Resist before you enlist

Before You Enlist! (2006; 2011)
a (must-see) compilation by our fraternal site, Dandelion Salad


September 18, 2006

Straight talk from soldiers, veterans and their family members tells what is missing from the sales pitches presented by recruiters and the military’s marketing efforts.


Updated: Nov. 11, 2013

Before You Enlist! (2011 revision)

Jan 13, 2011

see also:

What if they gave a War? By Charles Sullivan (2006) 

Stopping the War Machine: Military Recruiters Must Be Confronted

Wars Begin in High School Cafeterias by David Swanson

Don’t Enlist by Laurence M. Vance

Should Anyone Join the Military? by Laurence M. Vance


GI Resistance


Remember: All captions and pullquotes are furnished by the editors, NOT the author(s). 

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