Billy Bob’s Dispatches: “How do they get out of this”???

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Billy Bob's Dispatches

Streamed live 23 hours ago #Ukraine #Gaza #NATO

Stream starts at 2:08
Brian Berletic of the New Atlas and Carl Zha of Silk and Steel podcast join Danny Haiphong to discuss the three fronts of NATO-US war in Ukraine, Gaza, and the Asia Pacific and where they're headed as the world order begins making permanent moves away from US hegemony. SUPPORT THE CHANNEL'S EQUIPMENT UPGRADES ON PATREON!

"How do they get out of this"??? This is the million dollar question that will be answered within the next five years.

Unfortunately, the ruling class has created a status quo which is incapable of rational behavior. The diverse centers of power within the ruling establishment (including Democrats, Republicans, Zionists, and big business (Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Oil, the Weapons manufacturers)) make rational consensus impossible. The dearth of any sensible ideology and the elevation of the asinine idea of American exceptionalism to the status of holy and unquestioned truth, underscores the impossible challenges facing the US empire.

The anarchy of the market and the promotion of the selfish pursuit of individual interests (within a system completely dominated and controlled by the wealthy elite) results in a rejection of and abhorrence to the necessary truth-telling, planning, consensus building, and unity that is required in order to successfully deal with the challenges of a changing world. The meaningless, empty, and poll tested mantra that "we are the best" is today, the only talking point and idea which unites the ruling class and which links them with the aspirations of the working class.

But what happens when it turns out that this is simply not true? What will happen to a society that has lied to itself for 75 years (or much longer depending on where we place the marker) and whose very survival depends on being honest about this fact and changing course?

In a sane society, this would be the topic of discussion that every family would be having, around the table, during Thanksgiving dinner. Unfortunately, ours is not a sane society.

November 23 at 12:40 PM

Billy Bob is a dedicated anti-imperialist activist and blogger. You can reach him at his Facebook page HERE.

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Humanity’s Most Critical Test: Surviving Global Capitalist Savagery

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Frank Scott

The increasing threats posed by capitalist economics that bring luxurious splendor to some only by creating grotesque misery for others have increased to become immediate rather than long-term problems for all of us and not just some of us. The present mass murders taking place in Israel and Ukraine are immediate problems for tens of millions but the profit seeking assault on all of nature puts all humans in terrible jeopardy. Cataclysmic capital’s reduction of the planet to domination by a pro-profit anti-community west under control of the USA since the end of world war two is coming to a close. This is a situation that can bring a rebirth of humanity, a multipolar world out from under the deadly weight of imperial rules enforced by a uni-polar minority claiming a form of master race status while reducing the majority to peonage for most while a relative handful live in luxury and a large group of its servants enjoy physical if not mental comfort. But it can lead to an immediate, complete and total destruction of the human race in a nuclear holocaust provoked by western leadership that even brain transplants might not help, or a longer range breakdown of humanity’s support system of origin: nature itself.

The present crisis brought on by Israel’s long theft and domination of Palestine to supposedly atone for the dreadful German assault on European Jews by totally demolishing Palestinian society that had absolutely nothing to do with past euro-Jewish suffering which has seen – for the first time – a bloody retaliatory assault on Israeli citizenry such as has been performed on Palestinians since the birth of a stolen nation. This has led to the most blatant attack not only on the bodies of the people in the region but on the consciousness of those who have been kept blessedly ignorant of material conditions and are now having their minds raped by western propaganda which in the present labels everything and anything as fascist or communist or racist for simply demanding equality among all and ending the supremacy of some of the most morally degenerate leaders in all history.

While U.S. taxpayers are lulled into a belief that a bastardized form of market democracy in which those with the greatest buying power rule awards us some form of superiority over other humans, we are paying billions to kill Russians in alleged defense of the Ukraine and billions more to sustain Israeli apartheid rule in Palestine. Greater numbers of citizens than ever before, though still a minority in America, are protesting the bastardization of language, politics and economics that can call mass murder by anything but its name. Thus we have “genocide” and “war crime” label-synonyms attached to the reality of mass murder, long a profit-making endeavor for imperial capitalist America, which covers its crimes with occasional contributions to the well being of suffering children after having murdered their parents.

The capitalist Empire's mask must be torn off. Without it, the monster will be seen for what it is. 

