Pro-Kremlin Activists Claim Boris Nemtsov Killed by ‘American Curators’

By Alec Luhn | VICE News

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[dropcap]US[/dropcap] intelligence agencies killed opposition leader Boris Nemtsov to orchestrate a regime change in Russia, pro-Kremlin activists that include a senator and the leader of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s favorite biker gang said at a press conference in Moscow.

Referring to the pro-Western Euromaidan protests in Kiev that ousted President Viktor Yanukovych in February 2014, the leaders of Russia’s “Anti-Maidan” movement said Nemtsov had become the “first victim of Maidan in Russia” when he was killed by four bullets to the back in view of the Kremlin on Friday night. Pundits in state media have often argued the Kiev protests were a US-organized “coup” that brought a “fascist junta” to power.

A former prime minister, Nemtsov had written several reports on state corruption and was reportedly working on one about Russian military support for rebels in eastern Ukraine. But nationalist author Nikolai Starikov argued at the press conference that the opposition leader had actually been an asset of US intelligence who had worked against Russia’s interests throughout his career.

“To me it’s obvious that the instigators of Nemtsov’s murder were his American curators, who always use the same methods. As soon as a revolutionary becomes ineffective, as soon as his death will bring more use than his activities, they kill him, then create a big furor around it to give his death more significance,” he said.

Starikov has long been a voice of warning against “Anglo-Saxon” conspiracies and has written such books as “1917: Not a Revolution, But an Intelligence Operation” and “Russia’s Main Enemy: All Evil Comes from the West.” He was joined by Senator Dmitry Sablin, a former deputy of the ruling United Russia party in the lower house of parliament, and Alexander “Surgeon” Zaldostanov, the head of the Night Wolves biker gang who has often been photographed with the Russian president. Putin once even rode a three-wheel Harley alongside Zaldostanov during a visit to Novorossiysk in 2011.

Sablin, Starikov and Zaldostanov had announced in January that they were creating an “Anti-Maidan” movement to fight pro-democracy protests against Putin’s government. Anti-Maidan members later shouted down peace activists at a protest against the conflict between the government and Russia-backed rebels in eastern Ukraine.

In February, Zaldostanov and thousands others came out for an Anti-Maidan march in downtown Moscow to mark the anniversary of the “coup” against Yanukovych, carrying signs such as “We Don’t Need American Democracy,” “Putin Is Our President” and “We Don’t Need Your Western Ideology!”

Opposition leaders and political analysts have said Nemtsov’s killing was far more likely linked to an “atmosphere of hatred” toward Kremlin critics than foreign intelligence services. Patriotic paranoia had been spread by state-controlled television coverage during the Ukraine crisis and was given expression by Putin, who warned of a “fifth column” of “national traitors” during a broadcast in December. Several analysts have argued that the most likely culprit is an ultranationalist or Kremlin-linked group seeking to push Putin to continue military support for rebels in eastern Ukraine rather than work toward a peace plan agreed in Minsk, Belarus, in February.

In a suggestion that it may also secretly suspect the far right, Russia’s investigative committee appointed Igor Krasnov, a detective known for successful investigations of nationalists accused of political murders, to head the Nemtsov case.

But Starikov argued that Nemtsov’s killing was a “classic example” of the “Maidan technologies” used by US intelligence to orchestrate coups in Ukraine and other countries. He added that it was actually the “democratic opposition” (i.e., “western-style government supporter} that was promoting intolerance and unrest, reading out quotes by anti-corruption campaigner Alexei Navalny and other prominent activists and journalists criticizing Russia and its population. [Navalny is notorious for his close ties with the CIA and State Department destabilization tools like the NED, etc.—Eds] “Who is really creating this atmosphere of hate? We need to pay attention to these people, they are indirectly responsible for the murder of Boris Nemtsov,” he said.

Zaldostanov complained that Anti-Maidan activists wearing the St. George’s ribbon, a Russian symbol for military victories widely worn by Putin supporters, had been prevented from joining Sunday’s 50,000-strong memorial march for Nemtsov. The ribbon has become an unofficial symbol of the Russia-backed rebellion in eastern Ukraine, of which Nemtsov was an outspoken opponent. [Nemtsov openly supported the Kiev regime and accused the Russian government of “aggression,” a shopworn propaganda meme disseminated by Western politicians and media.—Eds]

“When they don’t let some guys with St. George’s ribbon join the column, when some faggot in a homosexual voice says that that the ribbon is a symbol of bloodshed, I can’t understand that,” Zaldostanov said.

The Anti-Maidan leaders said that they considered themselves part of Russia’s political opposition, but the press conference took place in the headquarters of Rossiya Segodnya (“Russia Today”), the Kremlin’s media arm. Their statements also echoed official rhetoric: Both Putin’s spokesman and the investigative committee have suggested Nemtsov’s murder is a “provocation” against Russia.

