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August 21, 2020

still can’t get used to the fact that when Russia faces big threats, and Putin is silent, it means that there is another special operation, which we will only learn about later, when the information noise subsides. No wonder Trump recently called Putin a genius chess player on the geopolitical board.

Let’s remember the chronology of important events in Belarus.

  • 1) Lukashenko tries to slow down the development of Union relations with Russia and tries to sit on two chairs, flirting with the west and squeezing out new subsidies from each side.
  • 2) In his usual manner, he tries to clean up the political field before the election. At the same time, Moscow sees the upcoming revolution after the election and the activity of western intelligence services. Everything is primitive and according to the methodology of Gene Sharp.
  • 3) Belarus is facing the largest protests in the country’s history and Lukashenko’s subordinates are increasingly switching to the opposition.
  • 4) The government starts to lose control over the main means of governance. Even journalists who had served the government for many years left it.
  • 5) The US and EU impose sanctions against Belarus and government representatives.

In just three days, the opposition managed to shake people up to such an extent that in total about 10% of the population came out to protest, dozens of major industries stopped their work, the western “chair”, which was already warmed up by Lukashenko, was knocked out from under him by the western “partners” themselves by imposing sanctions and not recognising the election results.


The opposition also put pressure on the banking sector, calling on people to withdraw money from deposits and exchange it for dollars, which caused the Belarusian ruble to fall and the cost of borrowing rose to a huge 11%, while bonds were no longer bought.

Starting from this moment, the authorities do not know what to do and simply try to put out the fire and justify themselves, and do not know how to stop the flow of provocations. Lukashenko is confused and doesn’t know what to say and his subordinates see his weakness and start supporting the opposition more.

Russia, meanwhile, says that there are signs of external interference, but this is an internal matter for Belarus and we will not interfere.

Start of the special operation

Just a few days later, Lukashenko calls Putin, and after the call, he said that he was surprised at how well Russia understands the situation. It is not known what they were talking about, but an hour and a half later, the first two planes took off in the direction of Minsk. These planes are flown by top level officials.

Then all week new planes – both FSB and ordinary ones – arrive in Belarus.

On Friday, active work begins to suppress protest moods. They turn on the Internet, release detainees, new journalists appear on TV (mostly from Russia, as it turned out later), gather thousands of rallies in support of Lukashenko, even with voluntarily-forcibly driven people, Lukashenko tours striking factories.

(Previously forbidden flags appeared)

Work is beginning on all fronts to oust the opposition from the information space and discredit their leaders. Rather, the government allows them to discredit themselves by seeking to publish a program of changes that are identical to the Ukrainian reforms:

And so on. You understand the meaning of the program. Then it begins to be analysed in the media and now the opposition begins to justify itself and hastily removes the program from their websites and says that all of this is a lie and they did not say this.

The protests are beginning to deflate and the opposition Telegram channels say that this is not true and people are just tired or the weather is bad and the government is about to give up.

The most obvious fact of Russian intervention was the advice to reward the military for excellent service, thereby making it clear that they would not abandon the military, because the military was afraid of reprisals and many thought that they would be fed to the people to calm the protests. Many therefore started to side with the protesters, because the opposition published their information and the information of their families and they were concerned for their safety.

There were also stickers on Telegram in favour of Lukashenko.

As a result

Putin waited until Lukashenko lost the support of the west and he would have no other options but the development of the Union State. And now Lukashenko, instead of making excuses, again feels very confident, but Russian politicians have taken a firm grip on him, because now is the best time to conclude agreements while his position is weak, and the Belarusian President himself now declares that Union relations are good and proper. Along with Belarusian flags, Russian flags are now being displayed, and positive news about Russia is being played on TV again, not the other way around (this is important for preparing people for rapprochement). The protests have almost run out of steam in just a few days of Russian intelligence work.


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Russian Defense Minister — The West Cannot Be Trusted

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Russian Defence Minister General Sergei Shoigu in a September 22, 2019 Interview:

Defence Mnister Sergey Shoigu: everything he asserts is true (verifiable) and morally valid, yet Western media invariably distorts and denies it.

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]e long failed to understand the essential nature of what was going on around us. If the West had continued to behave as it began behaving in Gorbachev’s time – if it had kept all its promises, not moved NATO ever closer to our borders, not expanded its influence in our near abroad, not gotten involved in the internal affairs of our country – then it seems to me that the West would ultimately have succeeded in everything. They would have succeeded in attaining the objective they had set themselves — the objective of destroying and enslaving our country, as the West did to the former Soviet republics.

The process of recovering our common sense began in 1999. From that moment we have fought for all we are worth through difficulty and hardship to reach a situation whereby today the world has, nevertheless, ceased to be a unipolar world. And the West, naturally enough, is not at all happy about this, it is exerting every effort to recover for itself the monopoly of influence in the world. Some people believe that the West’s wide-ranging overt opposition to Russia began only five years ago – with Ukraine and Crimea. But that is a mistake. I would recommend a detailed recollection of precisely what went on in the 1990’s, in 2008, in 2013. What drivel was said and written about us at a time when we were preparing for the Olympic Games in Sochi!  And this was by no means just a manifestation of information warfare.

I don’t wish to delve into the specifics. But from my viewpoint the significance of what is happening is as follows: the West long ago created the templates and algorithms for the overthrow in any country of any legitimate authority it deems inconvenient. Of course, all this is done under the banner of promoting democracy. Well, in what country to which they “brought democracy” has this democracy taken root: in Iraq, in Afghanistan, or in Libya? Or in the former Yugoslavia, which with their “democratic” bombings in 1999 they forcibly dismembered into six countries. And you can just forget about sovereignty and independence following any American intervention. And is it a surprise to anyone that the majority of oilfields in that same Libya belong to American companies or companies under US control? Our Western colleagues love to accuse Russia of waging some sort of “hybrid wars.” But I have to say that it is the West itself that is waging real hybrid wars. Right now, for instance, while leaving Afghanistan in a state of semi-devastation, the Americans are diligently making a fuss in Venezuela – also, of course, for the sake of “the triumph of democracy”!


But who is DM S. Shoigu anyway?

Shoigu wearing his Rusian general uniform.

 [dropcap]A[/dropcap]ny comparison between the career path of Sergey Shoigu --- Russia’s defense minister --- and Dmitry Rogozin, the deputy prime minister in charge of Russia’s defense industries, is a study in contrasts.

Where Rogozin is a professional politician, Shoigu is as an apolitical technocrat.  

In only one important respect do Rogozin and Shoigu resemble each other. Shoigu, like Rogozin, is a civilian not a soldier. 

Shoigu was born in the region of Tuva in Siberia in 1955. His father was Tuvan and his mother was Russian.

The Tuvans are a Turkic speaking ethnic group who traditionally practice Shamanism or Tibetan Buddhism.

Shoigu’s ethnically mixed background has fed many stories -- that he is a practitioner of Shamanism or Buddhism, that he speaks nine languages including English, Japanese and Turkish, and that he has built up a collection of ancient Japanese samurai swords worth $40 million.

The reality is that he is a civil engineer. He graduated in 1977 from the Krasnoyarsk Polytechnical Institute -- a prestigious engineering college that has since been absorbed into Krasnoyarsk’s Siberian Federal University.  

Thereafter Shoigu worked for about a decade in various posts in the Soviet construction industry.  

A background in civil engineering is widely acknowledged to provide the best quality training for a projects manager and it is as a manager that Shoigu excels.

At some point Shoigu joined the Soviet Communist Party. In 1988 Shoigu he became a party functionary in the party organisation in the south Siberian city of Abakan. He also seems to have undertaken some work for the Communist youth movement, the Komsomol.  This makes Shoigu the only member of the Russian government to have once been a Soviet Communist Party apparatchik.

In one of the most inspired --- and mysterious --- decisions of his career, Yeltsin plucked Shoigu from obscurity in 1991 and, before the USSR fell, appointed him the first chairman of the newly formed State Committee of the Russian Federation for Civil defense Matters, Extraordinary Situations and the Liquidation of Natural Disasters (“EMERCOM”).

