Russia Must Lead a Global Effort to Fight U.S. Terrorism

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John Varoli

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Moscow should rally the global community against U.S.-sponsored terrorism, bring formal charges against White House and Pentagon officials, and bring them to justice.

Most of the world already sees America that way, but Americans are still largely reluctant to accept that reality, and the media don't help.

I never thought that I’d ever have to write these words, and as someone who once believed in America, I take no pleasure in doing so. But the facts are clear, and denying them would leave one morally bankrupt. The U.S. is the leading sponsor of terrorism in the world; the most destructive, dangerous and destabilizing country on earth.

So far, Moscow hasn’t taken the bait. But such a cautious approach will be harder to sustain as the Russian people increasingly demand revenge after each U.S.-sponsored terrorist attack. Barely three months have passed since the U.S. and its Ukrainian proxies were implicated in the Moscow theater attack that took more than 120 lives. And U.S.-sponsored terrorist attacks (via Ukrainian proxies) occur almost daily in Russian cities such as Donetsk, Gorlovka, Belgorod, etc.

Yesterday’s attack on families resting on a beach in the city of Sevastopol (Crimea) has American fingerprints all over it. It was carried out with ATACMS missiles, using real-time U.S. intel from a Global Hawk drone over the Black Sea. Also yesterday, Islamic terrorists believed to have ties to western intelligence services carried out deadly attacks in Derbent, Russia’s southernmost city.

An ATACMS missile (pictured) targeted a Sevastopol beach

The White House would like Moscow to retaliate against a NATO base, providing the justification to mobilize for total war on Russia, which in the end would lead to the deaths of millions, (even if the conflict didn’t go nuclear). Certainly, the murder of children in Crimea is a horrible tragedy and emotionally charged, but the Kremlin understands that retaliation could ignite World War 3 and thus it’s not the right solution. With this in mind, what can Moscow do? What options are there?

First, the Russian Foreign Ministry needs to diplomatically isolate the U.S. and its liberal vassals by building a global movement against terrorism and U.S. militarism. This entails strong measures such as cutting all diplomatic and economic ties with the U.S. and Europe. This means total negation of the U.S./ Europe as geopolitical entities. Sure, there’ll be economic pain, but it’s a far better option than World War 3.

If Moscow could get even 30 countries to go along with such a total negation, it would be a huge blow to U.S. authority and prestige, which in the end is the foundation of the American smoke-and-mirrors financial system. Increased isolation of the U.S., along with its humiliation and discrediting as a terrorist state, might precipitate a financial crisis that could bring the liberal regime in Washington to its knees — which is the only peaceful way to rid the Earth of this scourge.

Second, Moscow needs to vigorously conduct a criminal case that goes after the real perpetrators — both the decision makers in U.S. and European capitals who provide weapons and financing to Kiev’s totalitarian regime, as well as the U.S./NATO soldiers carrying out orders and pressing the button on any weapons systems.

Terrorist ringleaders must be brought to justice

Moscow needs to investigate and prosecute Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Antony Blinken, Jake Sullivan, Lloyd Austin, etc in arming and financing Kiev. International arrest warrants need to be issued and Moscow should foster an international coalition that will generate a credible threat of arrest once those villains step outside of the U.S.

Third, along with allies, Moscow needs to go after the source of terrorist financing. No matter where in the world, assets with the slightest ties to the U.S. war machine should face the threat of confiscation. Then, proceeds from the sale of these assets can support victims of U.S.-sponsored terrorist attacks, as well as rebuild war-torn regions such as Donbass, Zaporozhye, Kherson and Belgorod.

One’s initial reaction to the feasibility of my proposal might be highly skeptical. But daring plans can succeed if fostered with decisive action and determination. Russia and its allies certainly have sufficient human and financial resources. But do they have the will?

The above are just a few possible tools that Moscow can utilize to strike at the roots of U.S.-sponsored terrorism. The Russian people want justice. Give it to them, but in a smart and calculating manner. Taking rash action that could ignite World War 3 and kill millions of people certainly is not the answer in fighting U.S. terrorism.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Assange freed, after striking deal with US Justice Dept

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AP, one of the world's biggest "news" collectors and distributors, and normally a pillar of the US/Western narrative, headlined on Tuesday June 25, 2024 that Julian Assange had at last been set free (on bail) by the British and allowed to strike a deal—a guilty plea—with a US magistrate in the South Pacific. Assange is then expected to make his way to his native Australia.

