Blaming the Victim, American Style 


Media misdirection in the service of empire

Orientalism, author Edward Said famously depicted the western perceptions of Asians as largely stereotypical. He posited a kind of binary relationship between the colonizer and the colonized in which the East represented an exotic, savage, estranged ‘other.’ By labeling the East as lazy, irrational, primitive, and cruel, the colonizing West reverse labeled itself as hardworking, logical, civilized, and magnanimous. The West universalized its virtues, assuming that only those countries that agreed with it and emulated it comprised the true ‘international community.’ Everything that didn’t mirror western virtues was alien and due for a corrective intervention.

In Said’s wake, postcolonial studies luminary Homi K. Bhaba suggested that these stereotypes were no more about the ‘other’ than about the creators of the stereotypes themselves. Echoing Freudian projection, Bhaba thought the stereotyper was unconsciously projecting onto the other what he feared in himself. If to us Iran is an intractable theocracy, is it because we are a rigid theocracy ourselves, slavishly devoted to the secular religion of imperial capitalism? If we think Bashar al-Assad compulsively drops chemical weapons on urban neighborhoods, do we think this because we saturated the streets of Fallujah with white phosphorous, a war crime that has produced hideous defects in the birth population? (1)

It is NATO that has moved aggressively toward Russia, not the other way around. In fact, it has been marching eastward with indefatigable menace since Gorbachev shredded the Warsaw Pact in the early 1990s. This is unsurprising, considering that NATO is little more than a flimsy facade behind which the beltway deep state manipulates European foreign policy.

A Laundry List of Ego Projections

There are plenty of examples that lend credence to Bhaba’s concept. Many of these narratives are in perpetual state of evolution. For instance, the Russiagate storyline has evolved in ever diminishing accusations. First it was hacking the DNC and state elections. Then it was simply subverting the demos on social media (done daily by the FBI). Now it was down to the pathetically vague ‘meddling.’ The goalposts must shift in order to keep the narrative from sinking below the already low threshold of believability. Yet these accusations, like others, are just reflections of what the American government does itself.   

Clamoring About Russian Interference   

Russiagate is the most absurd and repulsive form of projection in recent memory. Vladimir Putin supposedly ‘sows discord’ in America that imperils our nonexistent democracy. But of course there’s hardly a scintilla of evidence that evil Vlad has sought to or succeeded in imperiling our precious right to choose between two billionaire criminals. On the other hand, we have evidence from the Snowden files that the FBI spends millions of dollars to “manipulate, deceive, and destroy reputations” on social media using sock puppets to demonize and distract average citizens. How is this not sowing discord among the population? Unless you think that silencing all dissent somehow helps democracy, which some people seem to imply. And the Pentagon just airdropped $40M more on the State Department to expand its media propaganda programs. A Carnegie study found that we’ve interfered in 81 elections since the end of WWII.

Accusing Syria of War Crimes

In the same vein, Russians and Syrians are decried for the bombing of Aleppo and East Ghouta despite having established humanitarian corridors and pauses to allow citizens to flee. Of course these often fail because the jihadi terrorists that control the target territory--with our tireless backing--refuse to let people leave, steal humanitarian supplies, and use people as human shields. But the media barely bothers to report on the incineration of Mosul by American fighter jets. Nor did it seem concerned with the indiscriminate slaughter in Raqqa. Why? Because both of these battles featured U.S. bombing campaigns. The numbers suggest plenty more civilians died in Mosul than Aleppo. You can’t feign horror over dead civilians when the enemy kills them, but brush it aside when our side does it. At least not while maintaining a shred of credibility. It becomes obvious your sympathies are little more than political theater designed to push a narrative. A narrative that just happens to be imperial conquest.

Hysterical Claims that North Korea Wants to Bomb Us

“North Koreans are denigrated daily for attempts to prop up a missile deterrent to evade another ferocious U.S. attack, something like the one we inflicted on the Koreans in the Fifties that slaughtered 20 percent of their population. That’s one in five. Think of the trauma this country suffered from 9/11, then imagine the Korean War happening here. There would be no end to the psychological dysfunction that followed the cessation of that conflict. Remember General Curtis Lemay famously celebrating the fact that we tried to burn down all the villages in the country? But I suppose if you’re goal is global hegemony, having a bloodthirsty psychopath in charge is smart policy. Yet we accuse Pyongyang of wanting to hit the west coast, while plenty of beltway savages are clamoring for another Korean War (or technically a resumption of the one that has never officially ended).

Calling Russia Imperialist

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]here are endless hints from the massively credentialed cowards in NATO that Russia is threatening to overrun Europe. It occasionally stages war games inside its own borders and moves troops around in provocative gestures of competence. Despite the fact that Moscow has largely turned East and started cutting deals with China and its Eurasian allies, finally recognizing that not only is Europe a sociopathic basket case, but it is a wholly owned subsidiary of Washington. Europe is still occupied by American forces, after all, tens of thousands of which never left after the Soviets won the Second World War. They stayed behind as a hedge against Russian encroachment in western Europe, but also to help subdue and eliminate the anti-fascist left across southern Europe. The U.S. state always prefers to rub out leftist rebellions rather than right-wing uprisings. Fascism has always been a friend to capital, socialism not so much.


In October 2017 the New York Times ran the above photo, illustrating Russia's "Zapad" military exercise. This was perfectly logical considering NATO's undeniable provocations on her borders, the nonstop warmongering in Washington, and the setting up of a neofascist russophobic puppet regime in Ukraine. Such irrefutable facts apparently meant nothing to the Times editors, who used the  drill—modest, by international standards—to  insinuate that Moscow had had the audacity to stage such exercises near the borders with NATO (!), which the innocent West now could not fail to classify as "threatening" Europe. In case some laggards did not get the poison, the paper added: "The military exercise, planned for many months, was part of a larger effort by President Vladimir V. Putin to showcase Russia’s military prowess as it tries to reassert itself as a world power. Beyond Russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election in support of the Trump campaign, its military has in recent years dispatched troops to Syria, captured Crimea and intervened in eastern Ukraine, rattled the Baltic States with snap exercises and buzzed NATO planes and ships." This paragraph alone carries no less than 5 enormous lies (see if you can spot them) all inserted in the passage as unquestionable fact, and all designed to further demonise Russia and her leadership in complete violation of any elementary rules of fairness, let alone professional journalism. Dripping smug exceptionalism, the NYTimes' not-too-subtle cue was quickly picked up by the rest of the media pack, papers, radio and television, and regurgitated almost verbatim. The fact that systemic propaganda, the equivalent of state propaganda, is dished out every day by private entities in the US maintains the illusion that Americans enjoy a truly diverse and free press.  —PG

