional alliances with Cuba, Nicaragua, Bolivia, and some Caribbean states, such as ALBA, have been strengthened. Close cooperative relations have been reinforced with friendly governments in BrazilMexico, and Colombia, three of the four leading economies in Latin America.  And Venezuela is orienting toward the Global South, with the possibility of joining the expanded BRICS+ alliance of emerging economies looking increasingly likely.

Indeed, far from being isolated, Ron noted, Venezuela has further integrated into an emerging multipolar world. Venezuela was just elected to a vice-presidency of the UN General Assembly.

Ron credited current successes to the political will of a strong and unwavering leadership under President Maduro, which he characterized as a “collective leadership” encompassing many actors. This was coupled with organized “people power.” Both, he emphasized, were needed. Venezuela, he concluded, demonstrated the people’s willingness to face challenges and a government that did not give up on the battle for socialism.

Roger D. Harris is with the human rights group, Task Force on the Americas, founded in 1985, and the Venezuela Solidarity Network.

Did Trump CAVE to DEEP STATE in Venezuela COUP Attempt? – w/ Anya Parampil

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Due Dissidence

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Things to keep in mind...

Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. Meanwhile, fascist ideology and blatant lies also permeate the consciousness of most people in the West. Those in the comfortable top 10%, the "PMCs" (Professional Managerial Class), are especially vulnerable. They support and disseminate such ideas. They are the executors of the actual ruling class' orders, those in the 0.001%, who remain largely invisible. The PMCs are the political class, the media whores, the top military brass, some people in academia, and the "national security/foreign policy" industry honchos. Push back against these unethical, contaminated people with the truth while you can.

AND...where the US Government is at: LYING 24/7

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Essequibo, Venezuela, and Guyana

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Margaret Kimberley • Gerald A. Perreira

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Gerald A. Perreira is chairperson of the Organization for the Victory of the People in Guyana. He joins us to discuss the long running territorial dispute between Guyana and Venezuela over the Essequibo region.

PLUS...a repost from our classic archives:

FULL INTERVIEW: Margaret Kimberley and Danny Haiphong on US War Propaganda and Billionaire Control of US Politics


Black Agenda Report editors and columnists Margaret Kimberley and Danny Haiphong discussed Ukraine, the U.S. oligarchy, and the Haitian struggle against U.S. and U.N. occupation.

Margaret Kimberley is Executive Editor and Senior Columnist of Black Agenda Report and the current host of the Black Agenda Radio podcast.

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Since the overpaid corporate media stenographers will never risk their careers to report the truth, the world must rely on citizen journalists to provide the facts that explain reality. Put this effort to use by becoming an influence multiplier. Repost this material everywhere you can. Send it to your friends and kin. Discuss it with your workmates. Liberation from this infernal and mendacious system is in your hands.
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US Imperialism & Sanctions Are Driving Venezuela Migrant Crisis, NOT COMMUNISM: RBN’s Nick Cruse

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editors log bluePATRICE GREANVILLE

I'm reposting this video, first published about a year ago (Sep 22, 2022), because of its permanent didactic power.  Here's Biden's press secretary, the regularly rude Karine Jean-Pierre (KJP), twisting history to school her captive audience on "the horrors of communism." Most people know little about KJP, besides the fact she replaced the mediocre Jean Psaki for the post, which makes KJP little more than another hack and Democratic operator serving one of this century's most virulently imperialist and corrupt administrations. But surely there's more than the condescending facade. So who is this Karine Jean-Pierre? The Wiki's mildly adulatory page offers a few  explanatory details:

political campaign organizer, activist, political commentator, and author.  She is the 35th White House Press Secretary since May 13, 2022.[1] She was the White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary from 2021 until 2022. She is the first black person and the first openly LGBTQ person to be Press Secretary.[2]

Jean-Pierre was the chief of staff for Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris on the 2020 United States presidential campaign and was the first Black woman, and the first lesbian, to ever hold that position.[3]


The Wiki forgets to mention that Jean-Pierre, besides being an overqualified WOKE specimen given her racial and LGBTQ creds, is also an accomplished red-baiter. This makes Jean-Pierre something of a traitor to the political faith of her parents, reputedly members of Haiti's Lavalas party. For those with no knowledge of Lavalas, or the alarmingly tragic political history of Haiti, all of it underwritten by French and later US imperialism, suffice it to say that Lavalas was led by the genuinely progressive Jean-Bertrand Aristide, a socialist / liberation theology priest who in 1990 became the first democratically-elected president of Haiti.

