The moral decay of our society is as bad at the top as the bottom

By Peter Oborne Politics

Tottenham ablaze: the riots began early on Sunday.

David Cameron, Ed Miliband and the entire British political class came together yesterday to denounce the rioters. They were of course right to say that the actions of these looters, arsonists and muggers were abhorrent and criminal, and that the police should be given more support.

But there was also something very phony and hypocritical about all the shock and outrage expressed in parliament. MPs spoke about the week’s dreadful events as if they were nothing to do with them.

I cannot accept that this is the case. Indeed, I believe that the criminality in our streets cannot be dissociated from the moral disintegration in the highest ranks of modern British society. The last two decades have seen a terrifying decline in standards among the British governing elite. It has become acceptable for our politicians to lie and to cheat. An almost universal culture of selfishness and greed has grown up.

It is not just the feral youth of Tottenham who have forgotten they have duties as well as rights. So have the feral rich of Chelsea and Kensington. A few years ago, my wife and I went to a dinner party in a large house in west London. A security guard prowled along the street outside, and there was much talk of the “north-south divide”, which I took literally for a while until I realised that my hosts were facetiously referring to the difference between those who lived north and south of Kensington High Street.

Bon vivant Branson: An irresponsible tycoon who typifies the real mores of his class.

Most of the people in this very expensive street were every bit as deracinated and cut off from the rest of Britain as the young, unemployed men and women who have caused such terrible damage over the last few days. For them, the repellent Financial Times magazine How to Spend It is a bible. I’d guess that few of them bother to pay British tax if they can avoid it, and that fewer still feel the sense of obligation to society that only a few decades ago came naturally to the wealthy and better off.

Yet we celebrate people who live empty lives like this. A few weeks ago, I noticed an item in a newspaper saying that the business tycoon Sir Richard Branson was thinking of moving his headquarters to Switzerland. This move was represented as a potential blow to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, because it meant less tax revenue.

I couldn’t help thinking that in a sane and decent world such a move would be a blow to Sir Richard, not the Chancellor. People would note that a prominent and wealthy businessman was avoiding British tax and think less of him. Instead, he has a knighthood and is widely feted. The same is true of the brilliant retailer Sir Philip Green. Sir Philip’s businesses could never survive but for Britain’s famous social and political stability, our transport system to shift his goods and our schools to educate his workers.

Yet Sir Philip, who a few years ago sent an extraordinary £1 billion dividend offshore, seems to have little intention of paying for much of this. Why does nobody get angry or hold him culpable? I know that he employs expensive tax lawyers and that everything he does is legal, but he surely faces ethical and moral questions just as much as does a young thug who breaks into one of Sir Philip’s shops and steals from it?

Our politicians – standing sanctimoniously on their hind legs in the Commons yesterday – are just as bad. They have shown themselves prepared to ignore common decency and, in some cases, to break the law. David Cameron is happy to have some of the worst offenders in his Cabinet. Take the example of Francis Maude, who is charged with tackling public sector waste – which trade unions say is a euphemism for waging war on low‑paid workers. Yet Mr Maude made tens of thousands of pounds by breaching the spirit, though not the law, surrounding MPs’ allowances.

A great deal has been made over the past few days of the greed of the rioters for consumer goods, not least by Rotherham MP Denis MacShane who accurately remarked, “What the looters wanted was for a few minutes to enter the world of Sloane Street consumption.” This from a man who notoriously claimed £5,900 for eight laptops. Of course, as an MP he obtained these laptops legally through his expenses.

Yesterday, the veteran Labour MP Gerald Kaufman asked the Prime Minister to consider how these rioters can be “reclaimed” by society. Yes, this is indeed the same Gerald Kaufman who submitted a claim for three months’ expenses totalling £14,301.60, which included £8,865 for a Bang & Olufsen television.

Or take the Salford MP Hazel Blears, who has been loudly calling for draconian action against the looters. I find it very hard to make any kind of ethical distinction between Blears’s expense cheating and tax avoidance, and the straight robbery carried out by the looters.

