American Fascism

Screen Shot 2016-01-23 at 2.38.28 PMHenry A. Giroux
Cultural Critic and Public Intellectual

police militarization photo

Urban Soldiers Photo by KAZ Vorpal

Screen Shot 2016-01-23 at 2.38.28 PM[dropcap]H[/dropcap]enry Giroux has a new book coming out in September title “America at War with Itself.” He is concerned about a emergence of a new kind of authoritarianism that we see very clearly with Donald Trump. This manifestation of authoritariansim is somewhat different from the fascism of say WWII Italy. Rather there are things that are distinctly American. Things like how money drives politics and inequality shapes virtually all domestic policy, the militarization of society, and other things. Giroux is not looking at Trump as such, rather the societal changes that have led to an emergence of Trump and others like him.

He was recently interviewed by Max Keiser from RT. That interview is below and comprises the first 13 minutes of the video.



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Henry A. Giroux, Contributing Editor
henry-girouxCurrently holds the Global TV Network Chair Professorship at McMaster University in the English and Cultural Studies Department and a Distinguished Visiting Professorship at Ryerson University. His books include: Zombie Politics and Culture in the Age of Casino Capitalism (Peter Land 2011), On Critical Pedagogy (Continuum, 2011), Twilight of the Social: Resurgent Publics in the Age of Disposability (Paradigm 2012), Disposable Youth: Racialized Memories and the Culture of Cruelty (Routledge 2012), Youth in Revolt: Reclaiming a Democratic Future (Paradigm 2013). Giroux’s most recent books are America’s Education Deficit and the War on Youth (Monthly Review Press, 2013), are Neoliberalism’s War on Higher Education, America’s Disimagination Machine (City Lights) and Higher Education After Neoliberalism (Haymarket) will be published in 2014). He is also a Contributing Editor of Cyrano’s Journal Today / The Greanville Post, and member of Truthout’s Board of Directors and has his own page The Public Intellectual. His web site is


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Obama has been and remains one of the most loyal and efficient salesmen of the imperial project.  He has clearly exceeded the expectations of the plutocrats that chose him as a front. (Image by DonkeyHotey, via flickr)

Obama has been and remains one of the most loyal and efficient salesmen of the imperial project.  He has clearly met and probably exceeded the expectations of the plutocrats that chose him as a front. (Image by DonkeyHotey, via flickr)

AUTHOR’S NOTE:  I  wrote this article as an example of how to break through the corporate media with editorials explaining important facts that syndicated columnists and mainstream media reporters are clueless about. While this type of article is unlikely to ever make the New York Times, there are many newspapers that will publish well-supported guest editorials. 

I hope it will be read with an eye to understanding how to communicate with the general public on the US Deep State as much as for what it has to say about that topic itself.

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]ruth is the first casualty of war. Engaged in an unprecedented state of endless war to fight the phantom enemy of “terrorism,” it has never been so important that Americans understand this. They must recognize that like throwing gasoline on a fire, fighting terrorism with military means only makes it worse. ISIS did not arise spontaneously. It is the result of the US government manipulating public opinion to support policies unthinkable before 9/11 and that have remained unquestioned. Americans have been duped into accepting the use of terrorists for proxy wars in Libya and Syria. The US is ultimately responsible for the atrocities being committed by ISIS and will bear the brunt of the blame for making the problem worse if it supports further violence in the region.


Mark Twain observed: “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you in trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”

Self-governing nations have the moral responsibility to understand why they are at war. That means seeking answers to questions beyond the superficial ones posed by the mainstream media. Despite the widespread distrust of most US news sources by both those who consider themselves liberal and those who consider themselves conservative, we continue to get most of our information from these corporate-funded sources whose main goal is profit, not enlightenment. News is therefore framed to reinforce self-serving myths that increase profit industries connected to war and the police state apparatus that supports it.

Expect worse than Obama from this woman.

The Hillary threat: As a  warmongering corporatist, we can expect worse than Obama from this woman.

There are many reasons why the news industry has become stenographers for politicians and the economic elite most of them represent. Concealing the abuses of corporate power maintains advertising revenue and profits in the six megacorporations that own most of the media and have interests in many other industries.

Failing to cover the real issues during political campaigns leaves a void they can fill with enormously profitable campaign ads. Omitting important information about world events and providing superficial analysis of what is covered keeps us ignorant of the real goals of US foreign policy, which can only be understood by studying the underlying power structure of the US and the world. That information is not taught in school and is not talked about in the corporate media but must be sought after. In sum, we can say it’s a class question: The US government is a tool of corporate power at home and abroad, that is, it is an instrument to design and carry out policies of chief benefit to the 0.0002% of the human race at the expense of everyone else, plus nature itself. This requires a permanent apparatus of massive disinformation, which the US media, and their associates around the world well represent.

ISIL at work. (Credit: Aljazeera)

ISIL at work. (Credit: Aljazeera)

[dropcap]C[/dropcap]omprehending how we are being lied into supporting chaotic global violence requires understanding how certain powerful interests control information.  Few people realize that one of the CIA’s most critical duties is influencing media for propaganda purposes. Various sources have documented a network of media corporations that are CIA fronts, both in the US and overseas.  A prominent German media figure admitted to being a CIA employee for years, stating that this was common practice in both Europe and the US. While its authorization to propagandize is legally restricted to foreign media, the CIA has exercised extensive influence over US media since its creation shortly after WWII, when America’s empire building experiment began in earnest. Those who doubt this should read about the LATimes reporter who last year admitted letting the CIA edit his work. There is also the story of how investigative reporter Gary Webb, whose work revealing how CIA drug trafficking in Iran-Contra led to a drug epidemic in LA, was persecuted in a CIA-led disinformation campaign in the press that cost him his career, his marriage and his life, in a reported suicide.

We now know that claims of WMDs in Iraq were false, as were similar claims in Syria. Seymour Hersh, who uncovered much of the hidden truth of the Vietnam War, revealed the lies about Syrian chemical weaponsRobert Parry, who gave us the facts about Iran-Contra, is now trying to wake us up to the fact that the US is supporting a fascist government in Ukraine. It is not a coincidence that both are no longer New York Times reporters. The Times has set the standard for a media that parrots government lies without question. The hope for democracy in America lies in getting the truth out. That will on happen when more of us open our eyes to how we are systematically being deceived by a global economic elite who regard the world as their chessboard, and people as their pawns.

Screen Shot 2015-03-19 at 12.20.49 PM [box] Rick Staggeborg, MD is a social and political activist based in Eugene, Oregon. Rick founded and heads the antiwar organization Soldiers for Peace International (SFPI).  [/box]

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