Shoigu was promoted to full minister in 1994. The emergencies ministry he headed however continues to be called EMERCOM.

In the same year 1994, in a sign of growing trust, Yeltsin made Shoigu a major general in the Russian army and a member of Russia’s Security Council.  

Shoigu has since had more promotions, and at the time of his appointment to the defense ministry he was a full general. The military uniform he wears reflects this. It does not mean he is or ever was a soldier.

Yeltsin’s reasons for appointing Shoigu have never been explained. In 1991 EMERCOM was newly established and unimportant. The best guess is that Shoigu was appointed because someone told Yeltsin he was available and was a good manager.  

In the event Shoigu’s performance in the job has --- at least in Russia --- become the stuff of legend.

Despite what must initially have been a limited budget Shoigu was able to build up EMERCOM from scratch into a well-run organisation of 200,000 men.

What however captured the imagination of the Russian public was the inspirational leadership he provided.

In a crisis Shoigu proved to be an excellent hands-on manager and also a highly visible one.

Whenever a disaster happened Shoigu somehow always seemed to be there, taking personal charge, issuing crisp and clear orders and providing his subordinates with the help and support they needed. 

This is very much the style of a civil engineer undertaking a big project and it is likely Shoigu learnt it during his work in the construction industry.  

To the Russian public, accustomed to remote desk-bound ministers, it was something new.

Shoigu’s direct involvement in disaster management undoubtedly speeded response times and improved efficiency.  The active presence during a crisis of the man in charge, able to assume responsibility, make quick decisions and cut through red tape, has repeatedly been shown to be essential. The muddled and bureaucratic response to the  Hurricane Katrina disaster in New Orleans in 2005 shows the contrast.

Shoigu became Russia’s most popular minister. At a time in the 1990s when the Russian government appeared to be in a state of barely controlled chaos and the whole country seemed in danger of falling apart, he and his ministry provided a desperately needed example of efficiency and success.

Beyond efficiency, another reason for Shoigu’s popularity was his refusal to involve himself or his ministry in political conflicts.  

Initially this may have reflected the political insignificance of EMERCOM. However even as he became popular Shoigu never sought to use his popularity to gain political influence. He seems to have been purely focused on his job.

The result was that Shoigu accomplished the astonishing feat of remaining a minister throughout the chaotic Yeltsin years without making any enemies. Even individuals like Berezovsky seem to have respected him, as did the Communists who were Yeltsin’s most bitter opponents.

This combination of ability and apparent lack of ambition explains Shoigu’s extraordinary political longevity. He is the only member of Putin’s government to have served in the Soviet Communist Party apparatus, to have been a minister under Yeltsin, and to have been appointed to head a ministry before the USSR broke up.

Shoigu’s popularity, and his lack of ambition and enemies, meant he managed the transition from Yeltsin to Putin with ease.  

In 1999 he was made nominal leader of Unity, the new governing party formed that year. The actual leader was and remains Putin himself. Shoigu was given this role to give Unity a popular public face. He continued in that role when the party became United Russia, stepping down in 2005.

In May 2012 he finally stepped down from EMERCOM, handing over to his longstanding deputy Vladimir Puchkov.  

There is no reason to think this resignation was anything other than voluntary. After more than a decade in a demanding post it is understandable if he wanted to move on.

On the day Shoigu stepped down from EMERCOM Putin appointed him governor of Moscow Oblast, presumably to compliment Sergey Sobyanin -- another capable manager whom Medvedev had just over a year before appointed mayor of Moscow.  

This seems to have been part of a plan to reorganise and expand Moscow and to strengthen the government’s support there.  Moscow was the only place in Russia where in the Presidential elections in March 2012 Putin’s vote fell below 50%.  

In the event fate intervened and just a few months later in December 2012 Putin hurriedly appointed Shoigu Russia’s defense minister.

This appointment was unplanned and was a consequence of what might have been the single most disastrous appointment of Putin’s career.

Shoigu’s predecessor as defense minister, Anatoly Serdyukov, was a former businessman and tax official Putin appointed to the post in 2007 to carry out a major shake-up of the Russian military.   

Serdyukov’s reputation as a reformer continues to gain him plaudits from those like the writer Mark Galeotti for whom the word “reform” has acquired a kind of mantric quality.

The reality of Serdyukov’s time as defense minister was of repeated failures in procurement programmes, unwise attempts to import Western weapons that needlessly upset Russia’s defense industries and which exposed Russia to outside pressure (the Mistral ships being a case in point), widespread purges and chaotically conducted and insensitive reorganisations of military units --- all of which managed to antagonise Russia’s senior military and which caused morale to plunge.

It all finally imploded in autumn 2012 with public revelations of massive corruption at Oboronservis, a company affiliated to the defense ministry, with one of whose directors --- Yevgeniya Vasilyeva --- it turned out Serdyukov was having an affair.  

Putin had to sack Serdyukov, and in order to stabilise a crisis situation in the defense ministry he turned to Shoigu.  

It is a tribute to Shoigu’s reputation that news of his appointment was by itself sufficient to raise morale in the defense ministry.  

It is testament to Shoigu’s abilities as a leader and a manager that morale has remained high ever since.

In place of the chaos, low morale and constant infighting of the Serdyukov years, the impression is of a defense ministry that has stabilised into a smoothly functioning machine, with the military at last spared constant reorganisation and able to concentrate on training itself and its troops the better to carry out whatever tasks it is given.

In the nature of things Shoigu’s work in the defense ministry is less visible than was his work for EMERCOM. However the conduct of the Crimean operation shows that Shoigu’s methods remain the same: painstaking administration during times of quiet; dynamic hands-on management in times of crisis.

Shoigu further consolidated his already immense popularity with the Russian public by an extraordinary gesture at the start of the 9th May Victory Parade earlier this year.  

Before reviewing the troops he made the sign of the cross -- an act that had the whole of Russia buzzing and which went down well in a rapidly re-christianising country.  

It was also a gesture that may have been intended to refute rumours of Shoigu being a practising Buddhist. He has since revealed that he was baptised into Orthodoxy by his Russian mother at the age of five. 

Inevitably the theatricality of this gesture has sparked further speculation that Shoigu is positioning himself as Putin’s successor.  Given that he is the second most popular official in Russia after Putin himself such speculation is understandable.  

Arguing against it is the fact that at 60 Shoigu is barely younger than Putin himself, and that he has previously shown no ambition for such office.

Rather than speculate about Shoigu’s political prospects, it seems more useful to consider what he has already achieved. 

In partnership with Rogozin - appointed deputy Prime Minister in charge of Russia’s defense industries a year before Shoigu’s appointment --- Shoigu is rapidly re-establishing Russia as a great military power --- by far the strongest in Europe and in western Eurasia. Widely expressed alarm in the West about the supposed “threat” from Russia --- though groundless and exaggerated --- is nonetheless a tribute to what Shoigu in partnership with Rogozin has already achieved.

Source: Russia Insider

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Breaking! Another major false flag being planned by the West in Syria. Russians sound a warning.


Gen. Gerasimov briefing his colleagues about the US/NATO preparations for a false flag in Eastern Ghouta.

As the West is furiously hatching one false flag after another to further poison the image of Russia, and, even more dangerously, seek ways to harass her whenever her personnel or allies may be found, the situation in the world continues to deteriorate at a rapid clip, with the possibility of a major armed confrontation between the nuclear superpowers becoming a tragic reality in 2018 or not much later than that, unless the US and its vassal states change course, not likely at this point given the depravity of their ruling cliques and the miasma of exceptionalism and supremacism still permeating their brains, and the culture in general.

