Ancient Maya Had Animal Welfare Laws, Say Archaeologists

“No subject of Tikal shall torment or slay any four-legged beast or winged bird solely for pleasure or the enjoyment of spectacle. The killing of animals shall be only for consumption, to protect humans, or as dictated by tradition at the proper holy ceremonies.”

For decades, archaeologists have struggled to decode unusual inscriptions found on stelae near the base of the Tikal royal palace. In her groundbreaking new translation, Dr. Hoshi Sato has revealed them to include some of the world’s earliest animal welfare laws. Legislated between 680 and 730 CE, they represent some of the first animal welfare laws anywhere in the world, with older examples known only from China, India, and southeast Asia…

(Test post… another plausible-sounding, but not as of yet true “current events” story)

Ancient Maya Had Animal Welfare Laws, Say Archaeologists

“No subject of Tikal shall torment or slay any four-legged beast or winged bird solely for pleasure or the enjoyment of spectacle. The killing of animals shall be only for consumption, to protect humans, or as dictated by tradition at the proper holy ceremonies.”

For decades, archaeologists have struggled to decode unusual inscriptions found on stelae near the base of the Tikal royal palace. In her groundbreaking new translation, Dr. Hoshi Sato has revealed them to include some of the world’s earliest animal welfare laws. Legislated between 680 and 730 CE, they represent some of the first animal welfare laws anywhere in the world, with older examples known only from China, India, and southeast Asia…

(Test post… another plausible-sounding, but not as of yet true “current events” story)

We Are Losing! Time For New Strategies

By Roland Vincent

Nature as Industry: The Merciless World of the CAFO The CAFO is the ultimate expression of the industrialization of nature. If all of us knew more about the realities of modern industrial animal food production, however, one would hope that we would apply the collective brakes on this dietary, environmental, and ethical madness.

Nature as Industry: The Merciless World of the CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation). The CAFO is the ultimate expression of the industrialization of nature. If all of us knew more about the realities of modern industrial animal food production, however, one would hope that we would apply the collective brakes on this dietary, environmental, and ethical madness. (Courtesy: CAFO)

Animal Protection is a more descriptive term for our efforts than is Animal Welfare, which carries a perjorative connotation thanks to those who consider anything less than demanding the immediate surrender of the carnist world to be betraying animals.

The Animal Rights movement is burdened by the same intransigent, self-righteous, myopic elements that beset all political and social movements. Think Tea Partiers.

Our Teahadists find fault with the efforts of everyone else in the movement. They argue that only by recruiting people to veganism can the Animal Holocaust end. They are oblivious to the ineffectiveness of their approach: Carnists are having children faster than people are becoming vegan. And few meat eaters are transformed into vegetarians, let alone vegans overnight. It’s a journey. It can take years or even lifetimes.

So: In case they missed that point—WE ARE LOSING!

While the animals they do not consume benefit from their approach, BILLIONS of others are suffering and dying each year. Those numbers are guaranteed to increase as the world population increases.

To limit our battle to recruiting people to veganism will only, at best, continue the status quo.

And even if our recruitment efforts were net positive, and we were recruiting vegans faster than the population is growing, it would take thousands of years to overcome the 6 billion people who are not vegan.

A middle school student, poor at math, could discern the problem.

Meanwhile, animal activists do what can practically be done. We rescue, recruit vegans, proselytize. We support legislation to end one horror or another, we campaign to end one barbarity or another, we appeal to logic, empathy, compassion in gaining new activists and allies.

Our abolitionist brothers and sisters oppose any such legislation or campaigns, content with no loaf rather than half of one.

They use a yardstick against which we all fall short, and then piously return to doing nothing of value for any but the animals they personally do not consume.

And they recoil in horror at the suggestion that what they do is actually a form of Animal Welfare. It most certainly isn’t anything to do with securing rights for animals. Not consuming animals is animal welfarism. And that’s not a bad thing.