Authority and its subjects struggle to attempt balance between mass murder and mass mind control when both must be overcome to bring about any hope for the full flowering of humanity and the achievement of peace, social justice and better lives for all and not just favored-by- themselves minorities which trust in biblical fable and mass murderous military power to act as humans supposedly chosen by deities to reign over all of nature.

Race is only one of the lies leading to separation of humans who originated in primitive communistic tribes of hunter-gatherers who shared and cooperated in order to survive, which is what we must relearn in order to have a future. When the hunt was successful all shared in the meat and when not they shared what was gathered. After millennia we advanced (?) to a system which transformed earth into real estate while bringing about wonderful material reality for some but only while destroying lives and other aspects of nature for many more. Just as slavery was great for many but dreadful for most, present day capitalism has advanced the life styles of millions but only by reducing billions to poverty, bigotry, social injustice and worse.

The present explosion in Israel with Palestinians dying by margins of ten to one after they murdered Israelis in number for the first time has seen a reaction globally and especially in America of opposition carefully stated as being against all violence but especially reacting to the bigoted savagery Palestinians have been forced to endure since 1948 when they lost their homeland and lives due to European savagery which they had nothing to do with by any stretch of idiocy or bigotry.

The present butchering of Palestinians is only the latest outrage rationalized as necessary to stop lower human forms of allegedly weaker races from being allowed to act as equals and achieve freedom said to be the sole possession of those who bless themselves with holiness while cursing the world with mass murder. The racial basis for most of this brutality is among the biggest lies perpetuated by supposed superior beings to rationalize all forms of human degradation made excusable by supposed children of gods in all their forms.

The solution to racism is to end the evil stupidity that socially creates it and face reality. There is only one human race. Rulers, especially capitalists, create divisions among people in order to create profits and prevent democracy, but it is long past time to wake up and smell the bullshit. There is no tall race or short race or yellow race or white race but only ruling powers that have forced those thoughts into captive minds to keep humanity unaware of our racial unity. All people are people of color and only a tiny group of us - albinos - have no Melanin and thus lack any color. Out of more than 8 billion humans there are some 200 thousand albinos and they are also human, suffering serious disabilities but still very much humans like all of us. Our sometimes broad differences are national, linguistic and ethnic but all of us share the need for food, clothing and shelter, no matter our skin tones, languages, cultures or reproductive organs. The class divisions that allow some to lavish in privilege while serving rulers are the serious divisions that must be overcome but racial differences are about as real as the Easter bunny, Santa Claus and all the other myths like poisoned vaccines and secret plots by one or another race that make as much sense as picking your nose to perform a self lobotomy.

If the hundreds of billions spent on mass murder rationalized as war and only seen as a degenerate social reality when performers do not murder in the proper form their rulers dictate so they, the rulers, can continue feeling superior while counting profits, were used for humanity’s sake, peace, social justice, equality and all the things most humans wish for could be reality. The present human nightmare as living reality will continue until and unless there is a mass awakening among a global and not just a national majority that cooperation for public good is absolutely necessary for there to be any future for all of us. That means the end of a so-called free market of private profiteers, which will help bring about a global community of truly free, and equal human beings, housed instead of being homeless, well fed instead of going hungry, and at peace in and among ourselves.

The continued pursuit of private profit at the market which demands that humans must produce market forces in order to find food, clothing, shelter and any and all other things that can create decent lives will mean the ultimate destruction of humanity and nature, no matter what minority led majorities may still believe. The ongoing slaughters in Europe and the middle east are business as usual and their attendant horror mean more profits for the billionaire minority at most dreadful expense of the eternally-so far- gulled majority.

Democracy means power of all the people to benefit all the people. Capitalism means continued destruction of humanity and our foundation, nature. It must end so that we can return to our roots as cooperating humans or we will end as a race, no matter what national or identity group we have been mentally tortured to believe in. All of us or none of us. Let’s put that too a global vote instead of accepting the national choice between political employees of the ruling minorities and their multi -billion dollar mass murder economy. Then we can truly speak of “our” democracy, and face a future of hope.