Thus, out of nowhere the London-Washington axis of (real) evil has come up with the latest spurious story about Russia, and naturally Putin, being the culprits for the groundless poison attack on an exiled former Russian spy living quietly in Britain, S. Skripal and his daughter. Without the benefit of even completing a preliminary investigation, politicians and media in both Britain and the US have already formed a hysterical chorus of accusers, and pronounced their verdict, the Russians did it, while PM Theresa May, who apparently has no notion of what decency or even self-preservation means,  has kept busy haughtily issuing ludicrous ultimatums to Moscow. In one of today's dispatches, our colleague Stephen Lendman noted the following about this latest insult:

In response to British PM Theresa May demanding swift Russian answers to questions posed about the incident, a Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman (speaking for her government) replied sharply saying:  “One does not give 24 hours notice to a nuclear power,” adding the “Skripal poisoning was not an incident but a colossal international provocation,” adding: Not a “single international legal mechanism (exists) to probe the Skripal case.”

Indeed. Who do the Brits think they are? One does not give 24 hours notice to a nuclear power.
Incidentally, with the West (and that includes Israel and Japan, etc.) it's almost always about the money. In this case the old refrain, "Cherchez la femme," must be updated to "Cherchez l'argent!". "L'argent" in question is the desire by Washington to scuttle Russo-German plans to complete Nord Stream 2, a new pipeline to supply Western Europe with Russian gas that, as frequently proclaimed, the US ruling circles are determined to block come what may (it's also part of why they continue to meddle in Syria). 

Meanwhile, in the Syrian theater of confrontation, the US and its propaganda assets, which naturally feature the ubiquitous White Helmets, created and deployed to fill this role, along with plenty of ISIS cadre (aka "moderate rebels") are hurriedly preparing another monstrosity, a replay of the old "Assad gassed his own people!" routine, first floated as an excuse to attack Syria by Obama (2013), eventually dissuaded by prompt Russian diplomacy, (this incident was eventually shown to have been a frame-up by the West, with Saudi miscreant Prince Bandar acting as channel for the requisite money and gas supplies to the rebels). This time the plotters are clearly targeting Eastern Ghouda, a propaganda stage already pre-saturated with Western disinformation, not to mention that the American public, ultra convenient for the ruling mafia, while soaked in jingoist narratives, knows little and remembers nothing. The object is to stage more aggressive "retaliatory" attacks on Damascus, a posse likely to include the US and its coterie of accomplices, probably to include Israel and the Saudis, too, always willing to shed someone else's blood in pursuit of their ignoble ends. This time around, things risk getting out of control if Russian personnel falls in these attacks. —P Greanville

BREAKING: Russia Issues Warning to US! DO NOT ATTACK OUR TROOPS, We WILL Respond

With US analyst John Steppling
(Which Google did not want us to present it to you all that easily, hence we had to do technical contortions to get it here). Incidentally, our colleagues at PressTv apparently confused Gen. Gerasimov (clearly identified in the first video) with Russia's Defense Minister, the capable Sergey Shoygu. Alas, not a capital offense.

Russian DF Shoygu.

"Moscow will respond to US strikes on Syria"

Patrice Greanville serves as editor of The Greanville Post, which he founded in 2006, following Cyrano's Journal.

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Things to ponder

While our media prostitutes, many Hollywood celebs, and politicians and opinion shapers make so much noise about the still to be demonstrated damage done by the Russkies to our nonexistent democracy, this is what the sanctimonious US government has done overseas just since the close of World War 2. And this is what we know about. Many other misdeeds are yet to be revealed or documented.

Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” — acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump — a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report


Russian Presidential Elections: boring, useless and necessary?


As the Presidential elections in Russia are drawing near I am amazed to see how much interest this event is generating in spite of the fact that it sure seems to me that this will be an incredibly boring and, frankly, totally useless event.

But first, full disclosure: I don’t have much faith in the so-called “democratic process”. Just look at the EU and tell me: do you really believe that the people in power represent the will and interests of the people who, supposedly, elected them? There are exceptions, of course, Switzerland is probably one of the comparatively most democratic countries out there, but mostly what we see is that western democracies are run by gangs of oligarchs and bureaucrats who have almost nothing in common with the people they are supposed to represent. As for the USA, for decades now every time the people voted for “A” they always got “non-A” as a result. It is almost comical. So here is my personal conclusion: democracies are political systems in which the real ruling elites hide behind an utterly fake appearance of people power. Put it differently, the “democratic process” is the device by which the real and hidden rulers of the world (or “worldwide behind the scenes powers“, to use the expression of Ivan Il’in), legitimize their power and prevent their overthrow. This is the same technique used by used car dealerships when they place tens, sometimes, hundreds of US flags on their lots before a car sale: it’s just a basic trick to induce the ‘correct’, patriotic, state of mind. This is also the reason why there are elections every 4 years in the USA: the more illegitimate and despotic any putatively “democratic” regime is, the more often it will organize elections to, so to speak, “increase the dose” of patriotically-induced stupor in its people and give them the illusion that the regime is legitimate, their opinion matters and all is well. Finally, when needed, slogans such as “democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others” are used to put to sleep those who might have doubts. In terms of real people power “democracies” are probably the least truly democratic regimes imaginable simply because they are by far the most capable of hiding who really runs the country and where there real centers of power are. Do I really need to add that the worst kind of “democracy” is the capitalist one? You disagree? Then why do you think that Mayer Amschel Rothschild allegedly declared “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!“? Nowhere is the concentration of capital easier to achieve than in a society which makes it possible for the real ruling class to hide its power behind a screen of electoral farces.

Switzerland is probably one of the comparatively most democratic countries out there, but mostly what we see is that western democracies are run by gangs of oligarchs and bureaucrats who have almost nothing in common with the people they are supposed to represent. As for the USA, for decades now every time the people voted for “A” they always got “non-A” as a result. It is almost comical.

Russia’s modern “democracy” fits into this mold very nicely and the upcoming elections are a perfect example of that. But here I need to make another disclaimer: if judged superficially, just by the usual set of legalistic, external, criteria, Russia is a real democracy: there is freedom of speech in Russia, plenty of elections, you can criticize Putin or any other politician to your heart’s content, when journalists are murdered (which happens), it is never on the Kremlin’s orders (simply because the Kremlin does not need them dead). The Russian media is infinitely more diverse (and interesting!) then the dull propaganda machine called “the media” in the West. And even harsh critiques of the government (like, say, Maksim Shevchenko) do get positions in various official human rights monitoring bodies, etc. In reality, Russia is far more democratic than most western countries.

So what is wrong with this rosy picture?

What is wrong is that this is all a farce, a facade, every bit as fake as western democracies are. But in a very different, uniquely Russian, way.

For one thing, there is no real opposition in Russia. Oh sure, Zhirinovsky has been in politics for years and delivering his unique mix of very sound and truthful ideas and utter, idiotic nonsense. ”Zhirik” (as he is called in Russia) is really a court jester, whose role is to amuse but also often say things which others don’t have the courage to say. By the way, regardless of crazy nonsense he regularly spews, the man is very intelligent and well educated and when he acts like a clown he is fully aware of it (you can even see his laughing eyes when he offloads some particularly offensive and outrageous comment). Zhirik and his “Liberal Democratic” (I kid you not!) party is basically the ideal “Kremlin-approved” pseudo-opposition which gets a lot of people who otherwise might feel really disgusted with Kremlin politics to vent, go vote, and then basically support Putin even if they don’t realize it. Zhirik and his LDRP are also very useful to harshly criticize, ridicule and discredit the pro-US “liberals” (in the Russian meaning of the word) whom I refer to as “Atlantic Integrationists”. Next, comes the Communists.

The Russian Communists are a pathetic bunch, really. I wish the English speaking audience could listen to how their longtime leader, Gennady Zyuganov, speaks: he even sounds like an old Soviet Politburo member. The Russian Communists have, for many years now, been a completely reactionary and fossilized party: mostly the peddle Soviet-era nostalgia, minus the Gulag, of course, and with a new and fantastically hypocritical respect for religion. If Zhirik is a least really funny, Zyuganov will bore you to tears! So for these elections, the Russian Communists did something really weird: they chose to back an outsider, Pavel Grudinin, who is as much a real communist as the Barak Obama was a real democrat. I guess their stupid plan was to show something akin to a 21st-century version of “Communism with a human face”, except for this time the face looks strikingly similar to Charlie Chaplin.

