FILTHY MEDIA—CBS 60 Minutes “The Capital of Free Russia”

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Annotated by Patrice Greanville

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EXHIBIT 1: CBS 60 Minutes: The Capital of Free Russia (Mar 18, 2024)

Russian critics of Putin fight for freedom, democracy — even after going into exile

Pelley: The face of fake gravitas.

Loaded with lies and malicious innuendo, 60 Minutes "reports" on Russia are models of devious disinformation in which truth is upended, and neo-Nazis hailed as avatars of "democracy".  Scott Pelley. a senior honcho at 60 minutes, is, as usual, reliably cringeworthy. Pelley either knows nothing about the subject or is a consummate presstitute—maybe both, as is the case with so many prominent figures in US media. True to his mission, he doesn't warn the audience that Lithuania has long been a rabid Russophobic nation (like Poland and the rest of the Baltics), and that they eagerly collaborated with the Nazis, and in a way, still do. Comfortably wrapped in US exceptionalism, Pelley speaks solemnly about the "fake news" and "democracy" that oppresses so many Russians. He insinuates, with calm assurance, that the results of this election in Russia carry no suspense, as Putin's challengers (Prigozhin and Navalny, the latter falsely billed as "Putin's leading rival", a label that would make most Russians convulse with laughter), have a habit of dying. (Wink, wink, draw your own conclusions). His witnesses, all pro-Western Russians a la Navalny, a confirmed CIA asset, decry "the sameness of Russian media." and "its indifference to truth."  They might as well be talking about the American media. The Russian critics, as all professional Russian dissidents do, speak of dark persecution. We saw this movie before, in Cold War I.  But the most dangerous (and disgraceful) part is that with their pretend, sanctimonious concern for "freedom and democracy" and human rights, these self-impressed clowns, nothing but lavishly paid stenographers to power, play a critical role in the manufacturing of consent for ghastly imperial "wars of choice" by the US oligarchy, as Ukraine and Gaza so eloquently prove. This is the kind of mob that richly deserves a new special Nuremberg tribunal.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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