Following Nemtsov’s killing, Russia will face protests and further “provocations,” including more killings, according to Starikov, as the US agents attempt to destabilize the situation in the country and overthrow the government.

“To say there is no danger and we’re fighting with phantoms is to deny reality,” he said. “The attempt to shake up the situation in Russia has started with Nemtsov’s murder…. We have seen so many successful and unsuccessful coups according to the Maidan scenario. This destabilization happens in any country where the United States is trying to achieve regime change.”

Follow Alec Luhn on Twitter: @ASLuhn



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• US/NATO false flag op apparently mounted to smear pro-Russia Ukrainians of anti-semitism



Pro-Russian activists outside Donetsk regional administration buildingUnderhanded operations is what the CIA specializes in so we should not be too surprised if, losing ground in Eastern Ukraine, it has apparently decided to play one of the dirtiest cards in its repertory, accusing Donetsk separatists of persecuting Jews.

If so, and logic points in that direction, this was a particularly cynical move by the agency, calculated to play big in the US where antisemitism is the third rail in American politics. The obvious goal was to inflame Jewish-American opinion, and the millions of Christian fundamentalist zealots who, for twisted reasons of their own, profess to be fierce supporters of Israel. Fortunately, the operation was so clumsily mounted that it is already falling apart at the seams (see report by the Guardian UK), but don’t trust the American media to investigate the truth too energetically. As it is, the CBS affiliate in New York was one of the first to break the news, but even that outlet hedged its bets again almost certain embarrassment by putting in a weak disclaimer. So far, there has been no real followup and no rectification.

The alarmistic news as first distributed by CBS New York (Channel 2). The transcript of the report is found immediately below.

Flyers Distributed In Troubled Eastern Ukrainian City Call On Jews To Register (CBS New York)

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – As Jews across the Tri-State area are celebrating Passover, a chilling new development is taking place in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk, which has recently been caught up in awave of pro-Russian turmoil.

Flyers, purportedly distributed by pro-Russian rebels, are demanding Jews register with the “Nationalities Commissioner” and pay $50 or lose their citizenship and face deportation, according to a translation provided by the National Conference Supporting Jews in Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic States & Eurasia (NCSJ).

It sent a chill around the world, reminiscent of a dark time from the last century.

“It is a stark example of anti-Semitism and a way of intimidating the Jewish community,” Michael Salberg with the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith said.

Secretary of State John Kerry blasted the flyers, saying their distribution is “grotesque.”

This flyer was distributed in the Ukrainian city of Donetsk on Apr. 15, 2014. (credit: The Coordinating Forum For Countering Antisemitism)

According to the NCSJ, the leaflets read:

Dear citizens of Jewish nationality! Due to the fact that leaders of the Jewish Community of Ukraine support the Bandera junta in Kiev and are hostile to the Orthodox Donetsk Republic and its citizens, the main headquarters of the Donetsk Republic declares the following:

• Every citizen of Jewish nationality older than 16 years, residing in the territory of a sovereign Donetsk Republic has to go to Donetsk Regional Administrator to see the Nationalities Commissioner, Office 514, for registration. The registration fee is $50. 
• Persons should have with them with cash in the amount of $50 for registration, a passport to mark their religion, and documents of family members, as well as ownership documents for their properties and vehicles.
• In case of failure to register, the perpetrators will lose their citizenship and will be deported outside the republic, with their property confiscated.

The flyers were signed by the leader of Donetsk’s pro-Russian separatists, the NCSJ said.

The separatists denied they distributed the flyers and called them a provocation, the Jerusalem Post reported, citing news website

“In the year 2014, after all of the miles traveled and all of the journey of history, this is not just intolerable; it’s grotesque,” said Kerry. “It is beyond unacceptable, and any of the people who engage in these kinds of activities – from whatever party or whatever ideology or whatever place they crawl out of – there is no place for that.”

New Yorkers said registration of Jews for any reason touches a raw nerve.

“I can’t imagine that that would really happen because that would just be a setback, a throwback of history that cannot be repeated,” Upper West Sider Karn Fittenhoff said.

malcolm honelein Flyers Distributed In Troubled Eastern Ukrainian City Call On Jews To Register
Full WCBS 880 Interview

A rabbi in Donetsk said he assuring the world that no one in his community is registering with anyone.

In a news conference Thursday afternoon, President Obama said he’s hopeful, but also skeptical Russia will keep to an agreement with Ukraine to end the violence.

Talks to end the crisis come even as masked men lobbed molotov cocktails overnight trying to take a Ukrainian National Guard base. Blood was spilled when Ukrainian soldiers fought back, killing three and wounding 13.

Diplomats from the U.S., Russia, Ukraine and the European Union now say that from this point forward, the protests should stop, illegally seized buildings returned and international monitors allowed in to supervise the deal.