FRANK SCOTT, Senior Contributing Editor • Hailing from the San Francisco Bay area, Frank Scott, a man of Voltairean powers of observation, doesn’t beat around the bush.  Not only is Mr. Scott a great geopolitical analyst, but he is also an outstanding political moralist reminding the reader that illegitimate power must be held accountable and that citizen rights evaporate in the absence of truth enabling lucid participation in the struggle. Since 2007, he has stayed busy, posting more than an article a week at 

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Since the overpaid corporate media whores will never risk their careers to report the truth, the world must rely on citizen journalists to provide the facts that explain reality. Put this effort to use by becoming an influence multiplier. Repost this material everywhere you can. Send it to your friends and kin. Discuss it with your workmates. Liberation from this infernal and mendacious system is in your hands.
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Special interview with Khaled Barakat: Gaza demands end of genocide, not ‘ceasefire’

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By Saheli Chowdhury
Orinoco Tribune

Graphic for Orinoco Tribune’s special interview with Palestinian activist and author Khaled Barakat, available on YouTube. (Photo: Orinoco Tribune)

Special interview with Khaled Barakat: Gaza demands end of genocide, not ‘ceasefire’
Originally published: Orinoco Tribune on November 9, 2023 by Saheli Chowdhury (more by Orinoco Tribune)  |

Orinoco Tribune interviewed Palestinian activist and author Khaled Barakat about Palestine and the Palestinian struggle in the context of the Israeli occupation’s genocidal aggression against Gaza following the Palestinian Al-Aqsa Flood Operation on October 7. The ongoing genocidal attack on Palestine has killed more than 10,000 Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and wounded over 25,000, with 40% of the dead being children.

Barakat, when consulted about the pertinence of the “Ceasefire Now!” slogan used by people sympathetic with the Palestinian Liberation cause worldwide as well as by many governments around the world, commented that no one in Gaza demands ceasefire because that plays into the narrative of two equal forces in a battlefield, when in reality the Palestinian Resistance can not be equated to the Israeli occupation in any way militarily, politically, or morally.

On an international level, in demonstrations, when someone chants ceasefire and people repeat that, our role, I think, is actually not to say we don’t want ceasefire, but to explain that the content of this is to stop the aggression, the Israeli aggression, and to ensure that the Palestinian resistance comes out victorious.

“For national liberation movements, for people being subjugated to ethnic cleansing and genocide, if you ask them to stop their fire, it’s just misleading,” Barakat continued. “And to be honest with you sometimes some groups that would adopt the ceasefire slogan, I think they care about the Israelis captured in Gaza. If there were no Israelis captured in Gaza, they would probably not demand ceasefire. Then again, some groups want ceasefire because they really want ceasefire. They’re buying into this ceasefire narrative… It depends who is saying this and how they are saying this. But as a movement, I won’t adopt or condone this slogan.” Additionally he pointed out “we cannot adopt slogans that don’t have content and meaning… we have to start giving content to these slogans.”

Barakat is a Palestinian activist and thinker currently based in Canada. A leftist and revolutionary voice on Palestine, he has been the target of numerous smear campaigns in the West, aimed at silencing and criminalizing him and others like him fighting for Palestinian rights in the diaspora. In 2019, he was deported from Germany for his activism. In Canada also, he has been a target of threats and harassment coming from various quarters, including the parliament. On November 5, he was interviewed by Orinoco Tribune on the Palestinian Resistance’s Al-Aqsa Flood operation and its aftermath, the ongoing aggression of the Zionist entity on Palestinians in Gaza as well as in the West Bank and the 1948 Occupied Territories, and how the current situation in Palestine may impact the global geopolitical scenario. The interview was conducted by Orinoco Tribune co-editor Saheli Chowdhury and contributor Dalal.

Palestinian Resistance: From 2006 to Al-Aqsa Flood

According to Barakat, the Al-Aqsa Flood operation is a natural outcome of the way the Palestinian Resistance has developed since 2005-06, since “the end of the Arafat era and the beginning of… a reactionary, puppet Palestinian Authority led by Mahmoud Abbas.”

“It was a new era that called for elections of the Palestinian Authority, in which Hamas participated, and won,” Barakat explained, referring to the general elections of 2006 in which Hamas won with overwhelming majority in the Gaza Strip. He went on to describe that the United States and its satellite states did not recognize the election results, they “wanted Hamas to become a security agency” like the Palestinian Authority, “to commit to Oslo agreements” and “recognize Israel.” When Hamas refused to cede to the Western demands, “they waged a war against our people and against the resistance, and Gaza was immediately put under siege.” Gaza has been under a total blockade since then.