The Prime Minister showed no sign that he understood that something stank about yesterday’s Commons debate. He spoke of morality, but only as something which applies to the very poor: “We will restore a stronger sense of morality and responsibility – in every town, in every street and in every estate.” He appeared not to grasp that this should apply to the rich and powerful as well.

The tragic truth is that Mr Cameron is himself guilty of failing this test. It is scarcely six weeks since he jauntily turned up at the News International summer party, even though the media group was at the time subject to not one but two police investigations.

Even more notoriously, he awarded a senior Downing Street job to the former News of the World editor Andy Coulson, even though he knew at the time that Coulson had resigned after criminal acts were committed under his editorship. The Prime Minister excused his wretched judgment by proclaiming that “everybody deserves a second chance”. It was very telling yesterday that he did not talk of second chances as he pledged exemplary punishment for the rioters and looters.

These double standards from Downing Street are symptomatic of widespread double standards at the very top of our society. It should be stressed that most people (including, I know, Telegraph readers) continue to believe in honesty, decency, hard work, and putting back into society at least as much as they take out.

But there are those who do not. Certainly, the so-called feral youth seem oblivious to decency and morality. But so are the venal rich and powerful – too many of our bankers, footballers, wealthy businessmen and politicians.

Of course, most of them are smart and wealthy enough to make sure that they obey the law. That cannot be said of the sad young men and women, without hope or aspiration, who have caused such mayhem and chaos over the past few days. But the rioters have this defence: they are just following the example set by senior and respected figures in society. Let’s bear in mind that many of the youths in our inner cities have never been trained in decent values. All they have ever known is barbarism. Our politicians and bankers, in sharp contrast, tend to have been to good schools and universities and to have been given every opportunity in life.

Something has gone horribly wrong in Britain. If we are ever to confront the problems which have been exposed in the past week, it is essential to bear in mind that they do not only exist in inner-city housing estates.

The culture of greed and impunity we are witnessing on our TV screens stretches right up into corporate boardrooms and the Cabinet. It embraces the police and large parts of our media. It is not just its damaged youth, but Britain itself that needs a moral reformation.


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London Burned, Disrupting the Plutocrats’ Party

With Select Original Comments
Many, many moons ago, I heard a professor in a poli sci course glibly say socialists think everyone should finish a foot race at the same time.

I told him a better metaphor would be that capitalism is a party where everyone is invited with full knowledge that the vast majority can’t attend.

A large number of those would-be guests showed their displeasure and expressed their frustration recently in England. London streets were rife with rioting and looting, and the police had more work than they could handle for a while.

The proximate cause of the unrest was the police shooting of a black father of four, but no doubt the reaction wouldn’t have been so full of fury if not for the seething tensions in England’s lower classes.

For a few days, the unrest combined with bad days at stock exchanges to put a bit of a damper on the party that Britain’s rich had been enjoying at others’ expense.

Prime Minister David Cameron said the rioters were from “frankly sick,” not to mention selfish and criminal and irresponsible, segments of society.

Julie Hyland at has remarked that “such statements more properly apply to the prime minister himself.”

Hyland adds: “Cameron’s charge, moreover, applies equally to the ‘pocket’ of the City of London (the financial district), where the greedy, self-serving activities of the banks and super-rich have literally trashed the British economy. Billions of pounds have been looted from public funds and handed over to the City, without any bank, hedge-fund operator, financial speculator, or those supposed to have ‘regulated’ their activities, held to account.”

The gap between rich and poor has grown tremendously in the U.K., as it has in the U.S. and probably every other industrialized country, in recent decades.

Mr. Cameron’s harsh words against “sick” poor people may have been at least partly motivated by what an inconvenience the unrest presented to him and cabinet colleagues.

Reports NBC’s Martin Fletcher: “Cameron returned from his vacation in a (shared) ten thousand pounds a week villa in Italy where he was reportedly taking tennis lessons with a coach flown out from Britain.

“Home Secretary Theresa May cut short her vacation in Switzerland.
“Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg returned from his vacation in France.”

So it goes.

Select Comments

Jess says:
August 13, 2011 at 10:48 pm
Russell Brand had a wonderful post about this on his website yesterday, which is well worth the read. Basically saying what many of us are saying here in the US about us, the few that are wealthy are getting more at the expense of the many and how shameful it is.