But don’t completely dismiss the Communists quite yet. For one thing, many Russians are deeply opposed to the neo-liberal policies of the Medvedev government and even though Putin talks a very social talk, the sad reality is that he also is clearly a proponent of western-style economics. Putin gets away with this by two simple tricks: a) his superb foreign policy b) by deflecting most criticisms on Medvedev. Slick move, but not one good enough for a nation and culture which has always been strongly social and collectivistic, which instinctively feels that capitalism and individualism are morally repugnant, and practically unsustainable, and which views the accumulation of capital as something profoundly immoral.

I have often made the case that culturally Russia is not, and has never been, European in any meaningful sense of the word. This is particularly true in the typically Russian mix of, on one hand, contempt for the accumulation of wealth and individualism and, on the other, the Russian fixation on the notion of moral justice. Russian heroes can be monastics or soldiers, but never businessmen or bankers. The traditional Russian culture, which has never undergone anything resembling the western Renaissance or Reformation, has retained a social ethos which is much closer to Middle-Eastern Islam or Asian Confucianism than to the western values of the so-called “Age of Enlightenment”. And while Marxism-Leninism was clearly an ideological import, it found in Russia a much more fertile ground for its values than the “enlightened” Masonic values imposed upon the Russian society by the westernized Russian elites, often with a great deal of violence, during the 18th– 20th centuries. There is a reason why nobody followed Kerensky and his Masonic gang while the Bolsheviks did get a lot of support from the people in spite of their rabid hatred for religion and their russophobia. Thus, a full 750 years after Saint Alexander Nevsky spoke his famous words “God is not in force, but in truth” we saw, Danila Bagrov, the hero of the famous movie “Brother 2”, say this in his now famous monologue with a prototypical US capitalist “tell me, American, wherein is strength? Is it in money? My brother also says that it is in money. And you have a lot of money, and so what? I think that real strength is in the truth – he who has the truth is the stronger one!“. What we are dealing with here is what Ivan Solonevich used to call the “national dominant” – a core component of the identity, worldview, and ethos of a nation. Seventy years of Bolshevism, followed by a decade of “democratic” capitalism did definitely manage to damage and diminish this “national dominant”, but it is still here and its political and social potential is still immense. This is why “Leftist” parties should never be completely dismissed in Russia: Russia will always be a country drawn to social, “Leftist”, collectivist values and ideas.

Back to reality now: Grudinin is as far away from Saint Alexander Nevsky or Danila Bagrov as can be and the so-called “Left” in Russia is as uninspiring and sterile as it is in the West. But if 70 years of obnoxious Bolshevik mismanagement have not managed to discredit the collectivist and social values inherent in the Russian people, neither will one really bad choice for a presidential election.

Still, the sad reality today is that the Russians don’t have a real, truly socialist, candidate to vote for. If Zirik is a right-wing jester, then Grudinin is left-wing fake.

And yet, even being the fake that he is, Grudinin is enough of an irritant (not a threat, that is overstating the case) that the Russian state media has now clearly embarked on a Grudinin-bashing campaign (which he richly deserves, but nonetheless). We should never forget here that the Communists did win the 1996 elections (which Eltsin stole with the full support of the West, the same West which also supported Eltsin using tanks in 1993 to kill thousands of people in a democratically elected parliament). That was a long time ago, but what I think is that this still shows that there still is a large potential voting base for Communists in Russia, but only if the Communists presented a credible candidate. Speaking of which, while Zyuganov himself looks like an old stuffed Politburo relic, there are much smarter young Communists in Russia, just as some younger LDPR members also look pretty sharp. But here is the crux of the problem: the Kremlin clearly has enough power to make darn sure that all which the Russians get as a “choice” are either court jesters or fakes. So while the democratic form is respected, the substance is entirely missing.

Next, there are what we could call “all the others” (Sobchack, Iavlinsky, Baburin, Suraikin, Titov). Just forget about them, they basically don’t exist. Some (Baburin) are better than others (Iavlinksy), but the reality is that they are all irrelevant.

And then there is Da Man, The Boss, the Ubercandidate who crushes everybody just by his presence and who will easily win yet another term: Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Compared to Putin, all the others look like confused kindergarteners playing pretend politics in the electoral sandbox allotted to them. Now, I am a self-confessed Putin-fanboy and I am very happy that he is in power. But that does not entail that I should kid myself, or anybody else, about all the problems with the current situation. Let me list a few of these problems:

First, and this is crucial, Russia is at war. Let me repeat this: Russia is at war with the AngloZionist Empire. The fact that this war is roughly 80% informational, 15% economic and 5% kinetic does not make it less real or less dangerous, if only because these ratios can very rapidly change. Furthermore, Putin is a brilliant man placed at the top of an extremely bad system which almost cost Russia her very existence. As a result, Putin put his efforts in mostly two directions: protect Russia against the western aggression and struggle against the pro-western 5thcolumnists inside Russia (oligarchs, Zionists, “liberals”, russophobes, etc.) including inside the Kremlin (the Atlantic Integrationists à la Medvedev or the IMF/WTO/Washington Consensus types à la Nabiulina & Kudrin & Chubais, etc.). Of course, Putin did try to fight corruption, mismanagement, fraud, etc., but the two spheres where he hit the hardest were defense and aerospace. He also created the ONF (The All-Russia People’s Front) to try to “reach” deeper inside the Russian society and economy, and this also worked. But the fact remains that most of Putin’s energy was directed at fighting the war against the Empire and the 5th column inside Russia. Most of the country is still in dire need of reform.

Second, and to my personal great regret, Putin is a neo-liberal. A real anti-liberal would never have kept people like Kudrin (who, by the way, was fired by Medvedev, not Putin), or Nabiulina and all the rest of them. Alas, Putin failed to kick this entire gang where it belongs: in jail. He got some of them (Serdiukov, Uliukaev) but most of them are still here (notice that neither Nabuilina nor Chubais ever made it to the US sanctions list?). I am no mind reader but my best guess is that Putin sincerely believes in what we could loosely called “regulated capitalism” or “social democracy” and that the kind of ideas presented by, say, Sergei Glaziev, really frighten him as a possible return to the kind of disaster-economics the Soviet Union had in the 1980s. I think that he is wrong, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that most Russian people clearly would want a number of things which Putin is not willing or able to deliver including a much harsher crackdown on corruption, much more vigorous social policies (social or “socialist” in the Russian sense of the word, meaning socially-oriented and not driven by capitalist ideology) and a much more equitable distribution of wealth. By all accounts, and in diametrical opposition to what nonsense spewed by the AngloZionist propaganda, Putin is not at all a nostalgic of the Soviet era. In fact, he seems to have somewhat of a phobia of anything which could remind somebody of Soviet-era policies even when these policies were clearly superior to what we see today in Russia (say in education, health, fundamental science, social programs, etc.). Whatever may be the case, I don’t think that anybody will deny that most Russian people would be happy if the entire “economic block” of the Medvedev regime would be fired (or jailed or, even better, summarily executed by a firing squad) and replaced by much more “left/socialist/communist” leaning economists. The fact that the Russian Communists completely fail to provide such an alternative is great for Putin’s reelection but very bad for Russia.

Third, Russia today is ruled by one man: Putin. Great guy, I totally support him! But one man ruling a country is a very bad thing not only because sooner or later this man will leave the scene and leave no credible successor, but also because a President should not be dealing with the pavement of the road in small cities in the Urals or get involved in the geographical distribution of maternity wards in Siberia. Yet this is exactly what is going on. The Russians have even an expression for that “Putin rules in a manual regime” meaning that he has to do everything by himself. This is sheer folly and this is obviously unsustainable. Oh sure, there are very sharp and good people around Putin, but none of them can match his unique combination of charm, charisma, intelligence, courage, patience, and determination: as soon as Putin leaves, for whatever reason, this entire system will come tumbling down precisely because it is not a real *system* but a “one man show”. And this is exactly what the Atlantic Integrationists are obviously waiting for to strike again.

So if Putin is so bad, why do I support him? Simply because at this point in time there is no alternative. And it’s not really that Putin is “bad” – but rather that he is a human being, not a miracle worker with a magic wand in his hands who can reform Russia simply by waving it and saying “abracadabra”. Especially not while Russia is at war with an Empire which threatens her very existence!