Assange in the balcony of the Ecuadorian Embassy (London) speaking to supporters. (Feb 5, 2016) AP photo

Assange's charter plane on Bangkok airport's tarmac.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s plane leaves Bangkok on his way to a US court and later freedom

A plane believed to be carrying WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange arrived in Bangkok on Tuesday. Assange will plead guilty to a felony charge in a deal with the U.S. Justice Department that will allow him to walk free and resolve a long-running legal saga that spanned multiple continents and centered on the publication of a trove of classified documents. Assange left a British prison on Monday and will appear later this week in the U.S. federal court in the Northern Mariana Islands, a U.S. commonwealth in the Western Pacific. He’s expected to plead guilty to an Espionage Act charge of conspiring to unlawfully obtain and disseminate classified national defense information, the Justice Department said in a letter filed in court.

BANGKOK (AP) — A plane with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange departed Bangkok after refueling Tuesday and he is on the way to Saipan to enter a plea deal with the U.S. government that will free him and resolve the legal case over the publication of a trove of classified documents.

The chartered flight from London that Assange’s wife, Stella, confirmed was carrying her husband left Don Mueang International Airport, according to the Flightradar24 plane tracking app. The official WikiLeaks account on X said Assange was heading toward Saipan, the capital of the Northern Mariana Islands, a U.S. commonwealth in the Pacific, where he’s scheduled to appear in court on Wednesday.

Deservedly, Julian Assange quickly became a hero to those opposing imperialist wars across the globe. His glaring judicial persecution underscored the illegitimacy of the global authoritarian oligarchy and its puppet institutions.

He’s expected to plead guilty to an Espionage Act charge of conspiring to unlawfully obtain and disseminate classified national defense information, according to the U.S. Justice Department in a letter filed in court.

Assange is expected to return to his home country of Australia after his plea and sentencing. The hearing is taking place in Saipan because of Assange’s opposition to traveling to the continental U.S. and the court’s proximity to Australia, prosecutors said.

British judicial officials confirmed that Assange left the U.K. on Monday evening after being granted bail at a secret hearing last week.

“Thirteen-and-a-half years and two extradition requests after he was first arrested, Julian Assange left the U.K. yesterday, following a bail hearing last Thursday, held in private at his request,” said Stephen Parkinson, the chief prosecutor for England and Wales.

[The charges are ridiculous, but equally problematic is the fact the US clearly violated territoriality statutes, as Assange is an Australian citizen. Unfortunately, Australia, the wounded party, but also a loyal member of the US empire, scarcely protested this outrage, thereby affirming a bad precedent. The mainstream media, too, mostly went AWOL, or supported the US government, during this shady legal process.)

Stella Assange told the BBC from Australia that it had been “touch and go” over the past 72 hours whether the deal would go ahead but she felt “elated” at the news. A lawyer who married the WikiLeaks founder in prison in 2022, she said details of the agreement would be made public once the judge had signed off on it.

“He will be a free man once it is signed off by a judge,” she said, adding that she still didn’t think it was real.

She posted on the social media platform X that Assange will owe $520,000 to the Australian government for the charter flight, and asked for donations to help pay for it.

Kristinn Hrafnsson, editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks, said the deal for Assange came about after the growing involvement of Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

“This is the result of a long, long process which has been going on for some time. It has been a tough battle, but the focus now is on Julian being reunited with his family,” Hrafnsson told the PA news agency.

In a statement posted on the social media platform X, WikiLeaks said Assange boarded a plane after leaving the high-security London prison where he has spent the last five years. WikiLeaks applauded the announcement of the deal, saying it was grateful for “all who stood by us, fought for us, and remained utterly committed in the fight for his freedom.”

Albanese told Parliament that an Australian envoy had flown with Assange from London.

“Regardless of the views that people have about Mr. Assange’s activities, the case has dragged on for too long,” Albanese said. “There’s nothing to be gained by his continued incarceration and we want him brought home to Australia.”

The deal ensures that Assange will admit guilt while also sparing him additional prison time. He is expected to be sentenced to the five years he has already spent in the British prison while fighting extradition to the U.S. to face charges, a process that has played out in a series of hearings in London.

