Champagne & Disdain: Your Global Collapse = Our Profit!


Socialism has never been tried full-scale, as Capitalism has. We have unfettered Capitalism Globally for 200 years, and NOWHERE, and I mean NOWHERE has this produced a population that is sound, healthy, informed and at Peace.”

I’m not gonna say it’s time to hoard up, board up, arm up and batten down.

There will be no recovery. You either have enough to invest in buying out the broke now, and invest in hedging your bets, insuring yourself against the inevitable losers.  

“The saving of millions of people are going to vanish.”

Your grandparents don’t sound so whack-o now when they buried money in the yard, kept petty cash in the bedsprings, and hid their gold in the walls.

I know you all want your quarterly interests, and that pulling it out early always sounds like a bummer. I’m telling you, you leave it in that diseased hole, its gonna bite it right off. Pull your cash now. Turn it into property, gold, or just stash it.

Sounds like I’ve gone over the edge, doesn’t it. Next I’ll be telling you to stockpile food and ammo. Stockpile food and ammo. Most people haven’t enough to last a month. I don’t. Yet.

Our suffering, our collective rape, is an investor’s wet dream. Why is the stock market so robust for GS? Because the rich are not afraid at all, they are quivering like a thoroughbred at the gate, waiting for the race to beat all races: Total Financial Global Domination. I wonder if you have to wear a special hat for that? French milliners lining up throwing their Kentucky Derby creations to the wind. This, my dahlinks, is the only race…

Let me ask you a question. Have ANY of the Arab Spring movements resulted in People Power or any type of Social Democracy for their people? Have even one of these countries nationalized the industries that stole all their assets and ran them with an iron fist?

No, they have been co-opted with assigned leaders, and the “help” of our private sector setting up another puppet Capitalist government they can profit off of.

Has our own Occupation of Wall Street not been met with the toasting and spraying the demonstrators with champagne?

Its not just their utter disdain for us, its they are excited to see us fail.

I am just as positive they long for a little violence so they can crush it, fill people with fear, show them “who’s in charge, here.” Besides, Christians against the lions is so very fun to watch.

Mother Jones said it is a failed movement because there is no United Message.

It’s true, in a way, all of our complaints from the environment to the economy, from corruption to foreign conflict are SYMPTOMS not the disease.

It’s not just a bad economy – it’s a bad SYSTEM that is set up to provide rewards for exploiting someone else. It will only fail if the people don’t come to realize the root cause.

Do you reward your 7 year old when he steals someone’s lunch, or tricks them out of their allowance for selling them pyrite as gold? Do you reward your 15 year old for collecting “protection money” at the bus stop?

That is EXACTLY what our current system does. And they do it with complete impunity. As Noam Chomsky put it, they are not just too big to fail, they are too big to JAIL.

This is no Democracy anymore – It is fascism. Business runs the world.

It is not ‘survival of the fittest – it is survival of the most psychopathic. Psychopathy is a mental disorder characterized primarily by a lack of empathy and remorse, shallow emotions, egocentricity, very deep egocentricity, and deceptiveness.

Kind of sounds like saying “You have been dreaming of an economic collapse, because you will get rich off of it.” In fact, it sounds EXACTLY like that.

Moderates will say, reform is enough. It worked for a while after ’29, didn’t it? They will say I hang on to a ‘failed” ideology of Socialism or Communism. What could be a more failed ideology than Capitalism? Time after time, it funnels money into the hands of the few, thus corrupting the system. It fails its people every time.

Socialism has never been tried full-scale, as Capitalism has. We have unfettered Capitalism Globally for 200 years, and NOWHERE, and I mean NOWHERE has this produced a population that is sound, healthy, informed and at Peace.

Socialism has only been tried under a fierce and without morals opponent in the Exploitation Capitalist cabal that funnels untold arms and monies to crush it and open it for their rape. Still, they have less economic strife than we do now.

Personally I want wipe the smug smiles off of their faces, and give every CEO a personal life sentence of doing “America’s Dirties Jobs” shown on live TV, with balls and chains around their ankles.

You can dream of our collapse, investors; because we will be plotting yours.


DIANE GEE is a senior contributing editor to The Greanville Post, and Editor of The Wild Wild Left.  She also manages a very lively political forum on Facebook, Links for the Wildly Left, and a regular program on Internet radio. 


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Revolutions take vigilance to survive and prosper


Ruminations by John Kozy

A Revolting World


Suggested with intro by Diane G

IMAGE: Russian propaganda poster (1905) urging the people to sustain the revolutionary momentum. History shows this is far easier said than done.

YES, the double entendre is intentional.

Of course, there are people everywhere who are genuinely revolted by what a few persons have done to the many. Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill would surely wonder what ever happened to the principle they both advocated-the greatest happiness for the greatest number. Their Utilitarianism has been pulled inside out. Now it seems that the principle is the greatest happiness for the fewest people. They would indeed wonder what have human beings become.

This revulsion is now leading many in many lands into demonstrating against their governments. Some claim that people everywhere are revolting and that a worldwide revolution is imminent. Revolution is everywhere in the air. Even the orthodox and heterodox presses are all atwitter. Is a new world awakening? Is the eternal spring of hope to be actualized? Would that it were so. If history is any guide, not likely!

Ever heard of the French revolution? What ever happened to it?

It took place between 1789 and 1799 during which radical social and political changes took place. The absolute monarchy collapsed, and French society underwent an epic transformation. Feudal, aristocratic, and religious privileges were abandoned because of pressure from liberal political groups and the masses on the streets. Old ideas succumbed to Enlightenment principles of citizenship and inalienable rights. Republican principles were the liberal songs of the day.

But one need not look elsewhere to expose the actions of reaction. Look at the United States of America instead.

In 1776, the Declaration of Independence was promulgated. It says,

only [emphasis mine] levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.” Violent revolution was fine in 1776, but not after 1789. Revolutionaries themselves become reactionaries! Is Baron Acton right? Does power corrupt? Does absolute power corrupt absolutely?

Who in America today would say that all Americans are created equal? Who in America today would say that the Union has been perfected, that Justice has been established, that domestic Tranquility has been established, that the general Welfare is being promoted, and that the Blessings of Liberty have been secured for ourselves and our Posterity? The American Revolution, like all revolutions in history, has been undone. More than peaceful street demonstrations, it appears, is needed to resuscitate it.

A Revolting World | 1 comments


John Kozy ROCKS! (6.00 / 1)

I love this guy, he seriously GETS it and is never afraid to say it aloud.

Of course, those who hold the power will NEVER relinquish it by choice, and they have so many ways to regain it. If they lose a revolution, they have the assets to wait it out until they can buy out a person or persons allegiance and slowly influence a counter revolution by stealth, by writ or by amassing the opposition of their counter-part Elites in other Nations to push economic stress. Embargoes anyone?

Revolutions just take critical mass.

Change takes VIGILANCE.

Once minor concessions are gained, people lose that vigilance and go back about trying to survive, if not thrive.

It can never be successful unless the People unite, and put set-in-stone safeguards against anyone owning any assets above the average, and enforcing them with utter due diligence.

Is that likely? No. Is it within the realm of remote possibility? Gahd, I hope so.

by: Diane G @ Wed Feb 09, 2011 at 06:46:11 AM CST