“In my view, the resistance did the right thing when they ended the Oslo team in Gaza and fully controlled Gaza,” continued Barakat,

because it meant that the resistance now had, I don’t want to say a liberated land in Palestine… but it’s semi-liberated. I have been in Gaza after that, and you can actually go from Rafah all the way to Beit Hanoun without any checkpoint. If you try to do that in the West Bank, go from one village to another, you face an Israeli checkpoint.

“They don’t understand the reality of the Palestinian people, and they speak from their very comfortable zones and try to judge the Palestinian struggle,” he stated further.

Those people usually condemn all resistance, whether it’s by Hamas or not Hamas. Their idea is that they want to blame the victim and at the same time blame Israel. But in reality, everyone blames Israel because it is the occupier. So if we take this case to the United Nations, to the General Assembly, to any people’s forum, they’ll blame Israel, because Israel is the aggressor, the oppressor, the occupying force. But to blame the victim is a very cowardly position.

“Israelis don’t differentiate between a Hamas fighter or a Palestinian leftist fighter or a nationalist fighter,” he pointed out.

They will target any Palestinian resistance. That is why the Palestinian armed resistance is very unified, despite the very harsh economic conditions, social conditions, even despite our differences.

Consequences of Al-Aqsa Flood

According to the Palestinian activist, the success of the Al-Aqsa Flood operation shattered the myth that the Israeli army was well organized and invincible. “The Palestinian resistance surprised everybody, and particularly the enemy, because the Israelis did not anticipated this offense,” Barakat said.

The persecution of Khaled Barakat by Germany and now Canada, reminds us that the corrupt elites running the US empire's satrapies are a moral disgrace setting them apart from the populations they supposedly lead. Because of their criminality, these governments no longer have any real legitimacy.

He added that the resistance was even surprised to see how the Israeli military system was collapsing so easily. “In fact, they only used 1200 fighters in this offensive and against one of the most well equipped Israeli division called Gaza Battalion,” he explained.

“We see that in the last two weeks after the ground invasion, the Israelis stayed in their tanks,” he added.

They’re not willing to leave their tanks, and they get attacked by the Palestinian resistance. I mean, they (the Israelis) are not fighters. They throw them there without strategy and without specific military tasks…The (occupation) is very confused and there is mistrust in  their ranks and there is a mistrust between the military leadership and the political leadership.

According to Barakat, the ongoing Israeli destruction and genocide in Gaza is a sign of the occupation entity’s recklessness in the face of defeat. It is also the “imperialist camp’s” response to their defeat. “This is the US’ doing. This is Germany, UK, France and others, it is not just Israel,” he pointed out.

Israel is committing the war crimes, but when you look at the weapons used, when you look at the support they’re getting, when you look at the political and media support, there is an entire imperialist camp standing behind Israel.

He also pointed out Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s own personal interests in the war. “If this ends now, Netanyahu will fall tomorrow,” he said.

I think, 76% of Israelis in the latest polls don’t want him as the prime minister and they think that he should resign. When a leader is leading a war with these kind of figures, then he is weak and defeated, and his internal front is very fragile and so Israel is going to be defeated for sure in this battle. The only thing they can do is they can kill more Palestinians, and that is what they are doing and they are doing it around the clock… They know they were defeated on October 7, and they are being defeated on the ground and they are being defeated morally because there is nothing brave about an Israeli pilot going into his F-16 and throwing bombs at children.

“So the U.S. is trying to tell Israel to try to think of a way to come out defeated, but not defeated totally,” he added. “They’re trying to pressure the Palestinian Resistance to give some concessions.” However, in Barakat’s opinion, the Resistance will not settle for less than achieving its original objectives which includes the release of Palestinian political prisoners, ending the siege of Gaza, and stopping the desecration of Muslim and Christian religious sites by Zionist settlers.

According to Barakat, another success of Al-Aqsa Flood was linking the struggle of the people in Gaza with the Palestinians in the West Bank, Jerusalem, the 1948 Occupied Territories, as well as Palestinians in the diaspora, especially the younger generations.

Regarding the Israeli’s captured by the Resistance, Barakat stated “the reason Israel wants to kill them is because [Israel] is scared of what will say about the resistance. How they were treated fairly, how they were treated with respect, how they were not tortured.” On the other hand, he pointed out “you see how they torture our prisoners.”

The operation also exposed the defeat of the Palestinian Authority, which is nothing but “an Israeli authority with a Palestinian face,” Barakat pointed out.

“Now Mahmoud Abbas has no legitimacy,” Barakat said in the same vein.

