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ecological murder • endless wars • ingrained racism & social injustice • worker exploitation • incurable via reforms

The Armageddon Chronicles

The degeneracy of the Western ruling class, marinated in in the toxic juices of capitalism, and led by arrogant Anglo-American hubris (a curse that has spread around the globe), is driving the planet to a nuclear Armageddon. Meantime, the American people, drunk with cheap, ignorant jingoism, march like programmed zombies in proud parades…Americans, as Paul Craig Roberts has warned, "need to pay attention to the fact that 'their' government is a collection of crazed stupid fools likely to bring vaporization to the United States and all of Europe."

In the meantime, since the divinity for some perversely inscrutable reason, allowed these scoundrels to be in power in the first place, let this modest space serve as a rallying ground for those intent on sounding the alarm about the looming disaster.  Time for humanity to wake up.

Prospects for World War 3 (Reposted)
Prospects for World War 3 (Reposted)
ALEKS—I think first there were considerations to intervene directly in Western Ukraine through Poland. Not to fight the Russians, but to secure territory. And I ...
Biden’s senility, and ours
Biden’s senility, and ours
SPENGLER—Fertility doesn’t explain everything; both Russia and Ukraine had very low fertility when the 2015 Gallup Survey was taken, but relatively high willingness to fight ...
Eric Zuesse's Dispatches: Why the U.S. Regime and Its Colonies Hide the Reality from their Public
Eric Zuesse’s Dispatches: Why the U.S. Regime and Its Colonies Hide the Reality from their Public
ERIC ZUESSE—The first fact that they hide is that though elections are a NECESSARY part of any democracy, elections throughout the U.S. empire are only ...
Stoltenberg NATO
We are NATO. And we’re comin’ to get ya
PEPE ESCOBAR—Michael Hudson once again has reminded everyone with a brain that the running NATO warmongering show has nothing to do with peaceful internationalism. It’s ...
PAUL EDWARDS—What he can and must be blamed for is his long, disgraceful, and devious career as a phony, smarmy, glad-handing flack for Big Money ...
Biden's "Big Boy" NATO Summit
Biden’s “Big Boy” NATO Summit
MAIN DESK—BIDEN'S BIG BOY SUMMIT—The roundtable discusses Biden's carefully scripted but underwhelming "Big Boy" press conference, which, to no one's surprise, turned out much more ...
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