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]t is NATO that has moved aggressively toward Russia, not the other way around. In fact, it has been marching eastward with indefatigable menace since Gorbachev shredded the Warsaw Pact in the early 1990s. This is unsurprising, considering that NATO is little more than a flimsy facade behind which the beltway deep state manipulates European foreign policy. Under Obama it moved thousands of troops to Russia’s borders, imported hundreds of tons of heavy weaponry with which to provide chest-thumping shows of strength (long road trips across eastern Europe, in one lame publicity stunt). Romania has nuclear capable missiles now. Montenegro has just joined the ever-expanding NATO. Ukraine has been given upgraded status in its western-backed bid to join NATO. The modestly pro-Russian government in Ukraine was toppled with five billion dollars-worth of street violence and cheap fascist propaganda. Naturally, this money is cloaked in the regalia of democracy building, but research has long shown the regime-change objectives of the NED and USAID and its labyrinthine distribution network. Now Donald Trump has signed off on delivering “lethal” aid to Kiev. Obama supplied everything but guns and is hailed as a pacifist by compare. Legions of former administration employees have now come forward, with their sage hindsight, and declared that their former idol simply didn’t do enough to counter Russian meddling. Is it any wonder NATO generals have nightmares of the Russian bear rolling its tanks across the European plain? Nothing like swallowing your own lies. But that is a staple of every good propagandist: The first person they deceive is themselves.

Accusing Caracas of Election Fraud

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]e perennially refuse to certify Venezuelan elections, largely because Hugo Chavez won 16 of 17 elections, and his B-List successor Rafael Maduro even fumbled his way to victory. Despite former President Jimmy Carter (so liberal now that he’s out of office) calling Venezuelan electoral system the best in the world, we’ve now gone even farther in announcing we won’t certify results even before the elections take place. But naturally we’re happy to lend our dodgy imprimatur to horrendous Honduran elections in which obvious cheating occurred by the neoliberal candidates. We were equally pleased to anoint a coup government in Tegucigalpa in the name of stability (pleasingly purred to hypnotized media by sleepy eyed Obama). But, of course, we know for a fact that twice in this century U.S. elections have crowned the wrong candidate, due to a mix of Supreme Court shenanigans, racist purges of the voter rolls, machine chicanery, and use of such anti-populist backstops as super-delegates and the vile electoral college. That’s not even to note the principal hurdle to candidacy: the ability to raise a billion dollars from Wall Street capitalists and military-industrial conglomerates. Tall order for a socialist. 

The Inversion Technique 

Is there really any contesting Bhaba’s conclusion about western stereotypes being projections of our own fears? Not really. We are led by an amoral transnational plutocracy huddled in gated communities, which is served by a pathologically deranged deep state hidden in Langley, who are served in turn by a servile mainstream press that has cast its dragnet of groupthink over our heads thanks to the inescapable reach of mass media. We are the vassals of a vast imperial system, delusional in our faith that we alone hoist the flag of democracy on the world stage. But if that were true, why is every onlooker outside our borders cackling with contempt?

George Orwell wrote that we are made through media to think that ‘war is peace’ and ‘freedom is slavery.’ Call it Orwellian inversion. But Bhaba is talking about another kind of inversion that doesn’t confine itself to switching the meaning of words. This isn’t a case of, “We’re trying to establish peace by destroying Iraq.” Rather this is a case of inverting the roles of the principals in the media narrative itself. From a class perspective, the protagonist (often the demonized socialist) is transformed into the antagonist (accused of war crimes) while the antagonist (the imperial power) is refashioned as the protagonist (said to be preventing the very crimes it commits). The astute French sociologist Jacques Ellul, who deconstructed media deceits in Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes, put it more plainly, “The propagandist will never accuse the enemy of just any misdeed; he will accuse him of the very intentions he himself has and of trying to commit the very crime that he himself is about to commit.”

Ellul goes a step farther than Bhaba, arguing that the stereotypes we perpetuate through propaganda aren’t just occasionally projections of our own repressed impulses, but are always expressions of crimes we have, will, or want to commit. Given this premise, one way of reading mainstream news is to see what crime it is accusing some miscreant nation of, and then looking for evidence that the U.S. government is guilty of the same crime. Oftener than not it is, and just as frequently one will find that the accused is either not guilty or its crimes have been wildly overblown or mischaracterized. In other words, the West is deflecting attention from its own crimes by calling its victim the perpetrator. Use this inversion technique next time you digest some mainstream gruel. You might finds some surprising evidence of psychopathic projection, or maybe just a steady stream of plain old hypocrisy. Either way, welcome to blaming the victim, American style.

About the Author
 The Sins of Empire: Unmasking American Imperialism. He lives in New York City and can be reached at 


(1) Prof. Craig Considine, a sociologist at Rice University,  filed a report on the effects of depleted uranium used in Iraq by US military, especially in Fallujah.  The article appeared in the Huffington Post. Below an excerpt:

other governments, used depleted uranium in the Gulf and Iraq War. A simple Google search of this topic can produce dozens and dozens of credible reports or stories to confirm these war crimes. For example, an important report on Harvard University’s website discusses the fallout of depleted uranium contamination in Iraq. Dr. Souad N. Al-Azzawi, who authored the report after the Gulf War, wrote that:

“Depleted Uranium (DU) weaponry has been used against Iraq for the first time in the history of recent wars. The magnitude of the complications and damage related to the use of such radioactive and toxic weapons on the environment and the human population mostly results from the intended concealment, denial and misleading information released by the Pentagon about the quantities, characteristics and the area’s in Iraq, in which these weapons have been used.”

reported in an interview with Al Jazeera reporter Dahr Jamail, “the U.S. invasion of Iraq has left behind a legacy of cancer and birth defects suspected of being caused by the U.S. military’s extensive use of depleted uranium and white phosphorus.” Democracy Now! wrote:

“Noting the birth defects in the Iraqi city of Fallujah, Jamail says: ‘They’re extremely hard to bear witness to. But it’s something that we all need to pay attention to … What this has generated is, from 2004 up to this day, we are seeing a rate of congenital malformations in the city of Fallujah that has surpassed even that in the wake of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that nuclear bombs were d’ pped on at the end of World War II.’”

“The Suffering of Fallujah” gives us an idea of the immense impact that depleted uranium has had on Iraqi civilians:

“Thus last November, a group of British and Iraqi doctors petitioned the U.N. to investigate the alarming rise in birth defects at Fallujah’s hospitals. ‘Young women in Fallujah,’ they wrote … are terrified of having children because of the increasing number of babies born grotesquely deformed, with no heads, two heads, a single eye in their foreheads, scaly bodies or missing limbs. In addition, young children in Fallujah are now experiencing hideous cancers and leukemias.’”

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The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” -- acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump -- a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report 


Colonizing the Western Mind


Still from Inception (2010).

