On MSNBC and “Authoritarianism”

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Matt Taibbi

From top left: Watts, Wallace, Vance, Twitty, Rosenberg, Rangappa, Rhodes, Painter, McCaffrey, Kirschner, Kaytal, Haq, Figliuzzi, Brennan, Bash, McQuade

MSNBC opinion columnist Zeesham Aleem just penned the latest in what’s become a parade of hit pieces from mainstream outlets directed at me and other independent journalists. Even by the low standards of the genre, “How the populist left has become vulnerable to the populist right” is a humorous standout. It argues that after I spent a month detailing how the FBI, DHS, DOD, CIA and other agencies built a system for mass delivery of censorship requests to firms like Twitter and Facebook, I helped fuel a subculture that “could funnel people from leftism to authoritarianism.”

Here’s a brief list of talking heads at the network now claiming people like me, Glenn Greenwald, Tulsi Gabbard and Jimmy Dore are the ones guilty of funneling audiences to “authoritarianism”:

John Brennan, former Director of the CIA, now senior intelligence analyst at MSNBC

Frank Figliuzzi, formeer Assistant Director of Counterintelligence at the FBI

Asha Rangappa, former Special Agent for the FBI, specializing in counterintelligence

Nicolle Wallace, former Communications Director for George W. Bush

Jeremy Bash, former Chief of Staff of the CIA

Clint Watts, former FBI counterintelligence agent and MSNBC national security analyst

Chuck Rosenberg, former Acting DEA administrator and senior FBI official

Nayyera Haq, former Senior Director of the White House

Richard Painter, former Chief Ethics lawyer in the George W. Bush White House

Neal Kaytal, former Acting Solicitor General of the United States

Ben Rhodes, former National Security Advisor to Barack Obama

Barry McCaffrey, former U.S. Army General and Drug Czar, security analyst for NBC and MSNBC

Stephen Twitty, former Lieutenant General of the U.S. Army

Joyce Vance, former U.S. Attorney

Barbara McQuade, former U.S. Attorney

Glenn Kirschner, former Assistant U.S. Attorney

lost 19% and 27% of their audiences, respectively, last year) have been open for years now in their desire to serve as final revolving door destinations for the shadiest conceivable military and security officials. While MSNBC went after Brennan, Figliuzzi, and Bash, CNN scooped up James Clapper, Michael Hayden, and Steven Hall, among many others. The lists are so long, only an exceptional mind could keep track of them all. How many spooks fled to the Peacock?

Marky, Ricky, Danny, Terry, Mikey, Davey, Timmy, Tommy, Joey, Ronnie, Johnny, and Brian. And Brennan. John Brennan. MSNBC, you’re a joke.

TK News by Matt Taibbi. For the full experience, become a paying subscriber.

Matt Taibbi is a widely known independent journalist.

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The U.S. regime made me a non-person.

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Eric Zuesse

An example of Newsguard "blackballing" a site whose contents it deems dangerous to the status quo.

This is what happens to anyone who happens to report the types of things that America’s billionaires want to be hidden from the public.

To understand how it happened to me (and has happened to lots of others), an introduction is needed, first, about the American Government:

The best summary-description of what that means (as interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court) is by the American Library Association, and includes the following crucial statement: 

“The First Amendment only prevents government restrictions on speech. It does not prevent restrictions on speech imposed by private individuals or businesses. Facebook and other social media can regulate or restrict speech hosted on their platforms because they are private entities.”

So long as a “private” entity censors public debate, the nation’s laws cannot get involved in that — that censorship cannot be outlawed. If public debate can be squelched by private entities, that’s okay, in America’s system of Government.

SNEAKY CENSORSHIP Steven Brill, a hardcore rigtwinger, is NewsGuard's Co-CEO. Google, Facebook, Twitter and other major media platforms also act as news gatekeepers. Working with the Deep State, they utilise similar methods. The Democrats have been prominent in this establishment effort to suffocate free speech, but the threat to the First Amendment is bipartisan.

Since those few individuals control the media, they ALSO are the ULTIMATE employers of the various censors — both on the Republican side and on the Democratic side.

All of the media that are NOT controlled by the super-rich are small (none of them are large, or even medium-sized), and one of those is “Ms. Cat’s Chronicles”. On January 3rd, they headlined linking through to one of the 5 (out of the 200+ that I submitted it to) sites that had published my December 30th article, “Censorship Prohibits Spreading Truths, And Demands Spreading Lies”, and they gave an excerpt from the full article, and they noted “Related: Eric Zuesse’s Now-Deleted Profile at Modern Diplomacy” but here is what became of that profile. It’s gone. All of my hundreds of articles which had been published at Modern Diplomacy are gone. I am now a non-person there (which had been one of the few remaining sites that the billionaires hadn’t yet gotten under their control). And here is the full article that was linked-through to, by “Ms. Cat”: it was published at Oriental Review, “Censorship Prohibits Spreading Truths, And Demands Spreading Lies”, and it explains, and fully documents, how the owner of Modern Diplomacy was forced, by ‘NewsGuard’ in Washington DC, to remove me — the author there that had drawn more page-views than any other author there. And yet, all of those articles now are gone. And you can see described there how it was done, and you can also see that truthfulness had nothing whatsoever to do with my being removed, but that my reporting the ‘wrong’ truths had everything to do with it. A censoring organization that had been funded by some billionaires’ agents, and called itself a “news guard” for the general public, did it. I report truths that all American billionaires (the people who actually control the U.S. Government) want Americans NOT to know. And now, the billionaires are going after EVEN the few (all of them very small) remaining sites, that publish SOME articles that the billionaires want the public NOT to see.