This authority does not represent the Palestinian people. They were not elected by the Palestinian people, and they are trying to wait and see the outcome of this Gaza war, hoping they can come back now riding an Israeli tank or an American tank. That is not going to happen. Everyone knows that the PA is a puppet of Israel, and as long as the PA is serving the U.S. and Israel, they’ll keep it. But if it stopped or ceased to be a useful tool for Israel and the U.S., they will end it and create some different entity.”

Barakat went on to describe Palestine’s role in the regional geopolitical situation. “Our people in West Asia is one contingent facing imperialism directly, and Palestine is at the forefront of that,” he expressed.

I can’t look at the solidarity movements in Iran or Lebanon or Pakistan as the same as the solidarity movement in Switzerland… They’re fighting for Palestine because Palestine is actually their cause. It is not just an idea for them, but it is connected to their lives and the destiny of their people and their country and the future of their country… For example, in Algeria, it is not just that the people of Algeria are supporting their Palestinian brothers and sisters, but Palestine is an Algerian national issue.

“Take into consideration that we are living in an interim period, we’re moving from one world to another, a world that is dominated by the United States to a multipolar system,” he continued.

Usually in these kind of interim periods, a lot of things gets hazy… I think that the situation after October 7 has changed drastically to our side, to the Palestinian side, to the revolutionary side, and to those who are willing to accept pluralism within revolution, within the camp of resistance.

What about the ‘Two State Solution’?

Barakat branded the Two-State Solution as “aggression against the Palestinian people” and a legitimisation of colonialism.

“The two-state solution is not something that was created after Oslo,” he said.

It was created with the partition of Palestine in 1947-1948, when the colonizers said a Jewish state and an Arab state of Palestine. At that time they just wanted to divide countries south and north and they thought that Palestine is the same. Well, we didn’t have civil war in Palestine to divide Palestine south and west. What we had was a colonialist settler movement supported by imperialist powers, and they wanted to displace the Palestinian people and establish this racist regime in Palestine in order to dominate the region. Not in order to dominate Palestine. Palestine is under occupation, but what they wanted Israel to do is to be a base to threaten the region… Whether Palestinians fight or not, the Zionist regime is in contradiction with the Lebanese people, the Syrian people, the people of Pakistan, of Iran, and so on.

Due to this reason, “Hezbollah, Ansarullah, Algeria, Iran, the people of the region understand very well that Palestine is their cause,” Barakat opined.

For the people in the region to have development, to have freedom, to have democracy, to have renaissance, we must look at what is the obstacle that is making us not being able to move forward in our economic development, our wealth, our resources. It is imperialism and Zionism. It is the U.S. and Israel, and of course the reactionary Arab regimes that are the advocates of the two-state solution.

As for those who support the Palestinian cause and yet advocate for the two-state solution, Barakat took the example of China. “When we ask our comrades in the Chinese Communist Party, are you willing to divide Taiwan or give any inch of Taiwan, they say no, we have a One China policy,” he explained.

Well, we have a One Palestine policy too. Why should we donate 80% of our land to Zionist racist settlers?

He further explained that even Israel does not want to implement the two-state solution. “Before October 7, they were trying to convince the Palestinian Authority to accept self-rule government and declare the two-state solution is no longer viable,” he stated.

The two state solution becomes a very high ceiling for Israel and Western powers and reactionary Arab regimes.

According to Barakat, even if the two-state solution were viable, it is not possible to implement it. “Where are you going to have these two states?” he asked.

“Even if the settlers leave the West Bank, even if they agree to dismantle all their colonies in the West Bank, even if they lift the siege on Gaza, the two-state solution will not be a viable solution for our people,” Barakat emphasized.

If they want to have Israel they can have it in Australia or in the U.S. In Canada. They can give some land in France, maybe Holland could donate some land and create Israel there. But in Palestine there is no place for Israel, there is no place for Zionism.

“Liberation of Palestine is the goal, and it is a noble goal,” he stated.

And it is not only liberation of Palestinians, it is also the liberation of everyone in Palestine. Because the only way we can liberate Zionists from their racist ideology is to defeat them. You cannot teach colonizers equality theoretically or through dialogue. You have to defeat them first and then they will understand.


Transcript of the Interview

Premiered Nov 9, 2023

Surprisingly, Barakat does not support the idea of a ceasefire.

