Books & Empire: Radio Sputnik’s Brian Becker interviews Ron Ridenour

Brian Becker and John Kiriakou talk to Ron Ridenour on Sputnik’s Loud & Clear—

Another important dispatch from The Greanville Post. Be sure to share it widely.

Listen to "New book explores true history of U.S.-Russia relations: “The Russian Peace Threat: Pentagon on Alert”" on Spreaker.

The Russian Peace Threat: Pentagon on Alert”, has been released to rave reviews

Focusing on Ron Ridenour's new book, antiwar activist Brian Becker and John Kiriakou explore the current crisis with Ron, and the prospects for peace and war and other topics.

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he new book, “The Russian Peace Threat: Pentagon on Alert”, has been released to rave reviews. It reports on the propaganda that informed US-Russian relations from the Bolshevik Revolution to the present. It takes us through historical events forgotten by time and shaped by propaganda to explain a history that is largely unknown in the west. Brian and John speak with Ron Ridenhour, the author of the book.

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Be sure to get the most unique history of the Russo-American conflict now spanning almost a century!  The book that every American should read.

Nuclear Armageddon or peace? That is the question.
And here’s the book that answers it.
CLICK HERE to buy The Russian Peace Threat.

OpEds: The New Russia

Dear readers:  I recalled correctly from my Russian studies a half century ago that Soviet leaders had stuck Russian territories into Ukraine, but I mistakenly attributed all of the transfers to Khrushchev.  The first gifts of Russian territory to Ukraine were made by Lenin.- Paul Craig Roberts

The "discovery" of articulate and famous dissidents like Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was a boon for American anti-Soviet propaganda. Quirky and complex, Solzhenitsyn was an old-fashioned Russian nationalist and eventually  proved difficult to exploit and even "counterproductive."

The “discovery” of famous dissidents like Solzhenitsyn was a boon for American anti-Soviet propaganda. But, being quirky and complex, Solzhenitsyn who was an old-fashioned Russian nationalist, eventually proved too difficult to exploit and even “counterproductive.” He was quietly dropped from the news.

The New Russia

An Interview With Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn,” by Paul Klebnikov, in the May 9, 1994, issue of Forbes magazine

With Russia in chaos, it does sound a bit far-fetched to see her as an aggressor.

Russia today is terribly sick. Her people are sick to the point of total exhaustion. But even so, have a conscience and don’t demand that–just to please America–Russia throw away the last vestiges of her concern for her security and her unprecedented collapse. After all, this concern in no way threatens the United States.

Former U.S. National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski disagrees. He argues that the U.S. must defend the independence of Ukraine.

In 1919, when he imposed his regime on Ukraine, Lenin gave her several Russian provinces to assuage her feelings. These provinces have never historically belonged to Ukraine. I am talking about the eastern and southern territories of today’s Ukraine.

Then, in 1954, Khrushchev, with the arbitrary capriciousness of a satrap, made a “gift” of the Crimea to Ukraine. But even he did not manage to make Ukraine a “gift” of Sevastopol, which remained a separate city under the jurisdiction of the U.S.S.R. central government. This was accomplished by the American State Department, first verbally through Ambassador Popadiuk in Kiev and later in a more official manner.

Why does the State Department decide who should get Sevastopol? If one recalls the tactless declaration of President Bush about supporting Ukrainian sovereignty even before the referendum on that matter, one must conclude that all this stems from a common aim: to use all means possible, no matter what the consequences, to weaken Russia.

Why does independence for Ukraine weaken Russia?

As a result of the sudden and crude fragmentation of the intermingled Slavic peoples, the borders have torn apart millions of ties of family and friendship. Is this acceptable? The recent elections in Ukraine, for instance, clearly show the [Russian] sympathies of the Crimean and Donets populations. And a democracy must respect this.

I myself am nearly half Ukrainian. I grew up with the sounds of Ukrainian speech. I love her culture and genuinely wish all kinds of success for Ukraine–but only within her real ethnic boundaries, without grabbing Russian provinces.

Kiev Ukrain Map