In the West, the AngloZionist are clearly backing Grudinin (see herehereherehereherehere and even the always hyperpoliticallycorrectWikipedia loves him!). The reasons for that are really simple: not only would the AngloZionist prefer *anybody*, including Count Dracula, over Putin, but if even if a purely nominal pseudo-Communist like Grudinin came to power the entire western “elites” could finally all loudly proclaim that: “Aha! Here is the proof; here is a wave of revanchist Communism in Russia and that is like the USSR 2.0 – welcome to the next Cold War!!“. In reality, the Russian Communist Party, chock-full of very real capitalists, (see machine translated article here) who Communist only in name, but its members still like red flags and pictures of Lenin and that ‘s good enough to scare those who already want to be scared (westerners). In the meantime, while the Russian state-media is bashing Grudinin, “somebody” is clearly actively promoting him in the Russian social media. Any guesses who that “somebody” might be?

As always, Russia’s “western geostrategic partners” are misreading Russia and wasting their breath (and money!). Here are the latest polls: Putin 71.5%, Zhirinovsky 5.5%, Grudinin 7.3% and the rest don’t matter. You don’t want to believe them? Fine. But when the difference is by a full order of magnitude your doubts won’t make much of a difference. Besides, you really don’t want the figures of being any different, trust me, because if the jester or the fake comes to power, then the crisis which will hit Russia and the rest of our planet will really be immense and very dangerous: we already have one clown in charge of a nuclear superpower, we most definitely can’t afford a second one.

The sad reality is that these elections will change nothing and they are not only boring (no real, credible, opposition) but also useless. A grand waste of time and money. And yet, they are also necessary.

They are necessary because in the “Empire of Illusions”, to borrow Chris Hedges’ excellent expression, everybody simply has to play by the AngloZionist rules: elections are an absolute “must” even if they are self-evidently farcical. So the Russians will get their “secular liturgy” (which is what elections really are), the right guy will stay in power, which is good, even if his staying in power has nothing to do with the formal trappings democracy. Yes, Putin does have the support of the overwhelming majority of the Russian people, even those who do not trust polls or election results agree on this, and that popular support is by far his most important power base (and the main reason why Putin-haters either stay quiet or become politically irrelevant). But the reality of that support is neither expressed by, nor conveyed through, Presidential elections. Putin does have the nation behind him, but not because some electoral farce says so. If by some magic trick, say, some court would strip Putin of all his legal powers, he still would have a much higher moral and, therefore, practical authority than any other person in Russia. Alexander Solzhenitsyn once said that all regimes can be positioned on a continuum ranging from regimes whose authority is based on their power to those whose power is based on their authority. Putin’s real power is not based on any Presidential election, nor is the based on the Russian Constitution, it is based on his moral authority with the Russian people. This is not something which can be expressed in percentages or numbers of cast bulletins, but it is no less real.

So the Empire’s goal is simple: not to replace Putin, at least not yet, but to prevent Putin from obtaining a clear majority in the first round. The plan is simple: if Putin gets a majority – denounce Russia as a non-democratic authoritarian state. If Putin by some miracle fails to get that majority, prove to the world that he is nowhere as popular as most people say he is and hope that all the anti-Putin forces combined will turn to Grudinin or Zhirinovsky (either one will do). If Grudinin goes into a 2nd round that will prove that Russia is a country with a strong nostalgia for the Soviet era (expect a myriad of references so Stalin in the Ziomedia), if it is Zhirinovksy, announce to the world that rabid Russian nationalists are about to invade the Baltics or nuke Turkey. When Putin eventually wins, declare that the election was stolen and explain to the zombified audience that Evil Vlad is nothing but the ideological sum total of commies and nationalists combined into one big “Russian Threat”.

Sounds stupid? Yes, of course. Because it is. But that’s the plan anyway.

—The Saker

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review]

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THIS IS AN EXCERPT FROM THE BOOK The Saker (2015-11-17). THE ESSENTIAL SAKER: from the trenches of the  emerging multipolar world (Kindle Locations 11542-11557). Nimble Books LLC. Kindle Edition.


THE SAKER  is the nom de guerre of a former Russian-born military and geopolitical analyst, working at one point for the West. He has described his former career as that of "the proverbial 'armchair strategist', with all the flaws which derive from that situation.  Explaining his transformation, he states: "Before the war in Bosnia I had heard the phrase "truth is the first casualty of war" but I had never imagined that this could be quite so literally true. Frankly, this war changed my entire life and resulted in a process of soul-searching which ended up pretty much changing my politics 180 degrees. This is a long and very painful story which I do not want to discuss here, but I just want to say that this difference between what I was reading in the press and in the UNPROFOR reports ended up making a huge difference in my entire life. Again, NOT A SINGLE ASPECT OF THE OFFICIAL NARRATIVE WAS TRUE, not one. You would get much closer to the truth if you basically did a 'negative' of the official narrative.”  Like The Greanville Post, with which it is now allied in his war against official disinformation, the Saker's site, VINEYARD OF THE SAKER, is the hub of an international network of sites devoted to fighting the "billion-dollar deception machinery" supporting the empire's wars against Russia, China, Iran, Syria, Venezuela and any other independent nation opposing or standing in the way of Washington's drive for global hegemony.  The Saker is published in more than half a dozen languages. A Saker is a very large falcon, native to Europe and Asia. 

US Jingoism vs. Russian Propaganda: From ‘The List’ To Social Media Censorship


By _anonym

Samantha Bee, one of many establishment comedians & media critters who have joined the Russiagate witch-hunt, is naturally a hero for the propornot ghouls. Bee hails from the Jon Stewart school of faux journalism.

Let's take the infamous The List article apart, along with the growing social media censorship surrounding it, and this whole subject of alternative English-language media's infiltration by 'Russian Propaganda'—just to clear the missile strewn air a wee bit insofar as that may be possible with hardened silos on either side.

The List article begins with the not-so-subtle subtitle 'An Initial Set of Sites That Reliably Echo Russian Propaganda.' Let's stop right there and ask: what is propaganda?

Wikipedia defines the term:

"Propaganda is information that is not objective and is used primarily to influence an audience and further an agenda, often by presenting facts selectively to encourage a particular synthesis or perception, or using loaded language to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information that is presented. Propaganda is often associated with material prepared by governments, but activist groups, companies and the media can also produce propaganda."

Let's accept that definition, because what we are talking about here is not merely what's there defined, but a full-scale, bona fide propaganda war. The List article itself satisfies this definition of propaganda in every detail, and admits as much, obliquely:

"Americans have the right to echo, repeat, be used by, and refer their audiences to Russian official and semi-official state media, including “fake news” propaganda—just as we have the right to analyze and highlight that, without fear or favor." [ http://www.propornot.com/p/the-list.html ]

They're writing US Government propaganda, and they know it—which is not to say it is untrue for that reason alone.

The fact that a piece of writing is propaganda simply has no bearing on its veracity. Let that concept sink in. Propaganda may be shoddy and obvious, but effective propaganda relies on at least a modicum of truth as a platform for its persuasive agenda, and it stands to reason that, given a democracy and freedom of speech, which is to say absent the use of force, suppression and censorship, there should ultimately be a winner in a propaganda war: the side with the preponderance of veracity. False constructs can only survive so long before collapsing of their own dead weight.

One can well argue that all writing, whether by assertion or by omission, whether deliberate or coincidental, is propaganda. A children's fairy tale is propaganda insofar as it redirects the readers consciousness away from the systemic evils of the real world and encourages acceptance of the status quo. Every Op-Ed or opinion piece in every publication on earth which argues against a systemic evil is likewise propaganda against that system.