It is an extraordinary act of compassion.

But to truly be compassionate would be to join with the rest of the animal movement in ending as much suffering as we can in the present. And lay plans to secure Animal Rights in the future.

Roland Vincent serves as special editor for socialism, environmentalism and animal rights.
Roland’s Facebook page is at

If You Aren’t Working Toward A Socialist Revolution, You Aren’t Working For Animal Rights

By Roland Windsor Vincent
Eco-Socialism, The Environment, and Animal Rights


Promoting veganism is animal liberation (animal welfare) NOT Animal Rights.

As is almost every other single thing we do in the Animal Rights movement. From rescuing dogs to liberating mink; from hunt sabbing to protesting animal testing; from anti-fur demos to crossposting; fostering, donating, mailing, telephoning. All are in service of protecting animals.

We call ourselves the Animal Rights movement, but almost nothing we do is in furtherance of Animal Rights.

Animal Rights can only be achieved by governments.
Whether through legislation, fiat, coup or revolution.
Animal Rights is the recognition in law of animals’ rights not to be enslaved, exploited or murdered.
And only a Socialist society, of all those ever envisaged, is likely to grant animals rights that we humans declare for ourselves.

Socialism embodies compassion and ethics. Unlike Capitalism, which embodies no societal morals whatsoever, Socialism is both an economic system and moral worldview.

The coming of Socialism may not automatically entail the adoption of animal rights.  But Socialist societies would likely embrace Animal Rights in their attempts to save the planet from the destruction wrought by animal agriculture, the chief driving force behind the Animal Holocaust. Capitalism is very unlikely to do so—ever. It’s not in its political and economic DNA, protecting the planet is just not profitable. 

Whether Gary Francione and so called “abolitionists” realize it or not, they too are animal protectionists, as are we all. Not eating animals and convincing others to stop consuming them is probably the ultimate in animal welfare activity.

Unless you are working for a Socialist revolution, you are not working for Animal Rights.

You are working for animal welfare.

Which is fine, is needed, and is admirable. But it isn’t the same as working for Animal Rights.
Animal Rights is a distant dream.  A dream farther off in the future than is a Socialist world, which must come first.



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The Human Cost of Animal Suffering

Editor’s Note: We’re happy that the NYTimes is finally getting on with the times. We don’t usually celebrate the NYTimes, but this Opinionator column one deserves encomium.—PG

The Human Cost of Animal Suffering

Until a couple of years ago I believed that the primary reasons to eat less meat were environment- and health-related, and there’s no question that those are valid reasons. But animal welfare has since become a large part of my thinking as well. And I say this as someone not known to his friends as an animal-lover.
If we want a not-too-damaged planet to live on, and we want to live here in a way that’s also not too damaged, we’re better off eating less meat. But if we also want a not-too-damaged psyche, we have to look at how we treat animals and begin to change it.

We can start by owning up to the fact that our system is industrialized. And as horrible as that word — “industrialized” — seems when applied to what was once called animal husbandry, it is precisely the correct term. Those who haven’t seen this, or believe it to be a myth perpetrated by PETA, might consider reading “Every Twelve Seconds: Industrialized Slaughter and the Politics of Sight,” recently published by Timothy Pachirat. (This isn’t a review, but the book is superbly written, especially given the grimness of the subject.)

You might think that “every 12 seconds” refers to the frequency with which we kill animals, but in a moment you’ll realize that that’s impossible: we process more than nine billion animals each year — hundreds per second. No, 12 seconds is the frequency with which the Omaha slaughterhouse where Pachirat worked for five months killed cattle, a total of around 2,500 per day.

Pachirat, whom I interviewed by phone earlier this week, took the job not as an animal rights activist but as a doctoral candidate in political science seeking to understand the normalization of violence. Like others, he concluded that our isolation from killing allows us to tolerate unimaginably cruel practices simply because we don’t see them. But Pachirat emphasizes that it’s not only we — consumers — who are isolated from the killing, but workers: at his plant only seven people out of 800 were directly involved with live cattle, and only four with killing.