(—Orinoco Tribune interviewed Palestinian activist and author Khaled Barakat about Palestine and the Palestinian struggle in the context of the Israeli occupation’s genocidal aggression against Gaza following the Palestinian Al-Aqsa Flood Operation on October 7.

The ongoing genocidal attack on Palestine has killed more than 11,000 Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and wounded over 25,000, with 40% of the dead being children. Barakat, when consulted about the pertinence of the “Ceasefire Now!” slogan used by people sympathetic with the Palestinian Liberation cause worldwide as well as by many governments around the world, commented that no one in Gaza demands ceasefire because that plays into the narrative of two equal forces in a battlefield, when in reality the Palestinian Resistance can not be equated to the Israeli occupation in any way militarily, politically, or morally. However, he added that we have to look at who are demanding ceasefire in Gaza.

Additionally he pointed out “we cannot adopt slogans that don’t have content and meaning… we have to start giving content to these slogans.” Barakat is a Palestinian activist and thinker currently based in Canada. A leftist and revolutionary voice on Palestine, he has been the target of numerous smear campaigns in the West, aimed at silencing and criminalizing him and others like him fighting for Palestinian rights in the diaspora. In 2019, he was deported from Germany for his activism. In Canada also, he has been a target of threats and harassment coming from various quarters, including the parliament. On November 5, he was interviewed by Orinoco Tribune on the Palestinian Resistance’s Al-Aqsa Flood operation and its aftermath, the ongoing aggression of the Zionist entity on Palestinians in Gaza as well as in the West Bank and the 1948 Occupied Territories, and how the current situation in Palestine may impact the global geopolitical scenario.

The interview was conducted by Orinoco Tribune co-editor Saheli Chowdhury and contributor Dalal. Palestinian Resistance: From 2006 to Al-Aqsa Flood

According to Barakat, the Al-Aqsa Flood operation is a natural outcome of the way the Palestinian Resistance has developed since 2005-06, since “the end of the Arafat era and the beginning of… a reactionary, puppet Palestinian Authority led by Mahmoud Abbas.” “It was a new era that called for elections of the Palestinian Authority, in which Hamas participated, and won,” Barakat explained, referring to the general elections of 2006 in which Hamas won with overwhelming majority in the Gaza Strip. He went on to describe that the United States and its satellite states did not recognize the election results, they “wanted Hamas to become a security agency” like the Palestinian Authority, “to commit to Oslo agreements” and “recognize Israel.” When Hamas refused to cede to the Western demands, “they waged a war against our people and against the resistance, and Gaza was immediately put under siege.” Gaza has been under a total blockade since then. “In my view, the resistance did the right thing when they ended the Oslo team in Gaza and fully controlled Gaza,” continued Barakat, “because it meant that the resistance now had, I don’t want to say a liberated land in Palestine… but it’s semi-liberated. I have been in Gaza after that, and you can actually go from Rafah all the way to Beit Hanoun without any checkpoint. If you try to do that in the West Bank, go from one village to another, you face an Israeli checkpoint.” Barakat also gave a view of how the Palestinian resistance works in Gaza. “Gaza is very small, it is 2.1 million Palestinians living in less than 360 km². So the idea was to build another Gaza under Gaza,” he explained.

Saheli Chowdhury
is from West Bengal, India, studying physics for a profession, but with a passion for writing. She is interested in history and popular movements around the world, especially in the Global South. She is a contributor and works as co-editor for Orinoco Tribune.

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Since the overpaid corporate media whores will never risk their careers to report the truth, the world must rely on citizen journalists to provide the facts that explain reality. Put this effort to use by becoming an influence multiplier. Repost this material everywhere you can. Send it to your friends and kin. Discuss it with your workmates. Liberation from this infernal and mendacious system is in your hands.
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Garland Nixon

Garland Nixon is widely known anti-imperialist geopolitical analyst. Nixon is a former police officer and criminal justice adjunct professor. He received the national "Stand" award from the American Civil Liberties Union for his work on criminal justice reform and police misconduct.

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Since the overpaid corporate media whores will never risk their careers to report the truth, the world must rely on citizen journalists to provide the facts that explain reality. Put this effort to use by becoming an influence multiplier. Repost this material everywhere you can. Send it to your friends and kin. Discuss it with your workmates. Liberation from this infernal and mendacious system is in your hands.
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Israel Goes Rogue

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Billy Bob's Dispatches

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