In Christopher Nolan’s captivating and visually dazzling film Inception, a practitioner of psychic corporate espionage must plant and idea inside a CEO’s head. The process is called inception, and it represents the frontier of corporate influence, in which mind spies no longer just “extract” ideas from the dreams of others, but seed useful ideas in a target’s subconscious. Inception is a well-crafted piece of futuristic sci-fi drama, but some of the ideas it imparts are already deeply embedded in the American subconscious. The notion of inception, of hatching an idea in the mind of a man or woman without his or her knowledge, is the kernel of propaganda, a black art practiced in the States since the First World War. Today we live beneath an invisible cultural hegemony, a set of ideas implanted in the mass mind by the U.S. state and its corporate media over decades. Invisibility seems to happen when something is either obscure or ubiquitous. In a propaganda system, an overarching objective is to render the messaging invisible by universalizing it within the culture. Difference is known by contrast. If there are no contrasting views in your field of vision, it’s easier to accept the ubiquitous explanation. The good news is that the ideology is well-known to some who have, for one lucky reason or another, found themselves outside the hegemonic field and are thus able to contrast the dominant worldview with alternative opinions. On the left, the ruling ideology might be described as neoliberalism, a particularly vicious form of imperial capitalism that, as would be expected, is camouflaged in the lineaments of humanitarian aid and succor.

Inception 1971

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]n a short span of time in the 1970s, dozens of think tanks were established across the western world and billions of dollars were spent proselytizing the tenets of the Powell Memo in 1971, which galvanized a counter-revolution to the liberal upswing of the Sixties. The neoliberal economic model of deregulation, downsizing, and privatization was preached by the Reagan-Thatcher junta, liberalized by the Clinton regime, temporarily given a bad name by the unhinged Bush administration, and saved by telegenic restoration of the Obama years. The ideology that underlay the model saturated academia, notably at the University of Chicago, and the mainstream media, principally at The New York Times. Since then it has trickled down to the general populace, to whom it now feels second nature. Today think tanks like the Heritage Foundation, the Brookings Institute, Stratfor, Cato Institute, American Enterprise Institute, Council on Foreign Relations, Carnegie Endowment, the Open Society Foundation, and the Atlantic Council, among many others, funnel millions of dollars in donations into cementing neoliberal attitudes in the American mind.

The ideological assumptions, which serve to justify what you could call neocolonial tactics, are relatively clear: the rights of the individual to be free of overreach from monolithic institutions like the state. Activist governments are inherently inefficient and lead directly to totalitarianism. Markets must be free and individuals must be free to act in those markets. People must be free to choose, both politically and commercially, in the voting booth and at the cash register. This conception of markets and individuals is most often formulated as “free-market democracy,” a misleading conceit that conflates individual freedom with the economic freedom of capital to exploit labor. So when it comes to foreign relations, American and western aid would only be given on the condition that the borrowers accepted the tenets of an (highly manipulable) electoral system and vowed to establish the institutions and legal structures required to fully realize a western market economy. These demands were supplemented with notions of the individual right to be free of oppression, some fine rhetoric about women and minorities, and somewhat more quietly, a judicial understanding that corporations were people, too. Together, an unshackled economy and an unfettered populace, newly equipped with individual rights, would produce the same flourishing and nourishing demos of mid-century America that had been the envy of humanity.

A False Promise

This ‘Washington Consensus’ is the false promise promoted by the West. The reality is quite different. The crux of neoliberalism is to eliminate democratic government by downsizing, privatizing, and deregulating it. Proponents of neoliberalism recognize that the state is the last bulwark of protection for the common people against the predations of capital. Remove the state and they’ll be left defenseless. Think about it. Deregulation eliminates the laws. Downsizing eliminates departments and their funding. Privatizing eliminates the very purpose of the state by having the private sector take over its traditional responsibilities. Ultimately, nation-states would dissolve except perhaps for armies and tax systems. A large, open-border global free market would be left, not subject to popular control but managed by a globally dispersed, transnational one percent. And the whole process of making this happen would be camouflaged beneath the altruistic stylings of a benign humanitarianism.

Globalists, as neoliberal capitalists are often called, also understood that democracy, defined by a smattering of individual rights and a voting booth, was the ideal vehicle to usher neoliberalism into the emerging world. Namely because democracy, as commonly practiced, makes no demands in the economic sphere. Socialism does. Communism does. These models directly address ownership of the means of production. Not so democratic capitalism. This permits the globalists to continue to own the means of production while proclaiming human rights triumphant in nations where interventions are staged. The enduring lie is that there is no democracy without economic democracy.

What matters to the one percent and the media conglomerates that disseminate their worldview is that the official definitions are accepted by the masses. The real effects need never be known. The neoliberal ideology (theory) thus conceals the neoliberal reality (practice). And for the masses to accept it, it must be mass produced. Then it becomes more or less invisible by virtue of its universality.

A Pretext for Pillage

Thanks to this artful disguise, the West can stage interventions in nations reluctant to adopt its platform of exploitation, knowing that on top of the depredations of an exploitative economic model, they will be asked to call it progress and celebrate it.

Washington, the metropolitan heart of neoliberal hegemony, has numerous methods of convincing reluctant developing nations to accept its neighborly advice. To be sure, the goal of modern colonialism is to find a pretext to intervene in a country, to restore by other means the extractive relations that first brought wealth to the colonial north. The most common pretexts for intervention depict the target nation in three distinct fashions.

First, as an economic basket case, a condition often engineered by the West in what is sometimes called, “creating facts on the ground.” By sanctioning the target economy, Washington can “make the economy scream,” to using war criminal Henry Kissinger’s elegant phrasing. Iran, Syria, and Venezuela are relevant examples here. Second, the West funds violent opposition to the government, producing unrest, often violent riots of the kind witnessed in Dara, Kiev, and Caracas. The goal is either to capsize a tottering administration or provoke a violent crackdown, at which point western embassies and institutions will send up simultaneously cries of tyranny and brutality and insist the leader step aside. Libya, Syria, and Venezuela are instructive in this regard. Third, the country will be pressured to accept some sort of military fettering thanks to either a false flag or manufactured hysteria over some domestic program, such as the WMD restrictions on Iraq, chemical weapons restrictions on Syria, or the civilian nuclear energy restrictions on Iran. Given that the U.S. traffics in WMDs, bioweapons, and nuclear energy itself, insisting others forsake all of these is perhaps little more than racially motivated despotry. But significant fear mongering in the international media will provide sufficient moral momentum to ram through sanctions, resolutions, and inspection regimes with little fanfare.