Last month, he won the right to appeal an extradition order after his lawyers argued that the U.S. government provided “blatantly inadequate” assurances that he would have the same free speech protections as an American citizen if extradited from Britain.

Assange has been heralded by many around the world as a hero who brought to light military wrongdoing in Iraq and Afghanistan. Among the files published by WikiLeaks was a video of a 2007 Apache helicopter attack by American forces in Baghdad that killed 11 people, including two Reuters journalists.

But his reputation was also tarnished by the rape allegations, which he has denied.

The Justice Department’s indictment unsealed in 2019 accused Assange of encouraging and helping U.S. Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning steal diplomatic cables and military files that WikiLeaks published in 2010. Prosecutors had accused Assange of damaging national security (sic) by publishing documents that harmed the U.S. and its allies and aided its adversaries. 

The case was lambasted by press advocates and Assange supporters. Federal prosecutors defended it as targeting conduct that went way beyond that of a journalist gathering information, amounting to an attempt to solicit, steal and indiscriminately publish classified government documents.

The plea agreement comes months after President Joe Biden said he was considering a request from Australia to drop the U.S. push to prosecute Assange. The White House was not involved in the decision to resolve Assange’s case, according to a White House official who was not authorized to speak publicly about the case and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.

Assange made headlines again in 2016 after his website published Democratic emails that prosecutors say were stolen by Russian intelligence operatives. He was never charged in special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, but the inquiry laid bare in stark detail the role that the hacking operation played in interfering in that year’s election on behalf of then-Republican candidate Donald Trump.

[This is a classic case of lying and defaming via "truth by repetition of a lie" plus misdirection, and integral to the Russiagate hoax. For starters, the Assange role in the "Russian meddling" offense, itself a gross exaggeration if not outright lie, is peripheral and incidental at best. Second, there was no hacking of DNC files. The DNC "hack" was instead a "leak" by an insider, with most evidence pointing to Seth Rich, murdered on July 16, 2016 by unknown assailant(s). Even a retired high NSA officer has stated that the infiltration of DNC secrets was carried out via a leak, not a hack, as hacks leave many traces that would have been found by the FBI, NSA and other agencies. Further, the official story according to the Metro police is that he was shot and killed in an attemped robbery, although nothing seems to have been taken from Rich. The case has also been notoriously underinvestigated, suggesting that the incident was a political case, similar to Epstein's.]

During the Obama administration, Justice Department officials mulled charges for Assange but were unsure a case would hold up in court and were concerned it could be hard to justify prosecuting him for acts similar to those of a conventional journalist.

The posture changed in the Trump administration, however, with former Attorney General Jeff Sessions in 2017 calling Assange’s arrest a priority.

Assange’s family and supporters have said his physical and mental health have suffered during more than a decade of legal battles.

[Also part of a frame up, with Sweden playing its role, probably according to US instructions, since Sweden, along with the rest of Scandinavian nations, long ago become an American "bitch"]

He was arrested by British police after Ecuador’s government withdrew his asylum status in 2019 and then jailed for skipping bail when he first took shelter inside the embassy.

[Ecuador withdrew the asylum status when it was regime-changed by the US, replacing left-leaning Rafael Correa with Lenin Moreno, a former leftist now widely seen as a traitor, who promptly began to roll back Correa's progressive record.]

Although Sweden eventually dropped its sex crimes investigation because so much time had elapsed, Assange had remained in London’s high-security Belmarsh Prison during the extradition battle with the U.S.

[No, it was primarily because it was a frame from the start and the "damaged" women actually refused to go on with the dirty pool.]

Tucker reported from Fort Pierce, Florida, and Durkin Richer from Washington. Associated Press writers Colleen Long in Washington, Napat Kongsawad and David Rising in Bangkok, Jill Lawless and Brian Melley in London and Rod McGuirk in Melbourne, Australia, contributed to this report.

Richer is an Associated Press reporter covering the Justice Department and legal issues from Washington.
Tucker covers national security in Washington for The Associated Press, with a focus on the FBI and Justice Department and the special counsel cases against former President Donald Trump.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Putin’s “war” to re-shape the American Zeitgeist

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Alastair Crooke

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Russian T-90 tanks by TGP-Van Gogh HQ, 4k

June 24, 2024

It is only by understanding and taking the Russian nuclear warnings seriously that we may exclude the risk of nuclear weapons coming into play.