Not that the other workers have it easy: “Every Twelve Seconds” shatters any belief you might have about the system treating animals with a shred of decency. “The sheer volume, scale and rate of killing,” Pachirat told me, “the way the animals form a continuous stream rather than individual creatures, makes it clear the animals are seen as raw material. The cattle are called ‘beef’ even while they’re alive — and that not only protects people from acknowledging what they’re doing and that they’re doing it to sentient beings, it’s also accurate, a reflection of the process itself.”

Our assertion of our right to treat animals as we do iron or lumber or car doors — to treat them as widgets — is not cannibalism, but it’s hardly consistent with our keeping of adored pets.

Meat-eaters may assert that this is somehow justifiable, because we “need” to eat meat — just not cats or dogs or goldfish — to live. And even though we don’t (in fact, there’s increasing evidence that too much of it is harmful; more on that later this week), we have more than two million years of tradition to point to, we have bodies that process meat well and even thrive on it in limited amounts and we have a love of eating animal flesh that for most of us may not go away any time soon.

None of which justifies egregious maltreatment. (Yes, vegan friends, I get that killing animals, period, is maltreatment. This ambivalence, or hypocrisy if you prefer, is for every ambivalent or hypocritical omnivore or flexitarian a puzzle, and scale is an issue.)  That maltreatment must first be acknowledged in order for us to alleviate it.

And that acknowledgment is forthcoming. The allure — and habit! — of meat-eating may be too strong for most of us to give it up, but recognizing its consequences is a move toward a middle ground: a place where we continue to eat animals but exchange that privilege (that’s what it is) for a system in which we eat less and treat them better, one that allows our children to make more humane decisions. Because once we accept that farm animals are capable of suffering (80 percent of Americans believe this to be true), we might well wonder what they’ve done to deserve such punishment.

The most publicized stories about industrial agriculture represent the exceptions that prove the rule: the uncommon torture of animals by perverse individuals in rogue operations. But torture is inherent in the routine treatment of animals as widgets, and the system itself is perverse. What makes “Every Twelve Seconds” different from (for example) a Mercy for Animals exposé is, says Pachirat, “that the day-in and day-out experience produces invisibility. Industrialized agriculture perpetuates concealment at every level of the process, and rather than focusing on the shocking examples we should be focusing on the system itself.”

At that point we might finally acknowledge that raising, killing and eating animals must be done differently. When omnivores recognize that our way of producing and eating meat reduces not only slaughterhouse workers but all of us to a warped state, we’ll be able to bring about the kind of changes that will reduce both meat consumption and our collective guilt.

Pachirat says he has changed as a result of his experience, becoming increasingly interested in what he calls “distancing and concealment.” He now intends to work on those issues as they relate to imprisonment, war, torture, deployment of drones and other sophisticated weaponry that allow impersonal killing. And it’s because these connections make so much sense that we should look more carefully at how we raise and kill animals.
“I didn’t get into this to focus on animal issues,” he told me, “but my own relationship to eating meat has been transformed, and I now forgo it altogether. It’s just not worth the pleasure when you know the system.”
When we all know the system, we’ll be even more eager to change it.

Mark Bittman is an Opinion columnist and the Times magazine’s food columnist; his Minimalist column ran in the Dining section of The Times for more than 13 years. In 2009, Mr. Bittman, who has been urging Americans to change the way we eat for decades, published “Food Matters,” which explored the crucial connections among food, health and the environment. His most recent book is “The Food Matters Cookbook”; he is also the author of “How to Cook Everything” and “How to Cook Everything Vegetarian,” among others. Mr. Bittman’s television series include “Bittman Takes on America’s Chefs,” “The Best Recipes in the World,” “Spain: On the Road Again” and an upcoming series based on his Minimalist column. His Web site is

Please visit Mark Mittman blog and join me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter.





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