Schooling the Savages

[dropcap]O[/dropcap]nce the pretext is established, the appropriate intervention is made. There’s no lack of latent racism embedded in each intervention. Something of Edward Said’s Orientalism is surely at play here; the West is often responding to a crude caricature rather than a living people. One writer, Robert Dale Parker, described western views of Asia as little more than, “a sink of despotism on the margins of the world.” Iran is incessantly lensed through a fearful distrust of the ‘other’, those abyssal Persians. Likewise, North Korea is mythologized as a kingdom of miniature madmen, possessed of a curious psychosis that surely bears no relation to the genocidal cleansing of 20 percent of its population in the Fifties, itself an imperial coda to the madness of Hiroshima.

The interventions, then, are little different than the missionary work of early colonizers, who sought to entrap the minds of men in order to ensnare the soul. Salvation is the order of the day. The mission worker felt the same sense of superiority and exceptionalism that inhabits the mind of the neoliberal. Two zealots of the age peddling different editions of a common book. One must carry the gospel of the invisible hand to the unlettered minions. But the gifts of the enlightened interloper are consistently dubious.

It might be the loan package that effectively transfers economic control out of the hands of political officials and into the hands of loan officers, those mealy-mouthed creditors referred to earlier. It may be the sanctions that prevent the country from engaging in dollar transactions and trade with numberless nations on which it depends for goods and services. Or it might be that controversial UNSC resolution that leads to a comprehensive agreement to ban certain weapons from a country. Stipulations of the agreement will often include a byzantine inspections regime full of consciously-inserted trip wires designed to catch the country out of compliance and leverage that miscue to intensify confrontational rhetoric and implement even more far-reaching inspections.

Cracking the Shell

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he benign-sounding structural adjustments of the West have fairly predictable results: cultural and economic chaos, rapid impoverishment, resource extraction with its attendant ecological ruin, transfer of ownership from local hands to foreign entities, and death from a thousand causes. We are currently sanctioning around 30 nations in some fashion; dozens of countries have fallen into ‘protracted arrears’ with western creditors; and entire continents are witnessing huge outflows of capital–on the order of $100B annually–to the global north as debt service. The profiteering colonialists of the West make out like bandits. The usual suspects include Washington and its loyal lapdogs, the IMF, World Bank, EU, NATO, and other international institutions, and the energy and defense multinationals whose shareholders and executive class effectively run the show.

So why aren’t Americans more aware of this complicated web of neocolonial domination? Italian communist Antonio Gramsci, who pioneered the concept of cultural hegemony, suggested that the ruling ideologies of the bourgeoisie were so deeply embedded in popular consciousness that the working classes often supported leaders and ideas that were antithetical to their own interests. Today, that cultural hegemony is neoliberalism. Few can slip its grasp long enough to see the world from an uncolored vantage point. You’ll very rarely encounter arguments like this leafing through the Times or related broadsheets. They don’t fit the ruling dogma, the Weltanschauung (worldview) that keeps the public mind in its sleepy repose.

But French-Algerian philosopher Louis Althusser, following Gramsci, believed that, unlike the militarized state, the ideologies of the ruling class were penetrable. He felt that the comparatively fluid zones of Ideological State Apparatuses (ISAs) were contexts of class struggle. Within them, groups might attain a kind of ‘relative autonomy’, by which they could step outside of the monolithic cultural ideology. The scales would fall. Then, equipped with new knowledge, people might stage an inception of their own, cracking open the cultural hegemony and reshaping its mythos in a more humane direction. This seems like an imperative for modern American culture, buried as it is beneath the hegemonic heft of the neoliberal credo. These articles of false faith, this ideology of deceit, ought to be replaced with new declarations of independence, of the mind if not the mainstream.

About the Author
 The Sins of Empire: Unmasking American Imperialism. He lives in New York City and can be reached at 

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The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” -- acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump -- a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report 


China Expert Jeff J Brown publishes catalog of interviews: a solid resource for activists fighting the Empire’s disinformation



I have been the guest on many programs over the years, like Press TV, as well as being host on the China Rising Radio Sinoland Show. So many amazing people sharing their incredible experiences and knowledge. Take advantage of their time and contributions.

Live from the streets of China, Jeff

Downloadable SoundCloud podcast (also at the bottom of this page), YouTube video, as well as being syndicated on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, RUvid and Ivoox (links below),

[dropcap]I[/dropcap] just spent several hours going through my blog log and listing all the interviews I have been involved in, either as host or guest. It all started in 2014, when Bruce Connolly at Radio Beijing AM774 began interviewing me about the first book of The China Trilogy, 44 Days, which ended up being an 18-part series. Then, Kevin Barrett at Truth Jihad invited me on his show and I said to myself, Hell, I can do this too! My first interviews as host were with Gail Evans, a three-part series on Africa. Suddenly, I was off and running, hooking up the microphone and I haven’t looked back since.

These interviewers and guests have helped blow the doors of propaganda perception off my mental hinges and are an integral part of my book writing and journalism. As I scan over this extensive list, I can rightfully beam with pride at all of the information, knowledge and experience shared with everyone concerned. Watch, listen and read to see what I mean.

Thanks to all whom you see below, I have made many good friends over the years and continue to stay in touch with a lot of them. Not only that, but I’ve also had the honor of meeting a number of them in person and have open invitations to hook up with several more, which I greatly look forward to.

As you go through the catalogue, if I am the host, only the guest’s name is listed. If I am the guest, the organization concerned is listed first, with a slash (/) and then the interviewer’s name thereafter.

American Herald Tribune/Kim Petersen:


Beijing Magazine/Anonymous:


Bookworm Literary Festival/Bill Kazer:


Caleb Maupin:


Capital M Book Festival/Roundtable interview:


China Daily/Mike Peters:


CJ Hopkins:


Crush the Street/Kenneth Ameduri:


David Pear:


David Rovics:


Dean Henderson:


Diana Johnstone:


Dilyana Gaytandzhieva:


Dongping Han:


Frank Scott:


F. William Engdahl:


Gail Evans:


Godfree Roberts:


Grover Furr:


Guadalajara Geopolitics Institute/Hrvoje Moric


Hiroyuki Hamada:


James Bradley:


Jason Bainbridge:


Jason Hirthler:


Jay Janson:


Jeff Kaye:


John Rohn Hall:


John Rachel:


John Walsh:


Joseph Essertier:


Katherine Fisk:


KFCF 88.1 Fresno, CA/Dan Yaseen:


Leanne Lindsay:


Linh Dinh:


Leo He “Dj” Zhao:


Mobo Gao:


Moti Nissani:


Paul Edwards:


Peter Koenig:


Press TV/Press TV:


Radio Beijing AM774/Bruce Connolly – 18-part interview on 44 Days Backpacking in China:


Ramin Mazaheri:


Ramsey Clark:


Revolutionary Anti-Imperial Movement:


Ron Acton:


Ron Ridenour:


Shadow of Truth/Rory Hall and Dave Kranzler:


Terje Maloy:


The Daily Coin/Rory Hall:


The Saker/The Saker:


Thomas Mountain:


Tom Powell:


Tony Cartalucci:


Truth Jihad/Kevin Barrett:


Wall St. for Main St./Mo Dawoud:

Why and How China works: With a Mirror to Our Own History



Screen Shot 2015-08-05 at 6.19.17 PM

Jeff can be reached at China Rising,, Facebook, Twitter and Wechat/Whatsapp: +86-13823544196.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

 Be sure to check this page on his special blog


So much for diversity of media message in America

Actually there is no need to imagine. It's happening already.