Russian president Vladamir Putin continues to deny any involvement in the Ukraine unrest and President Obama Thursday afternoon said he’s waiting to see if Putin’s actions match up with his rhetoric.

“My hope is that we actually do see follow through over the next several days. But I don’t think given past performance that we can count on that,” President Obama said.

For additional coverage of the situation in Ukraine, including recent diplomatic moves, head to our colleagues at CBS


Take 2: The way this news should have been reported.

Antisemitic flyer ‘by Donetsk People’s Republic’ in Ukraine a hoax

City’s chief rabbi states pamphlet is fake, claiming it is meant to discredit pro-Russian protesters or Jewish community

The barricades outside the Donetsk regional administration building are plastered with anti-fascist posters. Photograph: Scott Olson/Getty Images

The barricades outside the Donetsk regional administration building are plastered with anti-fascist posters. Photograph: Scott Olson/Getty Images

The barricades that mark the entrance to the “Donetsk People’s Republic” are plastered with anti-fascist posters, including an American flag with a swastika in place of the stars. The pro-Russian protestors who have set up their own government in the occupied administration building see the new Kiev regime as dominated by intolerant Ukrainian nationalists, which is why it was more than a little ironic when an antisemitic flyer appeared on Wednesday ordering Jews to register with these new authorities.

US secretary of state John Kerry soon waded into the media storm over the piece of paper, describing it as “grotesque” and “beyond unacceptable”. But on Friday the chairman of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the city’s chief rabbi both stated that the flyer was a fake meant to discredit the so-called republic or the Jewish community.

The hoax has nonetheless contributed to the tense, divisive atmosphere in eastern Ukraine, where pro-Ukrainian and pro-Russian protests have ended in violence in recent weeks. A vicious information war has raged around the military operation Kiev is staging to try to take back buildings from pro-Russian demonstrators and militia, with Ukrainian media vilifying the protestors as “terrorists” and Russian media regularly calling the Kiev government a “fascist junta”.

“I think it’s someone trying to use the Jewish community in Donetsk as an instrument in this conflict. That’s why we’re upset,” the chief rabbi, Pinchas Vishedski, told journalists on Friday.

According to Jewish community members at Donetsk’s only synagogue, which was founded 110 years ago, three masked men walked up to worshippers standing on the street after a Passover service on Wednesday and tried to distribute the flyers. They wore no insignia and quickly left when asked to identify themselves.

The flyer asks all Jewish citizens aged 16 and older to register with the “Donetsk Republic commissar for nationality affairs” and pay a $50 fee, “given that the leaders of the Jewish community of Ukraine support the Banderite junta in Kiev and are hostile to the Orthodox Donetsk Republic and its citizens.”

“Those who refuse to register will be deprived of citizenship and forcibly expelled from the republic and their property will be confiscated,” it read.

The order was allegedly issued by “people’s governor” Denis Pushilin, who denied the Donetsk People’s Republic had anything to do with the flyer at a press conference on Friday.

Prominent Jews in Ukraine have previously come out in support of the Euromaidan protests in Kiev that ousted president Viktor Yanukovich, although official Jewish leaders have stopped short of endorsing the Euromaidan movement. One of the three main leaders of the movement, Oleh Tyahnybok, head of the nationalist party Svoboda, infamously once said that a “Moscow-Jewish mafia” was ruling Ukraine.

When seen by the Guardian on Friday, several aspects of the document immediately called into question its legitimacy. Pushilin is officially the chairman of the temporary government and has avoided being labelled its governor or leader. Also, the Donetsk People’s Republic stamp shown there is poor quality and a different size than normally used, and the order is not signed.

Nonetheless, it initially provoked a strong reaction among the local Jewish community, which numbers about 15,000 people, according to Vishedski.

“We were alarmed but now things have calmed down,” said worshipper Ari Schwartz.

“For people of the older generation, seeing this paper immediately brought up associations with what happened in Nazi Germany. It worried them,” said an assistant rabbi, Ieguda Kelerman.

Although Jews sometimes encounter “everyday antisemitism” in Donetsk, he added, the government has never adopted any discriminatory policies towards them. He said Jews in Donetsk include both supporters and opponents of the new Kiev government.

Vishedski said he reported the incident to law enforcement authorities and asked them for additional protection of the synagogue and Jewish school, and he plans to raise the issue with the Russian Orthodox leader, Patriarch Filaret.

“The rise of nationalism in this country is of course not comfortable for us,” Vishedski said.

But he declined to comment on the new Kiev government or the pro-Russian building takeovers in Donetsk and nearby regions.

“Some Jewish citizens participated in Maidan, they have a right to do this because they are citizens and this is a democracy,” he said, but maintained the community is not involved in politics.

Alexander Sheremyet, a protestor occupying the administration building, said the hoax was likely to have been staged by someone associated with the Kiev government to discredit the Donetsk People’s Republic.

“I don’t think it’s someone who wants to make money. It’s probably part of the information war,” he said.