VIDEO: Collegehumor’s “Is Meat Murder?”

We’ve reached a true turning point. Now even mainstream comedy websites are starting to accept vegetarianism as a legitimate, ethically ideal lifestyle.

VIDEO: Collegehumor’s “Is Meat Murder?”

We’ve reached a true turning point. Now even mainstream comedy websites are starting to accept vegetarianism as a legitimate, ethically ideal lifestyle.

Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart Have Destroyed Satire — Chris Hedges

Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

Creator of Acronym TV/ Director- American Autumn: an Occudoc

Originally posted on AcronymTV


In this wide-ranging interview, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Christopher Hedges talks with me about class war, nonviolence, The Great Gatsby, and about the lost art of satire.

"Satire becomes destroyed in essence in the hands of figures like Colbert, Jon Stewart and others," Hedges asserts. "They will attack the excesses or the foibles of the system, but they are never going to expose the system itself because they are all millionaires, they are commercially supported. You have very few people (George Carlin was one) who will stand up and do it. If you do that, it is tough to make a living. Carlin maybe being the exception. But if you really use satire the way Swift used satire, to expose the English barbarity in Ireland because culture, like everything else in the society has been completely corporatized."

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