Here, the Russophobic propaganda of The List presents facts selectively to encourage a particular perception, using loaded language to influence the reader and to further the American deep state's anti-Russian propaganda. It does not matter whether or not the authors have a contract with the FBI or the CIA or the DHS to do so, or whether they freely choose to echo, repeat, be used by and refer the reader to official anti-Russia bias of the official American propaganda machine. They surely cannot make any plausible claim to 'objectivity.' The List is as cynically calculated a propaganda hit piece as anything in Russia's bag of tricks. Naturally enough, in the blind box of US propaganda talking points, only content which originates from Russia is propaganda. Are they stupid, or just how stupid do they think we are?

The fact that a piece of writing is propaganda simply has no bearing on its veracity. Let that concept sink in. Propaganda may be shoddy and obvious, but effective propaganda relies on at least a modicum of truth as a platform for its persuasive agenda, and it stands to reason that, given a democracy and freedom of speech, which is to say absent the use of force, suppression and censorship, there should ultimately be a winner in a propaganda war: the side with the preponderance of veracity.

As for the use of loaded language to produce an emotional rather than a rational response, The List effectively seeks to shame you by framing you as a dupe, a stooge, a tool, an agent, and quite possibly a traitor if you share a piece of Russian propaganda with which you happen to thoroughly agree, and which presents an argument you believe others will benefit from reading. To an avid reader, it is of no consequence whether the behavior of a website or one or more of its writers is dogmatically or opportunistically regurgitating Russian propaganda, any more than if it were UK propaganda, or Chinese, or Israeli, or German, or Palestinian, or American.

One may take some intellectual pride in being an equal opportunity reader of propaganda, and in disseminating that which makes a compelling claim with which one, with an open mind, thoroughly agrees. Some struggle to form an opinion, too many others merely join in whatever peerage choir surrounds them. For some of us, however, text fairly withers under our gaze and gives up its propagandist ghost immediately without struggle, so content can be weighed on its merits. Far too many, especially in propaganda-saturated countries like North Korea and America [reminding the fact that generalised propagandas are still not morally equal but differ on account fof their overall goals] lack the basic ability to separate bias from truth, weigh opposing sides of an issue, and thus properly form a balanced opinion. That does not stop them from having one, unfortunately. The fact is that challenging ideas provoke a painful cognitive dissonance, the mind tends to close, and if it does, argument turns pointless, tribal belligerence and hatefulness set in, and intellectual rigor mortis follows. Thus it is with dogmatic capitalism in all of its guises and forms, and the guises and forms of all dogmatism, political or religious. A side is taken, an enemy is born. Let loose the dogs of hatred and war.

[dropcap]A [/dropcap]great many patriotic Americans genuinely hate capitalism, morally, intellectually and emotionally, and suffer daily having to live effectively imprisoned in what is to them a transparently sick, brutal culture. Poverty is undeniably a gulag whatever one's politics. Jobs are too often experienced as enslavement for survival.  'America, my America, I have no choice but thee…' —while pretty much any country in Europe, despite being utterly capitalist, seems to those condemned to America's barbaric culture like an oasis of civilization in comparison.

Persuasive writing demands 'loaded language to produce an emotional rather than a rational response.' Persuasive writing, indeed, all purposeful writing, is therefore propaganda. As a writer, feel free to call me a propagandist, hopefully an effective and entertaining one, no less so for employing the imagination and Eros in storytelling.

Where The List becomes offensive is in blurring the distinctions between propaganda, disinformation, and fake news. Again, propaganda is most often true, if only a partial, one-sided truth, sincerely or cynically employed as bait to alter your Weltanschaung. It is rarely malicious disinformation, and almost never a factual hoax that will inevitably backfire. However, The List offers not a single example of actual factual disinformation, defined as false information that is intended to mislead, nor a single example of fake news, defined as made-up 'facts' written and published with the intent to mislead in order to damage an agency, entity, or person. Sure, propaganda, disinformation and fake news can overlap, as do fiction and fact, but please do show us at least some example, beyond your say so, of deliberately spreading false facts or a manufactured news hoax with malevolent intent, that is false beyond disagreeing, perhaps even vehemently, with your capitalist fundamentalism. If such examples can be found, they will be found among the right-wing junk news sites on the The List, nary a single one from the intellectual left outlets maliciously lumped in with them.

Despite the gravity of this attack on free speech in social media and its dangerously biased anti-Russia fear mongering, one may be hard-pressed to read The List ("Your Friendly Neighborhood Propaganda Identification Service Since 2016" ) without laughing all the way through. The transparency of its distortions, the barefaced and shameless pro-capitalist propaganda piece that it is, is ultimately more risible than frightening. One can hardly help being reminded of the Christmas ditty, 'Making a list, checking it twice—gonna find out who's naughty and nice…Santa Claus is coming to town…'

A great many of the alternative news outlets on The List's list, most likely including the one where the words you're now reading are published, may well be on your regular reading list as they are on mine. I have not once encountered a deliberate factual falsehood, or a fabricated factual hoax. That's not to say there is not a wide range in the quality of the writing, the editing is often lax or non-existent, the text error-prone, some little more than emotional ranting to the choir, some very few I wish weren't there, at least in their current incarnation—but it is laughably blatant propaganda to tar every author published in The List's outlets as witting or unwitting Russian agents regurgitating malicious factual hoodwinking.

The light in which capitalist behavior is cast by the anti-capitalist perspective may seem shockingly untrue, and cause the capitalist true believer some uncomfortable dissonance, but these are mere matters of opinion about the nature of the facts, not the facts themselves. 'The US military aggression…' may well be a loaded phrase about some American military action, but it is an opinion of that action, not an intentional lie or a National Enquirer-style hoax about some event that may not even have taken place. More and more in American society, people of every background are encountering other people 'who live in a completely different world…' simply because they actually do!

The Russian government uses propaganda just as the American government does. Indeed, at least 28 governments do, America, UK and Russia foremost among them. Here are some snippets from Armies of Cyber-Troops Manipulating Public Opinion:

"The Computational Propaganda Research Project (COMPROP) investigates the interaction of algorithms, automation and politics. This work includes analysis of how tools like social media bots are used to manipulate public opinion by amplifying or repressing political content, disinformation, hate speech, junk or fake news.

In their most recent report COMPROP have identified how organisations, often with public money, have created a system to help ‘define and manage what is in the best interest of the public.’

COMPROP have compared such organizations across 28 countries…"

The COMPROP report goes on to expose the following:

"- The earliest reports of organized social media manipulation emerged in 2010, and by 2017 there are details on such organizations in 28 countries, including the US and UK.

- Looking across the 28 countries, every authoritarian regime has social media campaigns targeting their own populations, while only a few of them target foreign publics. In contrast, almost every democracy in this sample has organized social media campaigns that target foreign publics, while political-party-supported campaigns target domestic voters.

- Authoritarian regimes are not the only or even the best at organized social media manipulation. The earliest reports of government involvement in nudging public opinion involve democracies, and new innovations in political communication technologies often come from political parties and arise during high-profile elections.

- Over time, the primary mode for organizing cyber troops has gone from involving military units that experiment with manipulating public opinion over social media networks to strategic communication firms that take contracts from governments for social media campaigns."

[from Armies of Cyber-Troops Manipulating Public Opinion http://truepublica.org.uk/global/report-armies-cyber-troops-manipulating-public-opinion/ ]

The phrase that stands out in all of the above, which otherwise comes as no surprise whatsoever, is that COMPROP has identified how organizations, often with public money, have created a system to help 'define and manage what is in the best interest of the public…' That is rich, isn't it? Propagandists on all sides, here both the Russians and the jingoist authors of The List, are just doing what's in the public's best interest, which is to say they are making your mind up for you in advance because, silly child, you don't know what's good for you.

However, behind this big brotherly solicitude on behalf of our 'best interest' there is always an implicit threat, and often an explicit one—enter the United States government:

"Led By Thune, Senate Commerce Committee Examines Extremist Propaganda on Social Media Platforms"


U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, today chaired a hearing titled, “Terrorism and Social Media: Is Big Tech Doing Enough?” The hearing examined the steps social media platforms are taking to combat the spread of extremist propaganda over the internet. During the hearing, Thune questioned witnesses from Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook on how they are working to better identify and remove extremist content online."