Eye on the Media • Patrice Greanville


[dropcap]M[/dropcap]any Americans pride themselves in having the mostest, the biggest, the freest, the baddest and most diverse media system in the world. Thousands of radio and TV channels to choose from. A glut of newspapers and magazines of all kinds. And, of course there's the Internet, with its huge number of corporate and institutionally-sponsored information websites of all kinds. Surely in those numbers lies the guarantee of free, accurate and diverse coverage of news and opinion. Surely all points of view are reflected and included in that enormous "marketplace of ideas"???! Right??

Well, no. And if you think that way, I advise you disinvest yourself of that notion as soon as possible. It's a fools' trap. The whole darn thing is a delusion. Below I explain how this machinery of deliberate disinformation operates.  Let me begin by providing a short video that will probably both astonish and shock you for the infuriating truth it reveals about "our" media: basically, that diversity of content is an illusion, a deliberate deception, the more so when it comes to ANYTHING of even transient importance to the plutocratic 0.00001% controlling just about everything of some property value in the US and across the globe.
Call this Exhibit 1.

This is What Mind Control Look Like
News anchors in scores of channels are seen mouthing the same script...

Yes. Media diversity is a mirage. It does not exist in America. And it does not exist in much of the US-influenced world, which mirrors, often without proper understanding, the "American way" of doing things. 

The Mind Managers.
Call this Exhibit 2.

The Myth of Media Diversity

By Herbert Schiller
Excerpted from The Mind Mnagers

[dropcap]P[/dropcap]ersonal choice exercised in an environment of cultural-informational diversity is the image, circulated worldwide, of the condition of life in America. This view is also internalized in the belief structure of a large majority of Americans, which makes them particularly susceptible to thoroughgoing manipulation. It is, therefore, one of the central myths upon which management flourishes. Choice and diversity, though separate concepts, are in fact inseparable; choice is unattainable in any real sense without diversity. If real options are nonexistent, choosing is either meaningless or manipulative. It is manipulative when accompanied by the illusion that the choice is meaningful.

Though it cannot be verified, the odds are that the illusion of informational choice is more pervasive in the United States than anywhere else in the world. The illusion is sustained by a willingness, deliberately maintained by information controllers, to mistake abundance of media for diversity of content. It is easy to believe that a nation that has more than 6.700 commercial radio stations [1975], in excess of 700 commercial TV stations, 1,500 daily newspapers, hundreds of periodicals, a film industry that produces a couple of hundred new features a year, and a billion-dollar private book-publishing industry provides a rich variety of information and entertainment to its people.

The fact of the matter is that, except for a rather small and highly selective segment of the population who know what they are looking for and can therefore take advantage of the massive communications flow, most Americans are basically, though unconsciously, trapped in what amounts to a no-choice informational bind. True variety of opinion, as opposed to superficial differences, on foreign and domestic news or, for that matter, local community business, hardly exists in the media. This results essentially from the inherent identity of interests, material and, ideological, of property-holders (in this case, the private owners of the communications media), and from the monopolistic character of the communications industry in general.

The limiting effects of monopoly are in need of no explanation, and communications monopolies restrict informational choice wherever they operate. They offer one version of reality--their own. In this category fall most of the nation's newspapers, magazines, and films, which are produced by national or regional communications conglomerates. The number of American cities in which competing newspapers circulate has shrunk to a handful. (Given the pervasiveness of shared values by all working journalists, that might not help either. --Eds)

Though no single program, performer, commentator, or informational bit is necessarily identical to its competitors, there is no significant qualitative difference. [On the other hand, the size of the audience regularly reached by progressive media is so miniscule as to be politically impotent to expand, in a meaningful way, the boundaries of the national debate.] Just as a supermarket offers six identical soaps in different colors and a drugstore sells a variety of brands of aspirin at different prices, disc jockeys play the same records, between personalized advertisements for different commodities.

The media mix varies in abundance from city to city, and from urban to rural communities. The major metropolitan centers may have half a dozen TV channels, thirty or forty radio stations, two or three newspapers, and dozens of movie houses. Less urbanized communities will ordinarily have far fewer informational-entertainment facilities. The greater the number of communications sources, obviously, the larger the number of informational messages and stimuli. But whether richly or poorly supplied, the result is basically the same. The entertainment, the news, the information, and the messages are selected fromthe same informational universe by "gatekeepers" motivated by essentially inescapable commercial imperatives. Style and metaphor may vary, but not the essence.

Yet it is this condition of communicational pluralism, empty as it is of real diversity, which affords great strength to the prevailing system of consciousness packaging., The multichannel communications flow creates confidence in, and lends credibility to, the notion of free informational choice. Meanwhile, its main effect is to provide continuous reinforcement of the status quo. Similar stimuli, emanating fromapparently diverse sources, envelop the listener/viewer/reader in a message/image environment that ordinarily seems uncontrolled, relatively free, and quite natural. How could it be otherwise with such an abundance of programs and transmitters? Corporate profit-seeking, the main objective of conglomerized communications, however real and ultimately determining, is an invisible abstraction to the consumers of the cultural images. And one thing is certain: the media do not call their audiences' attention to its existence or its mode of operation.

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]riting in Scientific American, George Gerbner has observed that "the real question is not whether the organs of mass communications are free but rather: by whom, how, for what purposes and with what consequences are the inevitable controls exercised?" Looking behind.the illusion of choice, the television editor of Variety addressed himself to a couple of these fundamental questions: One of the myths about American television is that it operates as a cultural democracy, wholly responsible to the will of the viewing majority in terms of the programs that survive or fade. More aptly, in the area of entertainment mainly, it is a cultural oligarchy, ruled by a consensus of the advertising community. As it happens, television's largest advertisers--the manufacturers of foodstuffs, drugs, beverages, household products, automobiles, cosmetics, and until 1971, cigarettes, among others--have from the first desired great circulation among the middle classes, so that the density of viewers has become the most important criterion in the evaluation of programs. This emphasis on the popularity of shows has made television appear to be democratic in its principles of program selection. In truth, programs of great popularity go off the air, without regard for the viewers' bereavement, if the kinds of people it reaches are not attractive to advertisers. (Italics ours.)