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The G7 and the subsequent Swiss ‘Bürgenstock Conference’ can – in retrospect – be understood as preparation for a prolonged Ukraine war. The three centrepiece announcements emerging from the G7 – the 10 year Ukraine security pact; the $50 ‘billion Ukraine loan’; and the seizing of interest on Russian frozen funds – make the point. The war is about to escalate.

These stances were intended as preparation of the western public ahead of events. And in case of any doubts, the blistering belligerency towards Russia emerging from the European election leaders was plain enough: They sought to convey a clear impression of Europe preparing for war.

What then lies ahead? According to White House Spokesman John Kirby: “Washington’s position on Kiev is “absolutely clear”:

“First, they’ve got to win this war”.

“They gotta win the war first. So, number one: We’re doing everything we can to make sure they can do that. Then when the war’s over … Washington will assist in building up Ukraine’s military industrial base”.

If that was not plain, the U.S. intent to prolong and take the war deep into Russia was underlined by National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan: “Authorization for Ukrainian use of American weapons for cross-border attacks extends to anywhere [from which] Russian forces are coming across the border”. He affirmed, too, that Ukraine can use F-16s to attack Russia and use U.S. supplied air defence systems “to take down Russian planes – even if in Russian airspace – if they’re about to fire into Ukrainian airspace”.

Ukrainian pilots have the latitude to judge ‘the intent’ of Russian fighter aircraft? Expect the parameters of this ‘authorisation’ to widen quickly – deeper to air bases from which Russian fighter bombers launch.

Understanding that the war is about to transform radically – and extremely dangerously – President Putin (in his speech to the Foreign Ministry Board) detailed just how the world had arrived at this pivotal juncture – one which could extend to nuclear exchanges.

“If, as before, Kiev and western capitals refuse it – then at the end, that’s their business”,Putin said.

Just to be clear, Putin almost certainly never expected the proposals to be received in the West other than by the scorn and derision with which they, in fact, were met. Nor would Putin trust – for a moment – the West not to renege on an agreement, were some arrangement to be reached on these lines.

If so, why then did President Putin make such a proposal last weekend, if the West cannot be trusted and its reaction was so predictable?

This clearly is impossible now, with the U.S. in its psychological mindset stuck in the Cold War era of the 1970s and 1980s. The end to that war – the seeming U.S. victory – set the foundation to the 1992 Wolfowitz Doctrine which underscored American supremacy at all costs in a post-Soviet world, together with “stamping out rivals, wherever they may emerge”.

“In conjunction with this, the Wolfowitz Doctrine stipulatedthat the U.S. would … [inaugurate] a U.S.-led system of collective security and the creation of a democratic zone of peace”. Russia, on the other hand, was dealt with differently—the country fell off the radar. It became insignificant as a geopolitical competitor in the eyes of the West, as its gestures of peaceful offerings were rebuffed – and guarantees given to it regarding NATO’s expansion forfeited”.

“Moscow could do nothing to prevent such an endeavour. The successor state of the mighty Soviet Union was not its equal, and thus not considered important enough to be involved in global decision-making. Yet, despite its reduced size and sphere of influence, Russia has persisted in being considered a key player in international affairs”.

Russia today is a preeminent global actor in both the economic and political spheres. Yet for the Ruling Strata in the U.S., equal status between Moscow and Washington is out of the question. The Cold War mentality still infuses the Beltway with the unwarranted confidence that the Ukraine conflict might somehow result in Russian collapse and dismemberment.

Putin in his address, by contrast, looked ahead to the collapse of the Euro-Atlantic security system – and of a new architecture emerging. “The world will never be the same again”, Putin said.

Implicitly, he hints that such a radical shift would be the only way credibly to end the Ukraine war. An agreement emerging from the wider framework of consensus on the division of interests between the Rimland and the Heartland (in Mackinder-esque language) would reflect the security interests of each party – and not be achieved at the expense of others’ security.

And to be clear: If this analysis is correct, Russia may not be in such a hurry to conclude matters in Ukraine. The prospect of such a ‘global’ negotiation between Russia-China and the U.S. is still far off.

The point here is that the collective western psyche has not been transformed sufficiently. Treating Moscow with equal esteem remains out of the question for Washington.

The new American narrative is no negotiations with Moscow now, but maybe it will become possible sometime early in the new year – after the U.S. elections.

