ALERT: Criminalizing Streaming Videos—one more reason to despise politicians


Congress Wants To Make Uploading YouTube Videos A Felony With Worse Penalties Than Child Molestation

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A new bill being voted on in the Senate THIS Week will make it a felony crime to post copyrighted videos on YouTube, Facebook and other sites with criminal penalties worse than the crime of child molestation – 10 years in prison!

Clearly the bill is meant to help strengthen the government’s grip on media censorship by preventing the alternative press, bloggers and independent citizen journalists from keeping a record of the lies spread by the government propaganda machine.

The bill will effectively limit the ability of alternative, non-corporate news sources, to reported on issues that are important to the public and and the main stream media buries.

Take action now! Sign the petition and contact your senator. [Why you should even have to contact your pseudorepresentative on issues like these is a symptom of this country’s democratic degeneracy.]

Tell Congress to oppose S. 978, the new “Ten Strikes” bill

Here they go again: The big business lobbyists who are behind the Internet Blacklist Bill are already making the sequel. THIS WEEK Senators will be voting on a “Ten Strikes” bill to make it a felony to stream copyrighted content — like music in the background of a Youtube video — more than ten times.

As the writers at TechDirt point out, under this bill you could go to jail for posting video of your friends singing karaoke:

The entertainment industry is freaking out about sites that embed and stream infringing content, and want law enforcement to put people in jail over it, rather than filing civil lawsuits…. We already pointed to one possibility: that people embedding YouTube videos could face five years in jail. Now, others are pointing out that it could also put kids who lip sync to popular songs, and post the resulting videos on YouTube, in jail as well.

That’s right: Ten strikes and you could get jail time. Less than two weeks ago, the Hollywood industry magazine, Variety, reported, “Industry lobbyists pressed House members on Wednesday to pass legislation that would make illegal streaming of movies, TV shows and other types of content a felony….”

Only days later, the MPAA is getting its wish. Will you email your lawmakers and tell them to vote against the Ten Strikes Bill?

Take action now! Sign the petition and contact your senator.

This entry was posted in Senators, U.S. Congress, U.S. House of Representatives and tagged Congress, Felony for Streaming, Internet Blacklist Bill, Karaoke, lobbyists, Media Suppression, S. 978, Senators, Streaming Felony, Ten Strikes Bill, YouTube. Bookmark the permalink.


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