Chopov: Russian invasion, Budapest Memorandum, and Economics of Occupied Crimea

Screen Shot 2016-01-23 at 2.38.28 PMIntroduction by Rowan Wolf, PhD
Voice of Conscience

Simferpol, Crimea

Simferpol, Crimea

Screen Shot 2016-01-23 at 2.38.28 PM

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]elcome to  another installment of “War in Ukraine – The Unreported Truth” by Dr. Alexander Chopov. This is the second video in the three part Crimes sub-series focuses on Crimea’s separation from Ukraine.  Dr. Chopov clearly addresses the West’s propaganda in a point by point manner, and discusses a series of highly complex issues in an accessible and informative way. In this installment, Chopov addressees the claims of Russia “sneaking” tens of thousands of troops into Crimea; analyzes the Budapest Memorandum – the treaty that Russia has supposedly broken; and takes a quick look at the economy of Crimea before and after Crimea’s referendum to join Russia as an autonomous region.

If you did not see, or do not remember the first video on Crimea, I encourage you to take few minutes and view it [see the end of this article for a quick reference]

This second video in the series is chock full of information, and you may find yourself watching it several times. I have provided a brief guide below to some of the main points, but they definitely do not do the video justice.

Crimea 2: Russia-Ukraine War – Russian invasion, Budapest Memorandum, and Economics of Occupied Crimea


Short guide to items in this video

Myth: Russia invaded Crimea by sneaking tens of thousands of troops onto the peninsula.
Truth: First, Russians have been in Crimea since at least 1783, and for over the last 200 years protected local residents. THe Russian troops in Crimea were already stationed there, and their presence had been considered “legal” by all of the Ukrainian presidents who have served since Ukraine seceded from the then USSR.

Myth 2: Actions of the Crimean people in declaring a referendum and voting to separate from Ukraine and rejoin Russia was illegal.
Truth: Crimea’s rights to do this are covered under the UN Charter UN Charter, and this was an issue internal to Ukraine, and not a redrawing of the map. Which takes us to Myth 3.

Myth 3: Russia broke a treaty with Ukraine by accepting Crimea back.
Truth: This “treaty” is the “Budapest Memorandum” and is NOT a “treaty.” No legislator has ratified it. Regardless, the Budapest Memorandum was an understanding drawn up between Ukraine, the US, Britain and Russia, after Ukraine’s decision to leave Russia. The separation left Ukraine (with a foundling government, no real military, and a faltering economy in possession of a large component of Russia’s nuclear arsenal. In fact, it made Ukraine the third largest nuclear power in the world. In the memorandum, Ukraine exchanged its arsenal in return for an honoring of its integrity as a nation.

Dr. Chopov also discusses the economy of Crimea prior to 2014 and since it has rejoined Russia.

Crimea video 1:

In Russia-Ukraine war – Crimea. 2 years of “occupation” what happened, what do locals think?, Alexander Chopov gives a succinct historical recap of the region and of the post Maidan Revolution, speaks with some of the people in the area asking how they see themselves, and how they feel about rejoining Russia. This video is a critical contribution to cutting through the lies and propaganda about the events in Ukraine, and the continuing allegations of Russian overreach.


Alexander Chopov

Alexander Chopov, PhD

Alexander Chopov, Ph.D.  is the Director and Producer of a new YouTube Channel – War in Ukraine – the Unreported Truth. The purpose of the channel is to give the people of Donbass an English voice so they can be heard beyond Donbass. Dr. Chopov  has a double major in International Affairs from George Washington University, and a doctorate in political science from the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. He interned in the US Congress,  and has lived in US for over 10 years studying both American mentality and politics.




Rowan Wolf, PhD
Rowan WolfIs Managing Editor of The Greanville Post and Director of The Russian Desk. She is a sociologist, writer and activist with life long engagement in social justice, peace, environmental, and animal rights movements. Her research and writing includes issues of imperialism, oppression, global capitalism, peak resources, global warming, and environmental degradation. Rowan taught sociology for twenty-two years, was a member of the City of Portland’s Peak Oil Task Force, and maintains her own site Uncommon Thought Journal. She may be reached by email at

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Zhuravko – I too am Ukrainian!



Reports, News Flashes, and Commentary from Various Conflict Zones Around the Globe


=By= Alexander Chopov

I am Ukrainian – Patriottistische gehandicapte oekraïner, adresseert Nederlanders!


I am Ukrainan

I am Ukrainan


[dropcap]O[/dropcap]leksiy Zhuravko ( was the ombudsman for the disabled in Ukraine, and helped create thousands of jobs for disabled people. He, a person with one arm and no legs, had to flee Ukraine after he spoke out against Maidan. He is now charged with terrorism and treason.

Yulia Marushevska made millions of dollars since Maidan – at the age of 26, without any prior work experience, she was appointed the head of customs at the Port of Odessa – the most lucrative and corrupt place in one of the most corrupt countries in the world.

One of these people has a pretty face, and has made millions of the suffering that Maidan brought upon Ukraine. The other, had to struggle for everything in his life, yet helped thousands of others, and even though he can’t walk, is a wanted terrorist.

Pick your side when you come to vote on April 6th 2016!

black-horizontalAlexander Chopov, Ph.D.  is the Director and Producer of a new YouTube Channel – War in Ukraine – the Unreported Truth. The purpose of the channel is to give the people of Donbass an English voice so they can be heard beyond Donbass. Dr. Chopov  has a double major in International Affairs from George Washington University, and a doctorate in political science from the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. He interned in the US Congress,  and has lived in US for over 10 years studying both American mentality and politics.


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