BELOW:  Items in the Russian Strategic inventory.  No  one  can  win  a nuclear  war  with Russia.

Topol ICBM with mobile missile launcher: nearly impossible to detect and neutralize.

The documents outlining a putative new security order however, were already drafted by Russia in 2021 – and duly ignored in the West. Russia perhaps can afford to wait out military events in Ukraine, in Israel, and in the financial sphere.

They are all, in any event, trending Putin’s way. They are all inter-connected and have the potential for wide metamorphosis.

Put plainly: Putin is waiting on the shaping of the American Zeitgeist. He seemed very confident both at St Petersburg and last week at the Foreign Ministry.

The backdrop to the G7’s Ukraine preoccupation seemed to be more U.S. elections-related, than real: This implies that the priority in Italy was election optics, rather than a desire to start a full-blown hot war. But this may be wrong.

Russian speakers during these recent gatherings – notably Sergei Lavrov – hinted broadly that the order already had come down for war with Russia. Europe seems, however improbably, to be gearing up for war – with much chatter about military conscription.

Will it all blow away with the passing of a hot summer of elections? Maybe.

The coming phase seems likely to entail western escalation, with provocations occurring inside Russia. The latter will react strongly to any crossing of (real) red lines by NATO, or any false flag provocation (now widely expected by Russiam military bloggers).

And herein lies the greatest danger: In the context of escalation, American disdain for Russia poses the greatest danger. The West now says it treats notions of putative nuclear exchange as Putin’s ‘bluff’. The Financial Timestells us that Russia’s nuclear warnings are ‘wearing thin’ in the West.

If this is true, western officials utterly misconceive the reality. It is only by understanding and taking the Russian nuclear warnings seriously that we may exclude the risk of nuclear weapons coming into play, as we move up the escalatory ladder with tit-for-tat measures.

Even though they say they believe them to be bluff, U.S. figures nonetheless hype the risk of a nuclear exchange. If they think it to be a bluff, it appears to be based on the presumption that Russia has few other options.

knocked down several sophisticated and costly U.S. drones, disabling America’s intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) infrastructure.

About the Author(s)
ALASTAIR CROOKE Is a former British diplomat, founder and director of the Beirut-based Conflicts Forum. His analyses are carried on leading alternative media sites.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Garland Nixon

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Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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FILTHY MEDIA—CBS 60 Minutes “The Capital of Free Russia”

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Annotated by Patrice Greanville

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EXHIBIT 1: CBS 60 Minutes: The Capital of Free Russia (Mar 18, 2024)

Russian critics of Putin fight for freedom, democracy — even after going into exile

Pelley: The face of fake gravitas.

Loaded with lies and malicious innuendo, 60 Minutes "reports" on Russia are models of devious disinformation in which truth is upended, and neo-Nazis hailed as avatars of "democracy".  Scott Pelley. a senior honcho at 60 minutes, is, as usual, reliably cringeworthy. Pelley either knows nothing about the subject or is a consummate presstitute—maybe both, as is the case with so many prominent figures in US media. True to his mission, he doesn't warn the audience that Lithuania has long been a rabid Russophobic nation (like Poland and the rest of the Baltics), and that they eagerly collaborated with the Nazis, and in a way, still do. Comfortably wrapped in US exceptionalism, Pelley speaks solemnly about the "fake news" and "democracy" that oppresses so many Russians. He insinuates, with calm assurance, that the results of this election in Russia carry no suspense, as Putin's challengers (Prigozhin and Navalny, the latter falsely billed as "Putin's leading rival", a label that would make most Russians convulse with laughter), have a habit of dying. (Wink, wink, draw your own conclusions). His witnesses, all pro-Western Russians a la Navalny, a confirmed CIA asset, decry "the sameness of Russian media." and "its indifference to truth."  They might as well be talking about the American media. The Russian critics, as all professional Russian dissidents do, speak of dark persecution. We saw this movie before, in Cold War I.  But the most dangerous (and disgraceful) part is that with their pretend, sanctimonious concern for "freedom and democracy" and human rights, these self-impressed clowns, nothing but lavishly paid stenographers to power, play a critical role in the manufacturing of consent for ghastly imperial "wars of choice" by the US oligarchy, as Ukraine and Gaza so eloquently prove. This is the kind of mob that richly deserves a new special Nuremberg tribunal.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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