The lore of capitalism has given rise to many self-serving myths, and nowhere have they found a more hospitable soil than in the United States.

The fundamental similarity of the informational material and cultural messages that each of the mass media independently transmits makes it necessary to view the communications systern as a totality. The media are mutually and continuously reinforcing. Since they operate according to commercial rules, rely on advertising, and are tied tightly to the corporate economy and its worldview, both in their own structure and in their relationships with sponsors, the media constitute an industry, not an aggregation of independent, freewheeling informational entrepreneurs, each offering a highly individualistic product. By need and by design, therefore, the images and messages they purvey, are, with few exceptions, constructed to achieve similar objectives, which are, simply put, profitability and the affirmation and maintenance of the private ownership consumerist society.

Consequently, research directed at discovering the impact of a single TV program or movie, or even an entire category of stimuli, such as "violence on TV," c an often be fruitless. Who can justifiably claim that TV violence is inducing delinquent juvenile behavior when violence is endemic to all mass communications channels? Who can suggest that any single category of programming is producing male chauvinist or racist behavior when stimuli and imagery carrying such sentiments flow unceasingly through all the channels of transmission?

In Monaco earlier this year (1971), I talked to Frank Shakespeare, head of the U.S. Information Agency, about the European view of the United States and the part played in it by "frames of reference." This simply means that an item about America doesn't necessarily give the same impression to a European that it does to an American. From his birth the American absorbs, consciously and unconsciously,, a continuous flow of information about his country, and its people, and this is "the frame of reference" which should enable him to evaluate, say, an opportunist radical crying woe about the homeland. The European does not have this background. He sees only a well-known American writer or public figure or film star probably mourning the alleged twilight of democracy in the U.S. And he finds it convincing. (TV Guide, Oct. 2, 1971)

What the writer is telling us, obliquely, is that most Americans have a reliable "frame of reference," organized "consciously and unconsciously" by communications sources such as TV Guide, among hundreds of others. So fortified, the average American will accept information which affirms the consumer society and reject material which views it critically. When an American has been properly "prepared," he or she is relatively invulnerable to critical messages, however accurate they may be. No doubt the "frame of reference" would be less effective, if communications were in fact pluralistic, as they claim to be, and their messages actually diverse. But with multimedia reinforcement achieved through numerous but only superficially differing informational means, most people's consciousness is neatly packaged from infancy . Two techniques that facilitate this process are fragmentation and immediacy of information.



Every single day, from cradle to grave, the American population is subjected to a nonstop barrage of lies, omissions of truths and outrageous distortions, with the sole purpose of maintaining the nation's allegiance to the imperialist/capitalist status quo anchored in constant war and unstoppable inequality. The American system of disinformation, evolved over more than a century, fools just about everyone with its apparent diversity of sources. After all the US has literally thousands of "news" outlets, from radio stations to tv stations, newspapers and other channels, and people reckon that this enormous quantity of media must automatically guarantee a vigorous debate of the issues at hand and the presentation of all viewpoints. They could not be more wrong. This diversity is an illusion.

(Credit: T. Hartmann)

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]hat the American media offer is not a well-informed diversity of views by a long shot, but brute quantity, "numerosity", groupthink, and a tedious and dangerous repetition of the same official viewpoint, always designed to bolster the status quo. To aggravate matters, the American media are well known for their tendency to travel in packs, the trademark of groupthink, and, at any moment to carpet bomb the American mind with any propaganda line, no matter how silly, outrageous and lacking in evidence, ordered by their wealthy owners or hidden intelligence and military agency controllers. The current unrelenting Russiagate campaign and hysterical demonisation of any enemy of Washington's global supremacist project, is a case in point. It is but the latest of numerous efforts to control the national and global narrative regardless of costs to the general population at home or billions of people outside America's frontiers.

The above sounds like a complete rejection of what the mainstream media would like us to think about their role and performance, but our brief is irrefutable. What matters most in the marketplace of ideas (which is really the marketplace of political ideologies), is that in a deeply class-divided society such as the United States, with uber billionaires on one side and ordinary citizens and paupers on the other, each class viewpoint should at least be fairly represented. (I realise this is in itself a contradiction between civics 101 and reality: if good democratic representation existed, such inequality and grotesque abuses would not likely exist). In the US—as it so clearly also happens with the political system promising but not delivering voter influence on policy decisions—the media deliberately fail their proper role. In that sense we see an inevitable parallelism: both the political system and the media fail because neither is really interested in serving the people.

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]hy do people in this supposedly free society tolerate such an obviously flawed state of affairs? Ironically, when we examine this problem at a deeper level, part of the the illusion of free media and diversity is supported in the US by reference to what the US is supposedly not: a totalitarian system.  A century-old anticommunist campaign depicting Russia, China and other non-capitalist societies as the summation of everything evil and undesirable includes the idea that it is state control of the media that defines a non-democratic society. Yet, as history shows, this is not only superficial but false. State control of media is not, per se, sufficient to determine the degree of "democracy" existing in a polity, if by "democracy" we mean, inter alia,  equality before the law, diffusion of power, and non-autocratic rule. The "good society" —if we are to follow the multiparty capitalist democracy model—is rarely achieved through this arrangement, and often quite the opposite, as the case of America, the most vociferous nation proclaiming its excellence in democracy, abundantly shows. A nation riddled with grave social injustice, pervasive economic insecurity, grotesque inequality, and a cancerous and criminal militarism cannot issue from a healthy political system, no matter what anyone chooses to call it.

In fact, we are being rhetorical. We know what the reality is: the US is no longer, if it ever was, an authentic democracy. What we do have today is an oligarchy deeply embedded, like a parasite (most of the time) in the US—which serves as their world class headquarters— managing a highly oppressive and exploitative global empire. This is no longer the opinion of media-ghettoised radicals, but the sober judgment of two Ivy League academics:

A new study from Princeton spells bad news for American democracy—namely, that it no longer exists.

Asking “[w]ho really rules?” researchers Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page argue that over the past few decades America’s political system has slowly transformed from a democracy into an oligarchy, where wealthy elites wield most power.

Using data drawn from over 1,800 different policy initiatives from 1981 to 2002, the two conclude that rich, well-connected individuals on the political scene now steer the direction of the country, regardless of or even against the will of the majority of voters.

“The central point that emerges from our research is that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy,” they write, “while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence.”  (Princeton Study: U.S. No Longer An Actual Democracy, Talking Points memo, 4.18.2014)

Actually, shocking as the study may be to those for whom US exceptionalism is an unquestionable dogma, Gilens and Page are too coy in their diagnosis, and too narrow on the data platform they chose to draw their conclusions. The US lack of authentic and vigorous democracy extends way back, almost to its inception (and many would argue, with plenty of reason, to its very foundation, as the new nation was designed as an aristocratic republic in the style of old Athens or Rome, and not an effective, inclusive democracy). Probably in an effort to avoid too much career-injuring controversy, Gilens and Page also refused to name capitalism as the inevitable source of such democratic evisceration.