Here's an excerpt from Thune’s opening remarks:

"These [social media] services have thrived online because of the freedom made possible by the uniquely American guarantee of free speech, and by a light touch regulatory policy. But, as is so often the case, enemies of our way of life have sought to take advantage of our freedoms to advance hateful causes.”

[from Senator John Thune, Recent Press Releases, https://www.thune.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/press-releases?ID=3E1DD37B-3DCF-43AD-A537-E28137FBA1FC ]

There is a skillful dog whistle just out of hearing in that statement, a call to lump say, every leftist journalist retweeting a critique of capitalism together with masked head-chopping ISIS propagandists. As for the 'hateful cause' dumpster, if you think about it, what might not be tossed in there? It would be a shorter list to find causes which do not hate what is perceived as evil in the world, whether politics or religion or some ungodly combination of the two.

You will find a great many strange bedfellows in the 'hateful' dumpster, too. Indeed, many Americans regard the ideology [theology?] of the Republican Party as a 'hate crime' in and of itself, in much the same way that Republican anti-Islamists view that theology as hateful; and Republicans surely do themselves hate people and things, like Muslims and Islam, rather a lot, quite openly and without reservation, and that on behalf of a great many causes solely in their own private vested class interest, the public interest be damned. Ditto die-hard Democrats, one must hasten to add.

There is not likely an American alive today who does not honestly and deeply hate at least something about capitalism, at least some of the time, and a great many Americans feel utterly betrayed and victimized but do not recognize the culprit to call it out as capitalism per se. There are others still who understand the capitalist system all too well, and loathe it utterly and consistently, most if not all of the time, whether propelled intellectually by study, emotionally by experience, or morally bearing witness to its endless, cynical, and systemic rot.

Most anti-capitalists can begrudgingly admit to a few things that capitalism gets right, like freedom of speech, including the rapidly shrinking freedom to utterly despise capitalism in all of its guises and forms. Communism, where it still purports to exist, as in China, has much to learn from capitalism in that single regard. Free speech is just vacant hot air venting until it becomes organized into a movement and an electoral force, a difficult thing to do, but only then does it achieve moral force in a society, and become in fact a survival mechanism for that society. To suppress it is tantamount to national suicide.

We propagandists are busy trying to bring about exactly that transformation from hot air to moral force. The 'hate' of the anti-capitalist generally proceeds in fact from love of humankind, particularly those most abused by capitalism, though nearly everyone, including the idle rich (though they may not know it) are to some degree its victim. On the other hand, the hate of the capitalist generally proceeds from contempt of humankind, especially the great unwashed masses, as well as from the very real arrogance of an imagined superiority.

The American propaganda machine seems to assume, correctly if tragically, that we are thoroughly indoctrinated into its domestic propaganda, and even if we are not, we have no choice but to work 'for the man' in order to survive, and that in effect achieves all the self-censorship and mind control the powers that be could ever hope for via mainstream propaganda. Foreign policy, however, seems to be another matter, and that is where the US propaganda machine knocks itself out trying to convince Americans, and the rest of the world, that its interventions and wars are just, humanitarian, and necessary given the 'evil axis' of China and Russia and nations like Iran and Syria and Cuba and Venezuela in their orbit.

In terms of foreign policy, American mainstream media is the most powerful arm of the US propaganda machine, with scarcely a breach in its wall of support for 'Pax Americana' and the whole can of ideological worms which that entails. Even Bernie Sanders, an eloquent spokesman for America's domestic woes—indeed, he echoes and seemingly regurgitates much of what one may find in Russian propaganda outlets such as Russia Today and Sputnik with regard to US domestic policy—even he seems to buy into mainstream American foreign policy myths. (Perhaps that is why he is not singled out for criticism along with independent leftist publications online?)

The American political and media establishment would seem to consider domestic policy—outside of our pathetic dollar-denominated duopoly elections mind you—as fair game for foreign opposition, but US foreign policy, including our own propaganda interventions in Russia and around the world under the 'jurisdiction' of the CIA—not so much. And it is apparently not so much what Russian propaganda is saying about our foreign policy, but the bare fact that it is the Russians who are saying it. What is that if not Russophobia? Or some bizarre kind of nationalist or ethnic prejudice? It's not like Russia is any longer a communist country locked in existential battle with the United States, on the contrary:

"We are currently in some sort of crisis of capitalism, as the concentration of wealth continues apace and the general population of western countries increasingly feel insecure, exploited and alienated. It is still very hard for voices that reject the neo-liberal establishment view to get a media platform, but Russia does provide comparatively small platforms in the West – like Russia Today and Radio Sputnik – which allow greater democratic freedom than western media in the range of views they invite to be expressed. So the ultra-wealthy, their politician servants and media lackeys view Russia as some kind of threat to the dominance of neo-liberalism .

There are a number of ironies to this, not least the very real deficiencies in Russia’s domestic democracy and media plurality, and the fact Russia has an even worse oligarchic capitalism than the West and has a 1% completely integrated with their Western counterparts. But despite these ironies, the Western 1% perceive Russia as some sort of threat to their dominance. This leads in to the intellectually risible attempts to prove that Russia somehow “fixed” Trump’s election, for which no solid evidence can ever be adduced as it did not happen; but nevertheless vast resources continue to be spent in trying."

[ from The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming! http://truepublica.org.uk/united-kingdom/russians-coming-russians-coming/ ]

Thus we have a propaganda war with both sides pointing at the other and proclaiming, 'Fake News!' [http://themindunleashed.com/2018/02/facebook-killing-an-entire-industry-cuts-publishers-out-of-news-feed.html ]

Yes certainly the perspective cuts both ways—a far lengthier list of American mass media outlets spewing forth pro-capitalist propaganda and jingoism, often government-supplied, could surely be compiled. Most mainstream media regularly dispenses, not only propaganda, but disinformation—especially via the omission of facts—as well as using loaded language to make a predominantly emotional appeal, and in a few extreme cases outright factual hoax news can be found, as in funky pro-capitalist stalwarts like the National Enquirer and some Tea Party publications. As The Guardian notes from an Oxford University study:

“The [Donald] Trump Support group consumes the highest volume of junk news sources on Twitter, and spreads more junk news sources, than all the other groups put together. This pattern is repeated on Facebook, where the Hard Conservatives group consumed the highest proportion of junk news.”

Celebrity, escapist, and 'junk' news coverage in general, whether or not it is actually fabricated news, fills up a consciousness that might otherwise encounter something meaningful, instead of a fantasy confirmation of the great American delusion: 'I am not an exploited proletariat, I am temporarily embarrassed millionaire' (to paraphrase John Steinbeck). Celebrity culture in particular is a broad hoax perpetrated on Americans in that it hogs the cultural news, occupying virtually the whole cultural space. All escapist media, whether print or film, serve the deflective and tranquilizing purposes of propaganda.

So, where do we stand? If everything is propaganda, then nothing is? Is it then just a matter of distinguishing quality propaganda from the shameless and shallow kind? Don't you have to pick a side eventually?

The government of the United States, as a creature of its corporate lords, is ratcheting up the pressure on the public to pick a side so they can acquire absolute hegemony over your thinking, and harass or terrorize you if you resist. Can they really be so afraid of the truth? It certainly does look so. House and Senate intelligence committee leaders have pressured social media executives to compile lists of accounts within their services which disseminate what they blithely refer to as “Russian Propaganda,” and to their endless shame the technology companies have complied. [ See, http://truepublica.org.uk/global/war-fake-news-war-us/ and https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2018/01/22/cens-j22.html ]

Twitter, Google and Facebook representatives have been summoned before the Senate Commerce Committee, like wayward school children to the principle's office, to be chided on their laxity in keeping the hegemony of American propaganda intact for 'the public good.' And they have acceded to this pressure without question.

Here's the letter Twitter has sent out to offending accounts like our own EpiphanyOnWallStreet @NineInchBride account, which opposed 'Shillary Clinton' and 'Donald tRump' in equal measure in 2016:

Dear EpiphanyOnWallStreet,

As part of our recent work to understand Russian-linked activities on Twitter during the 2016 U.S. presidential election, we identified and suspended a number of accounts that were potentially connected to a propaganda effort by a Russian government-linked organization known as the Internet Research Agency.