“…That state of deprivation though, is of course, the condition that many of those rioting endure as their unbending reality. No education, a weakened family unit, no money and no way of getting any. JD Sports is probably easier to desecrate if you can’t afford what’s in there and the few poorly paid jobs there are taken. Amidst the bleakness of this social landscape, squinting all the while in the glare of a culture that radiates ultra-violet consumerism and infra-red celebrity. That daily, hourly, incessantly enforces the egregious, deceitful message that you are what you wear, what you drive, what you watch and what you watch it on, in livid, neon pixels. The only light in their lives comes from these luminous corporate messages. No wonder they have their fucking hoods up.

I remember David Cameron saying “hug a hoodie” but I haven’t seen him doing it, why would he? Hoodies don’t vote, they’ve realised it’s pointless, that whoever gets elected will just be a different shade of the “we don’t give a toss about you party…”

Stimpson says:
August 13, 2011 at 10:51 pm
I liked Russell Brand before, I like him even more now.

Jess says:
August 13, 2011 at 11:03 pm
Me too Stimpson.

Jess says:
August 13, 2011 at 11:02 pm
Here is another piece that was written that is well worth the read. You could swap out British society with American society and it will be the same as it ever was. It’s shameful are the only words I have for it right now.

“..I cannot accept that this is the case. Indeed, I believe that the criminality in our streets cannot be dissociated from the moral disintegration in the highest ranks of modern British society. The last two decades have seen a terrifying decline in standards among the British governing elite. It has become acceptable for our politicians to lie and to cheat. An almost universal culture of selfishness and greed has grown up…”

Jack Jodell says:
August 13, 2011 at 11:13 pm
So the PM had to interrupt his important tennis holiday to come back and do his job? Why that arsehole—it is obvious that he is a stuffy elitist not up to the job. He exhibits a typical conservative attitude of seeing this as a law and order issue rather than what it really is. He would get along quite well with both Stephen Harper and George Bush: all are uncaring, ignorant fools who don’t want to be bothered with the truth!

osori says:
August 14, 2011 at 12:11 am
Great job, Mike. We are of the same mind here.

Gwendolyn H. Barry says:
August 14, 2011 at 9:45 am
Ditto-ing Oso. The gap between just a very few and the rest of our planet is more realistic visual. While the UK and US at one time represented a higher stand of living which perpetuates an illusion of attainable wealth, this crumbles away and the bare bones of an over populated, badly misused workforce are revealed. It is possible to make a fortune… you can turn a fortune in a socialist society too… why is it ignored? Socialism has provided care for us … hard won social nets of care and assistance in returning to the workforce or making our way back into earning. Socialism cares for our elderly. For our injured. For our handicapped mentally, emotionally. We take care of our weaker or needier members of society. Well, we used to. I thought that was American “exceptionalism”. I was raised to think as much. We in some deep shit here friends and neighbors.
Which side are you on…. returns to asked.

Krell says:
August 14, 2011 at 10:17 am
Gwen brings up an excellent point in her comment. It is possible to have your fortune in a more Socialist society. It’s just that the others are presented with a minimum decent existence as well. Several people have stated the obvious…

Our society must make it right and possible for old people not to fear the young or be deserted by them, for the test of a civilization is the way that it cares for its helpless members.~Pearl S. Buck

“A nation’s greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members.” ~ Mahatma Ghandi

But perhaps the most eloquent…

“…the moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; those who are in the shadows of life; the sick, the needy and the handicapped. ”

Last Speech of Hubert H. Humphrey

There is a vast disconnect with the leaders and the super-rich and the rest of the population. This is not a new condition… it’s happened throughout the history of man. Something the leaders may well take note of though…. it always ends badly for them.

REPLY to the above
Maybe. And after many centuries of suffering by the masses. A better system must come into place to get rid fast of entrenched privilege, the  very moment it begins to show its ugly face. A good prophylactic would be to simply block the accumulation of great wealth—by anyone. The idea that literally obscene, unlimited rewards are necessary for producers and inventors and other so-called key people to do their thing is an old chestnut propagated by the Right, down the ages.—Eds]


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