There is no way to solve this, other than by outlawing ALL censorship, and allowing the public to see everythingregardless of whether or not some ‘news’-media owner, or billionaire-funded ‘NewsGuard’ service, doesn’t like it.

Censorship that’s done by the agents of the billionaires who control a Government is just as vile as is censorship that’s done DIRECTLY BY that Government. ALL censorship should be outlawed, regardless of who does that censorship. Otherwise, how is an authentic democracy even possible?

Julian Assange has been imprisoned by the UK on the demand by the U.S. for over a decade now, though never convicted of anything, but ONLY because he was the world’s most effective champion against censorship and for international democracy and personal accountability. To call either of these countries a democracy is to lie, and to insult the very term “democracy.” What Governments deserve to be overthrown and replaced more than those two do? However, any such revolution must be against censorship, and must itself be overthrown and replaced if it entails any censorship. To replace one dictatorship by another is no path toward freedom.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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Media Rewrites Ukraine’s Dark History, New Twitter Files on Rigged Covid Debate |

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Glenn Greenwald

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Is Lula a Communist? No. | SYSTEM UPDATE with Glenn Greenwald

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Editor's Note: We normally have little to object to Glenn Greenwald's dispatches, but here we are a bit rattled by his repeated use of the word "regime" when referring to Latin American governments attempting to pursue a socialist path. He of all people should know that "regime" is used by imperialists to degrade the quality of a government, to sneakily imply illegitimacy, tyranny, and so forth. Just call them governments, period. —PG

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Glenn Greenwald is an award-winning independent journalist, with a focus on free speech, democracy, ecoanimal rights, and anti-imperialist struggle. Openly gay, he resides in Rio de Janeiro, with his spouse and a houseful of rescued animals.

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How U.S.-&-Allied ‘News’-Media Knowingly Deceive Their Publics

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Honesty, decency and impartiality in covering the news is alien to imperialist media, who by definition follow —like stenographers—the ruling elites' chosen narrative.


The essence of ANY imperialistic country is dictatorship, because no colonial nation (or “vassal” country) actually wants to be required to do what its imperial master (the imperial one) demands it to do — which demand is for that vassal-nation’s Government to impose upon the vassal-nation’s public the laws that the imperial nation’s rulers want to be imposed upon them.

Consequently: the ‘news’-media in any imperial nation are required to deceive their publics to believe that the imperial-and-vassal, or “colonial,” relationship is voluntary, so that the public there will be deceived to think they live in a democracy — even though that’s actually impossible by the very nature of ANY empire. What this deceit requires is therefore to have a majority of the public being fools. Intelligent persons in the public thus constitute a threat to the existing rulers, and therefore must be suppressed or else eliminated. The ‘news’-media serve to deceive the majority, in order to keep as low as possible the regime’s need to use physical means of coercion. Mental means of coercion — deception — are far less expensive to apply than are physical means.

The entire body-politic in an empire is thus based upon deceit, which must be constant (because otherwise the empire would end).

In today’s world, there is only one empire, and all other nations are of only three basic types, in relation to the imperial one: either vassals (or “colonies”), or else sovereign and independent nations (ones that are resisting to become vassals), or else fence-sitters (which want to be at peace both with the imperial nation and with the imperial nation’s ‘enemies’ (or next victims targeted by the imperial one for conquest). 

The imperial nation is the United States. Its targeted ‘enemies’ are Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea — plus any nation (such as Syria) that is supportive of any of those four. The fence-sitters are any non-aligned nations: nations that have not yet chosen to be either for or against the imperial nation (the U.S.).

America’s Nobel-Peace-Prize-winning President, Barack Obama, presented, to his nation’s future military leaders, on 28 May 2014, a succinct statement of what their future careers would be about:

The United States is and remains the one indispensable nation. That has been true for the century passed and it will be true for the century to come. … Russia’s aggression toward former Soviet states unnerves capitals in Europe, while China’s economic rise and military reach worries its neighbors. From Brazil to India, rising middle classes compete with us, and governments seek a greater say in global forums. … It will be your generation’s task to respond to this new world.