Consistent with our commitment to transparency, we are emailing you because we have reason to believe that you either followed one of these accounts or retweeted or liked content from these accounts during the election period. This is purely for your own information purposes, and is not related to a security concern for your account.

We are sharing this information so that you can learn more about these accounts and the nature of the Russian propaganda effort. You can see examples of content from these suspended accounts on our blog if you're interested.


People look to Twitter for useful, timely, and appropriate information. We are taking active steps to stop malicious accounts and Tweets from spreading, and we are determined to keep ahead of the tactics of bad actors. For example, in recent months we have developed new techniques to identify accounts manipulating our platform, have improved our process for challenging suspicious accounts, and have introduced new measures designed to identify and take action on coordinated malicious activity. In 2018, we are building on these improvements. Our blog also contains more information about these efforts.

People come to Twitter to see what's happening in the world. We are committed to making it the best place to do that and to being transparent with the people who use and trust our platform.


The double-speak is one up on Orwell's 1984: "Information Quality Initiative" is used for intimidation and the implied threat of censorship for speaking truth to power, while 'the public good' is here again invoked 'to detect and prevent bad actors from abusing our platform.' If you follow their blog link you'll find several innocuous examples of tweets by such 'bad actors' specifically regarding the election of 2016, which compel one to believe the days of free speech in America are woefully numbered.

Twitter's murder by the Deep State, its henchmen and countless clueless minions. RIP. 

Sure, the examples given there are in bad taste, and supportive of the despicable Donald Trump candidacy, but as Noam Chomsky has so ably pointed out, "If we do not believe in freedom of speech for those we despise, we do not believe in it at all." That's democracy. All voices have the right to be heard, no matter how sick or depraved. These will surely fall by the wayside in the course of time, and the idea that some aggregate of these shallow, tasteless efforts at exciting right-wing nut jobs to vote for Trump has actually led to putting the scoundrel in office is risible at best, at worst a naked excuse for forcible intimidation and suppression of free speech in America. It is worth noting that the Russians only preferred Trump, as did so many Americans, because Clinton was perceived to be the worse war-monger and greater existential threat, but also, I suspect, because the Russians foresaw the degrading spectacle of a Trump presidency, and the laughing stock capitalist America would become in the eyes of the world.

This friendly, 'big brother' alert 'for your information only' from Twitter management, under pressure from the Senate Commerce Committee, is itself anti-propaganda propaganda just as The List article is, and uses much of the same language in its defense. There may well exist 'witting or unwitting stooges of Russian propaganda,' but there is not likely a single anti-capitalist American writer in these grey-listed publications among them, and ultimately, even the content promulgated by ideological 'stooges' may contain valid arguments insofar as they go. In any event the level of credence you choose to give a piece of writing, its 'veracity quotient' so-to-speak, is for you and no one else to decide.

It would surprise me not at all to learn there are Russians who can extract some truthful perspective from the CIA's critique's of the Russian capitalist oligarchy via the Voice of America and similar propaganda incursions into their domestic culture, just as Americans can learn and grow in their understanding of the economic root of all our evils from Russia's exportation of anti-capitalist propaganda, hypocritical as it may be given their capitalist autocracy at home. Let the information flow freely, that's the only way democracy can work.

Twitter's email adds a shameful and appallingly sinister action to The List article's propagandist hot air. Apparently some six hundred thousand plus accounts on Twitter are calling out America's insane "Russia-Gate" Russophobia and evangelizing the anti-capitalist news and op-ed journalism found on The List. Many if not most of the publications on this list feature sterling and thoroughly American leftist writers, often with an internationalist perspective, and none of these writers are 'unwittingly' regurgitating Russian 'propaganda' that is not painfully and incisively true. This simple fact is clear and bears repeating: If the truth about capitalism is sown by a hireling of the Russian government, it is no less true. If a lie about capitalism is sown by American mainstream media it is no less a lie.

American culture places an extreme emphasis on the right to hold an opinion with next to none on the actual ability to form one. We are, as a people, uneducated for democracy, which is to a large extent why we do not have one, and why the powers that be feel obliged to rely on censorship: people can't be trusted to think for themselves. If Americans have neither the moral nor intellectual capacity to distinguish truth from lies, good argument form cheesy propaganda, enter the anti-propagandist and 'censor-as-a-public-service' to tell them what to believe.

Thankfully there is a large and growing number of Americans with no such moral or intellectual deficit, who have educated themselves for democracy since the system does not. It is the abject betrayal of mainstream media, including National Public Radio and other purportedly civic non-profit venues, which fails to provide a viable platform for the legitimate American anti-capitalist voice, that in turn gives rise to the profusion of non-commercial alternative news outlets noted in The List.

Please do feel the heat of this problem as one of the more aggrieved and eloquent victims of this mainstream exclusion, Chris Hedges, rails forth. This is a prized American journalist whose only uncensored platform options are those in The List's list, including Russia Today, better known as RT where his video program On Contact is aired. Surely something is deeply rotten in America when even a highly credentialed journalist must resort to an adversarial government's media outlet in order to take an anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist political stance.

[ See, https://www.truthdig.com/articles/thought-police-21st-century/ and https://www.truthdig.com/videos/chris-hedges-journalists-foreign-agents-video/ ]

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]witter's email is, in no uncertain terms, a chilling tap on the shoulder from FISA-abusing deep state security agencies evangelizing the Russophobic rhetoric from The List: Is It Propaganda Or Not?—which, despite the question mark, has plainly decided that it is, not only 'propaganda,' but disinformation and cynically constructed 'fake news' master-minded by evil Russians using silly, gullible you as their stooge and mouthpiece. Now that some 677,775 US Twitter accounts (incidentally, that's just under 1% of the current 69 million active users in the US) have been singled out to receive this 'FYI' email. If these users persist in opposing mainstream media's jingoism with critical truth from the only sources extant—what next?

As of today, Twitter has yet to catch up with Google and Facebook's algorithmic censorship based on this infamous List. So far they have merely stooped to this one scare tactic. What will their next step be? The punishment of ever more accounts deemed to threaten American propaganda's global hegemony? A Pinochet-like 'virtual disappearance' of opposition voices on the Twitter platform?

We've got your number, they're plainly telling us, we can kill your account in a blink if we choose, and feel patriotic about doing so. Perhaps they'll be supplying government security agencies with your account data, if they are not already, which may or may not produce a knock on your door by FBI or DHS agents some quiet evening—curious about something you tweeted yesterday, or a year ago… [ I myself was visited one quiet evening, not by two or three, but a gang of four FBI agents on a fishing expedition over a separate but similar First Amendment issue…this sort of scare tactic, an abysmal waste of taxpayer money, is already going on. ]

America tragically seeks to become a closed-mind, a pro-capitalist hegemony, the 'marketplace of ideas' be damned no less here within our hegemonic duopoly than in North Korea, China, or the former Soviet Union.

The answer to abusive authority is to refuse to buy into their threats, veiled or explicit. They threaten because they are themselves fearful. Laugh out loud at their 'best interest of the public' propaganda (this drives them crazy). Tell them flat out you refuse to live in fear of them or to join them in complicity. Howl against their algorithms, demand the government cease leaning on these corporations for ever greater thought-policing.

Whether writer or reader, declare yourself a truth seeker, wherever that takes you, whatever its source. Make The List your reading list! Read and tweet and share its articles widely. Should micro-blogging and alternative news sharing on social media prove no longer viable, we shall find or found other means to be heard.


James Corbett

#FakeNews and Russians under every rock. And yes, the list is as ridiculous as that sounds. Join me today as I look into the latest pathetic attempt by a flailing establishment to bolster their discredited mouthpiece media organs and counter the ascendant alternative media. (Spoiler: they’re going to lose this battle as well.)

[ _anonym is a native-born American citizen living in New York, NY, and the anonymous author of An Epiphany On Wall Street and Suited For War, books one and two in the Nine Inch Bride series of political novels.]

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Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” — acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump — a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report