But labels, while helpful, can also obfuscate. At the end of the day, the main thing to decide whether or not we live in a good society is the policies themselves.  The old cui bono DNA of any government. Who do these laws benefit? Who makes these laws? Who implements them? What mechanism exists to reshape laws when necessary?

Returning to our initial question, are all single-party countries where the media are state-controlled "undemocratic" by definition, the answer is no. By their fruits you shalt know them. As Cuba, China and other nations have proved, the question reflects a capitalist way of looking at things, not a democratic view, per se. For in a true democracy we can easily envision all banks as public or cooperative institutions, if the popular will so desires. And the same can happen to the media. The notion that government automatically pollutes the media and that private control insures its virtue is false. For to properly answer that question we must ask another: how much of the well-informed, popular will is invested in that government? And yet another: how democratic do you think the average corporation or run-of-the-mill billionaire is?  Chomsky said that corporations are hierarchic tyrannies, and we're cool with that. It's a practical and economical definition, even if this sector of society has spent and continues to spend tons of money on advertising and p.r. to convince people that it is the consumer who ultimately has all the power.

Thus the perception that the US is a democracy and that its media is "free" and "vigorous" and "diverse" because they are privately owned, hence not "state" or "government-controlled", the telltale sign of dreaded totalitarianism, is a serious misperception. For in a system of deeply integrated corporate fascism with a "friendly consumerist" face, as the US has developed, the distinction between the corporate line and the state line is virtually non-existent.

Understanding media is essential to your liberation
The Greanville Post publishes a large number of articles dedicated to highlighting the manner in which reality is distorted for the sake of corporate and imperialist advantage (imperialism, for simplicity's sake, merely being the global corporate system's foreign policy).  A whole section of this site—Media Front—is dedicated to archiving media—related essays.  Day after day, media distortions have enormous and painful repercussions, at the personal and social level, and also at the vital ecological level, always blocking urgent remedial action while facilitating further assault in the form of increasing exploitation of human labour and nature, and the waging of endless and ever more dangerous genocidal wars. The Big Lie, energised in our time by a sophisticated apparatus of global communications in which false flags are routinely reported as truth, serves as both shield and legitimator for a criminally dysfunctional system in which decent and rational policy is all but eliminated.

But corporate propaganda is not just a question of scandalous lies. The best approach to mind manipulation is simply the systematic omission of truth, and that can be accomplished almost without a trace by eliminating truly critical voices from the mainstream debate. Or by filtering out at the hiring point journalists with solid education, firm moral principles, and inquiring minds.  Jason Hirthler, one of the most astute observers of the media degeneracy in the Anglophone world, and in general throughout the capitalist world, has summed it up beautifully. Speaking of fake news and the CIA's vast infiltration of newsrooms, he noted acidly that,

Here American media rooms generally need not be ‘infiltrated’, not that this hasn’t been relentlessly done (then buried). Yet the effect of decades of fake news promoting American exceptionalism and excessively demonizing all non-capitalists has produced several generations of robotic groupthinkers that have internalized the values of power. Rarely must such journalists even be instructed what to say; they already know what to say; they already know how to balance a story, how to under-report, how to deprioritize, how to frame, how to produce dead ends, how to terminate a train of thought, and how to remove responsibility from active agents using the passive tense. The techniques are myriad. Modern newsrooms are full of such obsequious zombies.  (see  J. Hirthler, Condemned to Repeat It: History as Rerun,).

The above is not as hyperbolic as it sounds.


Stop living in Plato's Cave and become media literate!

Understanding how the media operate is vital to your mental health and liberation and that of others you care for. See world reality as it is and not as your current masters want you to see it. Acquire the simple tools by which you can spot and neutralise lies and disinformation, and eventually classify media according to their quality and moral integrity. Just a handful of articles can clean up a lot of the cobwebs you carry in your mind. Take the first step and check the following articles out. If you feel you learned something of value—which we bet you will—do not fail to pass them along to kin, friends and workmates. Breaking the stifling imperial machine of permanent lies depends on you.

  1. Visit our MEDIA FRONT section regularly
  3. The Alternative Media Can Defeat the Mainstream Media – Here’s the Game Plan
  4. Caitlin Johnstone: How To Fight The Establishment Propaganda Machine And Win
  5. Propaganda, Human Consciousness, And The Future Of Civilization
  6. Corporate State Media Propagandists Shamelessly Accuse Trump Of Propaganda
  7. HERBERT SCHILLER: The Packaged Consciousness
  8. Condemned to Repeat It: History as Rerun

About the Author
Patrice Greanville, who founded and published the first independent radical media review in the US, Cyrano's Journal, is this publication's editor in chief.  

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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Exposure to mainstream media: the daily insult


(Credit: T. Hartmann)

What the American media offer is not a well-informed diversity of views by a long shot, but brute quantity, “numerosity”, and a tedious and dangerous repetition of the same official viewpoint, always designed to bolster the status quo. To aggravate matters, the American media are well known for their tendency to travel in packs, the trademark of groupthink, and, at any moment to carpet bomb the American mind with any propaganda line, no matter how silly, outrageous and lacking in evidence, ordered by their wealthy owners or hidden intelligence and military agency controllers. The current unrelenting Russiagate campaign and hysterical demonisation of any enemy of Washington’s global supremacist project, is a case in point. It is but the latest of numerous efforts to control the national and global narrative regardless of costs to the general population at home or billions of people outside America’s frontiers.

The above sounds like a complete rejection of what the mainstream media would like us to think about their role and performance, but our brief is irrefutable. What matters most in the marketplace of ideas (which is really the marketplace of political ideologies), is that in a deeply class-divided society such as the United States, with uber billionaires on one side and ordinary citizens and paupers on the other, each class viewpoint should at least be fairly represented. (I realise this is in itself a contradiction between civics 101 and reality: if good democratic representation existed, such inequality and grotesque abuses would not likely exist). In the US—as it so clearly also happens with the political system promising but not delivering voter influence on policy decisions—the media deliberately fail their proper role. In that sense we see an inevitable parallelism: both the political system and the media fail because neither is really interested in serving the people.

