10 Signs That America Is the Most Corrupt Nation

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=By= Gary Corseri


(A poem based on an article by Juan Cole—at Truthdig.)

1. Wealth Disparities

Trickle down economics

Is an excuse

For the rich to piss on the poor.

So, look up, ye wretched of the Earth!

We’re happy to piss on your faces

While you cry out for “more”!


2. Human Carbon Emissions

I deny with a straight face

That I’ve anything to do

With the CO2 I haphazardly spew

From my Lotus, or my factory—

Bringing to you

The latest baulbles I’ve convinced you

You can’t live without.


3. Endless Political Campaigns

Ridiculous to think they last a year or two

When, in fact, they’ve been going on

Since Washington chopped down the cherry tree

In quasi-actuality,

Then dressed in military garb

Impressing all the delegates

He was best-suited to make us “free.”


4. Lobbyists, bankers, bribes.

Excuse me for being

Unpolitically correct,

But wasn’t that the very thing

The “self-radicalized,” reforming Jew

Got so upset about when he threw

all those money-changers out

Of the Temple?

5. Not Prosecuting the Villains of the Meltdown

What else is new?

When Polk invaded Mexico

And our legislators cheered him on,

Did anyone besides Thoreau

Cry “foul,” let’s end this now

Once and for all?


6. Bloated Military Budgets

Forget the nitpicking, if you please!

It’s not easy to maintain

A thousand military bases around the world,

“dedicated to the proposition”

That we’re the “exceptional” people

And God loves us best!

What’s a couple of trillion bucks mislaid

Got to do with “bad guys” slayed?


7. Our Prison-Industrial Complex

3 Strikes and you’re out—

Works in baseball, why not crime?

We’re a sporting people, and besides,

Better to pay the minimum-minimum-minimum wage

To polish belt buckles for the troops

Then deal with marchers in the streets

Squawking about “fairness.”


8. Domestic Spying

How else control a restive group

Of malcontents out-of-the-loop

Of what the country stands for?

When everyone fears everyone

Everyone will get a gun.

Fear’s the friend of governments

Seeking to steer malcontents

Against each other.


9. Insider Trading & Revolving Doors

If I’m spying, why wouldn’t I

Occasionally lapse,

Profit from some Great Collapse

I see coming down the gilded pike?

If prices of a stock should spike–

and my foreknowledge tells me when—

why shouldn’t I collect a million,

put the kid through the Ivy League,

take my seat on the Corporate Board?


10. Asset Forfeiture

Why shouldn’t our cops seize what they can?

Could anything be more American?

Forget your Citizens’ Rights’ complaints!

They’re neither paid nor trained for being saints!


Gary Corseri has published novels, poetry collections, dramas, articles and fiction.  He has performed his poems at the Carter Presidential Library and his plays have been produced on PBS-Atlanta and elsewhere. He has worked as a busboy, editor, and a grape-picker in Australia.  He has taught in public schools and prisons in the US, and in universities in the US and Japan.  [Contact: Gary_Corseri@comcast.net.]


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Who Will Guard The Guards?

Quis Custodiet? 

By Gary Corseri


“Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?”–Juvenal


They accused me of murdering Truth!

I gave them the “least untruthful” reply.

“What is truth?” I asked them, quoting Pilate. 

“Hath not the Truth eyes?” I wondered,

Paraphrasing William S.  “If you prick Truth,

Does it not bleed?  If you tickle it, does it not laugh?

If you poison it, does it not die?”  But, they were not

Amused!  And they hauled me off to Gitmo.


“What is my crime?” I wondered.  “Some musings

Passed between friends?  A bit of Twainian humor,

Ridiculing the P.T.B.?  Or POTUS?

Or SCOTUS?  Or the “permanent criminal class”

Twain called Congress?  (OK!  I threw in the MSM,

As well; and Big Finance and Big Pharma—

The insane “celebrity culture”; mis-education,

And all the other “mis”-es, including,

Most of “history,” all that I’d mis-learned

About good guys and bad guys, who to trust, and,

Whom to look upon askance, with jaundiced eye,

Because, in fact, they wore masks; they were never

What they seemed; they were, in fact, grotesque.)


So they padlocked me in Solitary!

An hour a day in sun or rain, in an orange jump-suit—

Like a clown—outdoors.  (They let me pray—in my clown suit!)

I refused their food, loaded with chemicals

And their “untruth serum.”  So they clamped me down

And force-fed me.  A tube down my nose, a tube

Down my throat.  They padded my cell.  They wouldn’t

Let me die!  “What is my crime?” I protested.

“Asking questions?  Ain’t this the Land of the Free? 

Ain’t it the Home of the Brave”  Ain’t it? …  Ain’t it? …”


Down the corridor where they kept the hopeless,

I heard the echo of my ravings; and,

Beyond the iron door, some soft humming

Of television voices, and occasional

Muted laughter; and, above, I thought: a droning

Humming. … And then, a crack of thunder!  Then,

Lightning!  Then…, all the flickering lights went



Dr. Gary Steven Corseri has published his work at The Greanville Post, CommonDreams, The New York Times, Village Voice, Redbook Magazine, Counterpunch, L. A. Progressive, Georgia Review and hundreds of other venues worldwide. His dramas have been produced on PBS-Atlanta and he has performed his work at the Carter Presidential Library and Museum. His books include novels and poetry collections. He can be contacted at gary_corseri@comcast.net.