All other countries are “dispensable” — and this is appropriate because “The United States is and remains the one indispensable nation.” None other exists. He was asserting the imperialist’s fundamental ‘justification’, and especially the ‘justification” for a nation such as today’s America is, and Hitler’s nation had been, which is the ‘rightful’ slavemaster over the entire world. Hitler used the phrase “Lebensraum” to refer to that ‘justification’, but never got to apply that concept against his then-allied fascist-imperialist nations, such as Japan, because they all lost their war. America might now be starting to apply its alleged monopoly-status of being “the one indispensable nation” in order to deindustrialize its ‘allies’, in order to re-industrialize itself, by relocating its ‘allies’ factories and headquarters into the U.S.

The idiotic and fake memes of Russiagate were accepted by the Democrat-influenced media without questioning, This item mocks the uniformity of media demonisation of Putin.

“Censorship prohibits spreading truths, and demands spreading lies.” Since Google censors-out what I write, a Google search of that phrase three days later, on January 2nd, produced at its top,

About 360 results (0.39 seconds) 

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That article is censored-out (both by ‘news’-media, and by search-engines) because it irrefutably documents things that the billionaires who control the ‘news’-media want the public not to know. It’s what was called “samizdat,” during Soviet times, under that nation’s communism, not during post-WW-II American times, under this nation’s  fascism.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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Are you pro-choice?

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John Rachel

I know I am.

And while I believe a woman has the right to make decisions about her own body, that’s not what I’m talking about here.

Let me offer a recent and extremely important example.

Back in December of 2021, when Russia notified the US and its allies that it was very concerned about the troops, missiles, bases, and other military assets deployed against its borders, it offered a draft treaty which would cool tensions and promote peace in Europe. The US and NATO refused to even look at the treaty. Were we the people given a choice in the matter? Were we properly and accurately informed about what the treaty contained, its pros and cons? Of course not. Because had citizens looked at it objectively, with complete disclosure as to its intent and effect, they would have most likely thought it was reasonable and constructive, and opted for it. We are now living the nightmare resulting from the snub of the Russian proposal. The entire Ukraine mess didn’t have to happen. But it did because of the choice of a tiny number of short-sighted, war-obsessed policymakers, sans any democratic approval by the vast majority of citizens, who now must deal with the consequences.

Since that war broke out, the U.S. has allocated at least $65 billion — some put the figure at over $100 billion and counting — in military and economic assistance to the regime in Kiev. Were we given a choice in THAT? Did Biden, Blinken or any of the warmongers in Congress ask: “Should we send more weapons to Ukraine to further exacerbate the war, further intimidate Russia, OR should we spend that money on improving our schools, infrastructure, OR MAYBE provide relief to Americans who have been hard hit by the disastrous economy, loss of jobs, the Covid-19 lockdowns?” I don’t remember hearing THAT choice being aired to the public.

I’m pro-choice, alright. In the much broader sense of having a choice as a citizen about what is done in my name with the tax dollars and immense resources of the United States.

Finally and certainly most importantly, since our survival on the planet is being seriously threatened by horrible decisions in this arena, WE THE PEOPLE should have final say on putting our nation and economy on a war footing, militarily confronting other countries, and most certainly the ultimate decision — a responsibility that now even our pathetic Congress spinelessly avoids — MAKING THE CHOICE TO GO TO WAR.


All of these decisions are being made — often behind closed doors or a smoke-screen of propaganda, lies and rationalizations — and we as citizens have no say in any of it.

No choice!

So yeah, I’M PRO-CHOICE!

The voice of the people has been totally silenced. We no longer can even ask simple, obvious questions about most critical matters which impact our daily existence, which determine the quality of our lives, which define the kind of country we now and future generations will live in. If we don’t stay inside the safe, approved boundaries of the official narratives, we are marginalized, often ridiculed, if not completely censored. Which might be tolerable if the country was in good shape and on a solid path of improvement and progress. I don’t have to point out how totally screwed up everything is now.

I’m for having a decisive say in the way things run. Recognize, this is hardly a weird or controversial demand. It’s the very essence of SELF-GOVERNMENT — which is what I have always been told is the defining feature of our democracy, the great experiment in self-rule. No kings, no dukes, no emperors, no dictators, no pouty paranoid bureaucrats. Just us, we the people!

This means WE THE PEOPLE taking back the power which has been usurped by a class of self-anointed control freaks, influence peddlers, power brokers, professional politicos who have decided that we regular folks are a bunch of clueless children and they know what’s best for us.

Enough is enough. Tyranny under the smiley-face of fake democracy must be stopped IMMEDIATELY!

This is non-negotiable . . .

WE THE PEOPLE MUST HAVE A CHOICE — the decisive choice — whenever anything of consequence affecting our nation comes up for consideration.

So yes, I can say without qualification or equivocation, I’M PRO-CHOICE!

And you should be too.

A novelist, poet and philosopher, John Rachel is Director of the Peace Dividend Project. He currently resides in Japan.

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