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]hy do people in this supposedly free society tolerate such an obviously flawed state of affairs? Ironically, when we examine this problem at a deeper level, part of the the illusion of free media and diversity is supported in the US by reference to what the US is supposedly not: a totalitarian system.  A century-old anticommunist campaign depicting Russia, China and other non-capitalist societies as the summation of everything evil and undesirable includes the idea that it is state control of the media that defines a non-democratic society. Yet, as history shows, this is not only superficial but false. State control of media is not, per se, sufficient to determine the degree of “democracy” existing in a polity, if by “democracy” we mean, inter alia,  equality before the law, diffusion of power, and non-autocratic rule. The “good society” —if we are to follow the multiparty capitalist democracy model—is rarely achieved through this arrangement, and often quite the opposite, as the case of America, the most vociferous nation proclaiming its excellence in democracy, abundantly shows. A nation riddled with grave social injustice, pervasive economic insecurity, grotesque inequality, and a cancerous and criminal militarism cannot issue from a healthy political system, no matter what anyone chooses to call it.

In fact, we are being rhetorical. We know what the reality is: the US is no longer, if it ever was, an authentic democracy. What we do have today is an oligarchy deeply embedded, like a parasite (most of the time) in the US—which serves as their world class headquarters— managing a highly oppressive and exploitative global empire. This is no longer the opinion of media-ghettoised radicals, but the sober judgment of two Ivy League academics:

A new study from Princeton spells bad news for American democracy—namely, that it no longer exists.

Asking “[w]ho really rules?” researchers Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page argue that over the past few decades America’s political system has slowly transformed from a democracy into an oligarchy, where wealthy elites wield most power.

Using data drawn from over 1,800 different policy initiatives from 1981 to 2002, the two conclude that rich, well-connected individuals on the political scene now steer the direction of the country, regardless of or even against the will of the majority of voters.

“The central point that emerges from our research is that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy,” they write, “while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence.”  (Princeton Study: U.S. No Longer An Actual Democracy, Talking Points memo, 4.18.2014)

Actually, shocking as the study may be to those for whom US exceptionalism is an unquestionable dogma, Gilens and Page are too coy in their diagnosis, and too narrow on the data platform they chose to draw their conclusions. The US lack of authentic and vigorous democracy extends way back, almost to its inception (and many would argue, with plenty of reason, to its very foundation, as the new nation was designed as an aristocratic republic in the style of old Athens or Rome, and not an effective, inclusive democracy). Probably in an effort to avoid too much career-injuring controversy, Gilens and Page also refused to name capitalism as the inevitable source of such democratic evisceration.

But labels, while helpful, can also obfuscate. At the end of the day, the main thing to decide whether or not we live in a good society is the policies themselves.  The old cui bono DNA of any government. Who do these laws benefit? Who makes these laws? Who implements them? What mechanism exists to reshape laws when necessary?

Returning to our initial question, are all single-party countries where the media are state-controlled “undemocratic” by definition, the answer is no. By their fruits you shalt know them. As Cuba, China and other nations have proved, the question reflects a capitalist way of looking at things, not a democratic view, per se. For in a true democracy we can easily envision all banks as public or cooperative institutions, if the popular will so desires. And the same can happen to the media. The notion that government automatically pollutes the media and that private control insures its virtue is false. For to properly answer that question we must ask another: how much of the well-informed, popular will is invested in that government? And yet another: how democratic do you think the average corporation or run-of-the-mill billionaire is?  Chomsky said that corporations are hierarchic tyrannies, and we’re cool with that. It’s a practical and economical definition, even if this sector of society has spent and continues to spend tons of money on advertising and p.r. to convince people that it is the consumer who ultimately has all the power.

Thus the perception that the US is a democracy and that its media is “free” and “vigorous” and “diverse” because they are privately owned, hence not “state” or “government-controlled”, the telltale sign of dreaded totalitarianism, is a serious misperception. For in a system of deeply integrated corporate fascism with a “friendly consumerist” face, as the US has developed, the distinction between the corporate line and the state line is virtually non-existent.

Understanding media is essential to your liberation
The Greanville Post publishes a large number of articles dedicated to highlighting the manner in which reality is distorted for the sake of corporate and imperialist advantage (imperialism, for simplicity’s sake, merely being the global corporate system’s foreign policy).  A whole section of this site—Media Front—is dedicated to archiving media—related essays.  Day after day, media distortions have enormous and painful repercussions, at the personal and social level, and also at the vital ecological level, always blocking urgent remedial action while facilitating further assault in the form of increasing exploitation of human labour and nature, and the waging of endless and ever more dangerous genocidal wars. The Big Lie, energised in our time by a sophisticated apparatus of global communications in which false flags are routinely reported as truth, serves as both shield and legitimator for a criminally dysfunctional system in which decent and rational policy is all but eliminated.

But corporate propaganda is not just a question of scandalous lies. The best approach to mind manipulation is simply the systematic omission of truth, and that can be accomplished almost without a trace by eliminating truly critical voices from the mainstream debate. Or by filtering out at the hiring point journalists with solid education, firm moral principles, and inquiring minds.  Jason Hirthler, one of the most astute observers of the media degeneracy in the Anglophone world, and in general throughout the capitalist world, has summed it up beautifully. Speaking of fake news and the CIA’s vast infiltration of newsrooms, he noted acidly that,

Here American media rooms generally need not be ‘infiltrated’, not that this hasn’t been relentlessly done (then buried). Yet the effect of decades of fake news promoting American exceptionalism and excessively demonizing all non-capitalists has produced several generations of robotic groupthinkers that have internalized the values of power. Rarely must such journalists even be instructed what to say; they already know what to say; they already know how to balance a story, how to under-report, how to deprioritize, how to frame, how to produce dead ends, how to terminate a train of thought, and how to remove responsibility from active agents using the passive tense. The techniques are myriad. Modern newsrooms are full of such obsequious zombies.  (see  J. Hirthler, Condemned to Repeat It: History as Rerun,).

The above is not as hyperbolic as it sounds.


Stop living in Plato’s Cave and become media literate!

Understanding how the media operate is vital to your mental health and liberation and that of others you care for. See world reality as it is and not as your current masters want you to see it. Acquire the simple tools by which you can spot and neutralise lies and disinformation, and eventually classify media according to their quality and moral integrity. Just a handful of articles can clean up a lot of the cobwebs you carry in your mind. Take the first step and check the following articles out. If you feel you learned something of value—which we bet you will—do not fail to pass them along to kin, friends and workmates. Breaking the stifling imperial machine of permanent lies depends on you.

  1. Visit our MEDIA FRONT section regularly
  3. The Alternative Media Can Defeat the Mainstream Media – Here’s the Game Plan
  4. Caitlin Johnstone: How To Fight The Establishment Propaganda Machine And Win
  5. Propaganda, Human Consciousness, And The Future Of Civilization
  6. Corporate State Media Propagandists Shamelessly Accuse Trump Of Propaganda
  7. HERBERT SCHILLER: The Packaged Consciousness
  8. Condemned to Repeat It: History as Rerun

About the Author
Patrice Greanville, who founded and published the first independent radical media review in the US, Cyrano's Journal, is this publication's editor in chief.  

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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