As a textbook example of what it means to be close to the US (a fate also shared by the Dominican Republic and other nations in the hemisphere, and about which Simon Bolivar duly warned Latin Americans), Aristide's desperately needed reforms, example and great popularity, soon proved  too much for the US oligarchy which promptly organised a series of coups and economic sabotage to get rid of the annoying priest. This didn't prove as easy as expected so eventually the empire resorted to abducting Aristide in broad daylight, later dropping him in a "forced exile" in the Central African Republic. Though the usual Haitian right-wing goons and military were involved, this was actually a case in which the whole imperial establishment, foreign and domestic was involved.

American meddling in Haitian affairs goes back at least a century. As even the CIA-redacted Wikipedia notes, "between 1957 and 1986, Haiti was ruled by the family dictatorships of François 'Papa Doc' and Jean-Claude 'Baby Doc' Duvalier, [regimes world-known for their institutionalised thuggery]. The misery endured by Haiti's poor made a deep impression on Aristide himself, and he became an outspoken critic of Duvalierism."

The above details inform my disgust with Jean-Pierre, putting her in the squalid category of probably being a Haitian gusano by choice, gusanos being notorious for their vicious anti-communism and counter-revolutionary obsessions. Not surprising, then, that Jean-Pierre chooses to inflect her political speech with frequent invocations of that old chestnut about people "fleeing Communism" (due to its supposedly repressive nature). It's clear that KJP knows little or nothing about communism, nor why Haiti could benefit enormously from a genuine revolution.  Unfortunately, traveling in the privileged circles she does, she has zero chance of learning much about these vital subjects. The always astute Nick Cruse could teach her a thing or two about political reality, but I'm afraid she wouldn't listen. Dommage! —PG

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Venezuelan Amazon Reforestation Plan Begins

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Now we need to see what Brazil, Peru and other Amazonian nations are prepared to do to help repair the horrendous damage to the Amazon region.

Reforestation and permanent establishment of the Venezuelan State, FANB to protect Amazonas. Sep. 29, 2023. | Photo: X/@NicolasMaduro

Reforestation and permanent establishment of the Venezuelan State, FANB to protect Amazonas. Sep. 29, 2023. | Photo: X/@NicolasMaduro


On the occasion, Maduro congratulated the thousands of military personnel who participated in the successful deployment.

On Thursday night, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro ordered his government team and the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) to start implementing a Special Plan for Reforestation and Recovery of Balance in the Venezuelan Amazon.

Venezuela Fosters Internet Access and Fiber Optics Expansion

The President referred to the reforestation and total recovery of the Yapacana National Park, located in the state of Amazonas, in the south of Venezuela. 

The so-called "Operation Autana 2023," designed to eradicate illegal mining, must now enter its third phase called: Reforestation and permanent establishment of the Venezuelan State, of the FANB to protect Amazonas, Maduro said. 

This comes after having evicted more than 14,000 illegal miners from the area in a military deployment of several weeks that was successfully carried out in order to stop many illegal mining activities.

The tweet reads, "We are going to a new phase of liberation of all the territory in the Amazon. We must move forward with the Special Plan for Reforestation, Afforestation and Recovery of the balances together with the biologists and scientists of the country, to reverse the damage and destruction done by criminal gangs against our sacred forest."

According to the president, a team of scientists and experts of the highest level and from different disciplines will work in the area to achieve its reforestation and the recovery of the environment.

On the occasion, Maduro congratulated the thousands of military personnel who participated in the successful deployment. He ordered his country's armed forces to confront with determination any vestige of illegal mining in the territory, as well as the destruction of supplies, materials, objects or equipment that are intended to be used to depredate the environment.

In the operations, 51 members of criminal gangs were captured, more than 14,000 illegal miners were evicted, 11 rafts, 350 power plants, 1,675 motor pumps, 49 crushing mills and 284 suction turbines were seized, among other implements.

This report is by Bolivarian correspondents..

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